Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1902: Powerful Golden Relic

Within the body, the power of the evil way is like a wolf of evil, domineering and weird.

However, with the emergence of the extreme cold aura in the shriveled small world, at this moment, the dominance and weirdness disappeared.

They can run around in Xiao Yi's body, domineeringly'assimilate' everything in it.

However, what they didn't know was that there was an absolute forbidden area of ​​ice and snow that they stepped into.

Their chaos only awakened a hungry, more domineering existence than them.

"Bingluan sword." Xiao Yi reacted in an instant.

Mind, has restored clarity.

He didn't even make any movements, he just looked inside and watched.

After the strands of evil power were forcibly sucked into the shriveled world, they were quickly absorbed by the Bingluan Sword.


The body of the Bingluan sword trembled constantly.

Jianyin, with a coldness, swept the whole shriveled world.

That seems to be the voice of joy.

However, it seems to be a voice of dissatisfaction and protest.

This kind of protest was clearly addressed to Xiao Yi.

That kind of dissatisfaction is obviously also directed at Xiao Yi.

The extreme absorption speed seemed to be afraid of Xiao Yi, the master, and snatched the food from his mouth.

That kind of dissatisfaction seemed to be narrating the huge swarm of soul power yesterday that was blasted out of the body by Xiao Yi.

Xiao Yi curled his lips and glanced at the golden relic in his hand.

On the golden light relic, black energy kept emerging, but it also kept entering Xiao Yi's body and was instantly absorbed.

The evil power that had raged everywhere in Xiao Yi's body had long been absorbed by Bingluan Sword.

Now, Bingluan Sword has the idea of ​​this golden light relic.

No matter how much the power of the evil way in the golden light relic is, the Bingluan sword is still like a bottomless pit, constantly sucking.

Seeing this, Xiao Yi chuckled and shook his head again.

The two martial spirits in his body are really more edible than the other.

However, it is the power of these evil ways that is being eaten now, Xiao Yi doesn't care at all.

"Suck it, **** it hard for me, and give it all to you." Xiao Yi muttered to himself.

Xiao Yi smiled, and there was a lingering fear in his heart.

Thanks to Bingluan Sword being able to absorb the power of these evil ways, otherwise, he would no longer be a monstrous monster with a terrifying face, but a truly bloodthirsty monster.

Any martial arts will affect the martial artist.

Such as kendo fighters, most of them are arrogant, arrogant, and even paranoid.

Fire Dao warriors are mostly irritable people who will fight if they don't agree with each other.

Waterway warriors are mostly gentle and gentle, but sometimes they can go violently like the Nu River and get out of control.

Among the various martial arts, the stronger and the top martial arts, the greater the impact.

At this time, it depends on the martial artist's mind and the strength of Dao's mind.

If you can't stick to the Dao Heart, the demons will be born.

If Dao Xin is strong enough, it can suppress these influences. Of course, there will be some influences, but it is not enough to shake the heart and mind of the martial artist, so it can almost be ignored.

But only the evil Dao is the most overbearing and weird. The kind of "swallowing" will directly "swallow" the Dao heart and "assimilate" it, and it cannot be resisted at all.

The evil ways have also created those evil cultivation.

Xie Xiu's pursuit of power is nothing but madness and at all costs.

It can't be said that their minds are gone, only that their minds have already turned into an evil nature.

This is the reason why evil cultivation and evil ways are rejected by everyone.

In this world, there is no righteousness or evil, but the human heart.

If it is not said that there is, then only evil ways remain.

Because at the moment of entering the evil way, people's hearts have changed.

The human heart can't even withstand the assimilation and swallowing of evil ways.

This has nothing to do with the martial artist's willpower, means, strength, and other factors.

The evil way is like this, under the rules of heaven and earth, it is like this.

Xiao Yi shook his head, thinking for a while.

At this time, the absorption of Bingluan Sword in the body had already stopped.

The golden light relic in his hand has no more black energy attached.

Instead, it was a powerful inner alchemy with perfect roundness and gleaming golden light.

Obviously, Bingluan Sword did not intend to absorb the power of the golden light in this golden light relic, but only absorbed the power of a large amount of evil way attached to it.

The reason is not clear to Xiao Yi either.

Looking inside, the crack on Bingluan Jianjian's body was repaired again.

"Do you only **** evil power?" Xiao Yi muttered to himself in confusion.

A light flashed in his hand, and he took out a few evil Dao array plates.

This was the spoils he had gained when he killed Xie Xiu in the past.

Speaking of it, there are tens of thousands of evil Dao formations in his Qiankun Ring, and every piece contains a lot of evil power.

If Bingluan Sword can absorb it, then it would be better.

The more cracks in the sword are repaired, the faster he can repair the entire Bingluan sword.

However, Xiao Yi took out the evil Dao formation and held it in his hand, even forcibly stimulating the evil force inside, but the Bingluan sword did not move.

"No?" Xiao Yi was stunned.

In the small world, Bingluan Sword was silent and unchanged.

Xiao Yi frowned.

In his impression, the Bingluan Sword could absorb any attribute power.

Fire attribute power, kendo power, ice attribute power, blood power, soul power, and so on. Nowadays, even the power of evil ways can be absorbed.

However, it does not absorb all power.

If he remembered correctly, in terms of fire attributes, the Bingluan sword could only move when he saw the world's mighty flames.

Back then, the star fire in the Medicine King Valley, the golden fire of the flame sacred mountain, the boiling demon fire of the boiling mountain range, etc., were all too late for Xiao Yi to stop, the Bingluan sword turned out by himself and sucked it clean.

The rest, such as the top flame, the legendary rare flame, and the first-class flame, have not seen any movement.

In terms of ice attribute power, when I encountered the power left by Venerable Ice back then, I also sucked it up.

In terms of blood strength, Bingluan Jian tried to **** his blood, but he has not seen the blood of other warriors.

In terms of soul power, it has also absorbed the soul power source of the Magic Light Cave Mansion.

Now, Bingluan Sword has completely absorbed the evil power on the golden light relic, but has no movement against the evil power on the evil road formation.

Xiao Yi shook his head, before thinking about it, withdrew the evil Dao array in his hand.

Look back at the golden relic in the palm of his hand.

At this moment, the feeling of the golden light relic on the palm of his hand has disappeared.

Xiao Yi played with the golden light relic, and inside his body, the feeling of being flooded with golden light appeared again.

Xiao Yi took a few steps forward, exited the Jinguang Cave Mansion, and grabbed a simple and simple sword in his hand.

"So strong." Xiao Yi squinted his eyes.

Intuition told him that he can kill the legend with a single sword.

Even if he is only peerless 9990 Dao now.

But the golden light relic in the palm of the palm, the continuous golden light power, is enough to make him kill the legend, like a chicken.

A feeling of invincibility flooded all over his body, filled his heart, and made Xiao Yi feel refreshed.

However, he still shook his head and chuckled lightly.

Putting away the golden light relic in his palm, he also put down the sword in his hand.

"Unfortunately, this is not my sword."


Second more.

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