Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1899: Soul Power Sword

"Sure enough."

Xiao Yi chuckled lightly.

He just thought of the soul pill in the magic light dangerous place.

The soul pill here is nothing more than refining the inner pill of the soul beast and then wrapping it with the medicinal power of the treasure of heaven, material and earth.

Its function is to preserve the soul power for the soul master to use.

Xiao Yi is the same now.

Wrap the source of soul power with virulence and store it in the small world in the form of a "poison pill".

When you really need to use these spirit powers, you can directly dissipate the poison.

Xiao Yi also remembered at the same time that when he first entered the Magic Light Cave Mansion, in front of this soul power source, almost all the martial arts had changed.

Including Gu Lianxing's Wuhun, and Gongsun Huowu's Wuhun.

Even his fire-controlling beast martial soul was in a state of joy.

But at that time, Bingluan Sword alone did not move.

It was the same just now. After entering this magic light cave, his Bingluan Sword did not move. On the contrary, it was after the soul power entered the small world that Bingluan Sword suddenly began to absorb frantically.

Although I don't know the exact reason.

But Xiao Yi guessed that there should be a barrier between the Bingluan Sword and the soul power source.

Bingluan sword did not accurately sense the existence of the soul power source, so there was no change.

And after he inhaled the essence of soul power into his body, Bingluan Jian felt it, and then he absorbed it like crazy.

Therefore, Xiao Yi tried to wrap the soul power source with poison, creating an extra barrier between the De Bingluan Sword and the soul power source.

Sure enough, Bingluan Sword did not change.

However, Xiao Yi's guess still has a doubt.

That's why it is clearly separated by a barrier, but the other martial arts are so excited?

Such as the fire-controlling beast, the current fire-controlling beast, but staring at the soul power wrapped in poison.

However, the Fire Control Beast was under his absolute control, and as long as he didn't want it, the Fire Control Beast could not absorb these spirit powers.

For a long while.

Xiao Yi shook his head, and didn't even think about it.

Regarding Bingluan sword, he had had countless doubts a long time ago, and now it doesn't matter if there is one more.

When the Bingluan sword is completely repaired in the future, these mysteries will eventually be solved.

After thinking about it, Xiao Yi stretched out his hands, and after approaching the soul power source, he quickly sucked out a trace of soul power.

The soul power enters the body, immediately envelops it with poison, and then enters the small world.

After an entire hour, Xiao Yi stopped drawing.

The source of the soul power in front of him was about a tenth smaller.

And within his small world, there was a spirit power wrapped in poison.

"Huh, it's enough for the time being." Xiao Yi let out a light breath and nodded.

Today, this is the limit he can draw.

No, to be precise, it is the limit he can save.

He didn't have enough virulence to wrap up the whole group of soul power.

The soul power source that envelops these tenths has exhausted all the poison in his body.

Xiao Yi carefully watched the small world inwardly. After a long while, Bingluan Sword remained unchanged, and he was relieved.

This one-tenth of the soul power source is probably not enough for the Bingluan Sword to absorb for a few seconds.

Withdrawing perception, Xiao Yi sat down cross-legged.

In the hands of Qiankun Ring, the light flashed, and strains of poison appeared out of thin air.

These poisons are not too many, some were obtained during his journey and some were exchanged in the main hall of the Black Demon Temple passing by.

It is obviously not enough for cultivation.

But it's enough to restore one's virulence.

An hour later, Xiao Yi regained his virulence and stood up.

The poisonous power that envelops the soul power is not gone, but it is no longer stored in the poison world.

In the future, if he needs to use his spirit power in battle, he can dissipate the poison directly.

Then, these virulence will return to the poison world again as a supplement to the virulence.

In other words, even if he really encountered a big battle, he could immediately use the soul power in the small world, and at the same time, there was twice the virulence enough for him to break out.

After doing everything well, Xiao Yi straightened his robe, and his figure flashed out of the Magic Light Cave Mansion.

The night of the full moon is known as the most dangerous day in the magic light.

On this day, all spirit masters, including the warriors of the Magic Light Mansion, would evacuate from the dangerous place.

Therefore, the whole dangerous place was completely empty at this moment, and Xiao Yi left all the way without seeing a half figure.

Waiting to reach the edge of the dangerous land, Xiao Yi stopped slightly.

This time, although it failed to take away the source of the entire group of soul power.

But a tenth is enough.

This group of soul power source, the soul power contained in it is so pure and huge; even if it is a few tenths, it is already a powerful force.

Now, enough is enough.

Although the whole group of soul power is greedy, there is no way to take it away.

Rumor has it that these 18 cave houses were left after the death of the founder of the 18 houses.

These 18 people are known as the best 18 warriors since the end of the ancient period.

I don't know how strong he was during his lifetime; I don't know why he left the cave.

However, judging from the treasures of the Dongfu that Xiao Yi had seen, almost every breath made him extremely frightened.

Such as the countless golden light power of the Golden Light Cave Mansion, and the blood power source within the Blood Light Cave Mansion.

Even a single trace was enough to make him tremble and chill.

Only the source of the soul power here in Illusory Light Mansion, he didn't feel any discomfort at all.

At this moment, Xiao Yi specifically stopped to see what dangers and abnormalities would be in this phantom light place, on a full moon night.

If there is any serious crisis, he will be well prepared next time.

Moreover, if it is really a crisis that he cannot cope with, he is on the edge now, and he can leave immediately.

But he watched it for half an hour, and there was no change in the danger.

Xiao Yi curled his lips, his figure flashed, and he could only leave.

Until he retreated thousands of miles away, looking back, there was still no change in the dangerous place in the distance.

Xiao Yi could only dispel his thoughts and completely disappeared into the distant sky.

Until this time, within the phantom light, it was trembling, and the storm of spirit power was raging.

The whole dangerous place seemed to be in an ocean of spirit power, but this ocean was constantly turbulent and surging.

The terrifying violent aura, I am afraid that only a trace is enough to make the peerless pinnacle retreat, even if it is as strong as the legend, dare not easily set foot.


Half an hour later, Xiao Yi returned to Jinguang dangerously.

Waiting until night, the golden light aura erupted from the golden pit.

After a long while, the breath eruption tends to be stable.

Whoosh... Xiao Yi's figure flickered, then jumped into the pothole again, and went deeper than 20,000 meters.

Before coming to Dongfu, Xiao Yi stepped forward.


A sharp sword, take the lead.

Xiao Yi ignored it, but speeded up his pace and stepped straight ahead a few meters.

锵... 锵... 锵... 锵... 锵...

Eighteen sharp swords burst out.

Xiao Yi's eyes narrowed, booming... an invisible soul power burst out instantly.

A sharp sword appeared out of thin air.

Above the sharp sword, exudes the extreme cold breath, sharp and sharp.

That is a sword of soul power.

Soul power turns into a sword, soul control it.

This is the soul master method.

"Golden Light Sword Formation? Poison Dao can't break your sword formation, so I will break it with Sword Dao." Xiao Yi's eyes were cold.


Second more.

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