Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1942: Draw, the source of soul power

one day later.

Blood light dangerously, within the blood light cave.

The three main hallmasters of the hunting demon, sitting cross-legged at the end of the cave, stood up together for a long while.

The head of the Demon Hunter looked at the end of the cave and nodded.

"Although the blood relic is gone, but with the strength of the three of us, to repair one day and one night, the Dongfu ban should not be much weaker than before."

The main hall of Yandian nodded, "Eighteen Cave Mansion bans, it can suppress those evil things for thousands of years, this is extraordinary."

"Although the martial arts relics, the source of the restraining power, were taken, the restraining power was greatly reduced."

"But the ban is still there, and the three of us will work together to fix it, and the ban will not be much worse."

"Later, before we leave, we will announce another three formations to ban the main mansion, which can be guaranteed."

The prohibition of Blood Light Cave Mansion has been repaired.

After that, the three main hall masters will place their own martial arts restrictions, which will surely be safe.

In the current world, there are not many people who can be restricted by the martial arts of the three main hall masters.

The Master Yaozun's brow frowned slightly, "Here in Blood Light Cave Mansion, before we came, there was a forbidden formation."

"The level of the big formation is not weak, and looking at the traces of the formation, it is also powerful."

"And under the banned formation, there is another trace of the evil magic formation."

The head of the Demon Hunter nodded and said solemnly, "If I'm not mistaken, it is a trace of the spatial evil formation."

"It must be the group of evil cultivators who intend to release some evil things through the spatial evil formation here."

"However, another person suddenly appeared, broke their good deeds, and re-banned them."

The head of the Yandian Hall smiled, "In this way, Xiao Xun has a good temperament."

Stronger than the three main hall masters, naturally you can find the traces of the formation left here.

Naturally, it was possible to guess that the evil cultivation had been broken, and the one who was banned under this cloth was Xiao Xun.

"Not counting the five-day cave, it can break the six stars and six lights, this Xiao Xun is terrific." The main hall master Yao Zun said in a deep voice.

"I'm afraid it's compared to the Yi Xiao kid, and it's not too much."

"Speaking of which, I haven't heard anything from Yi Xiao in the past few months." Yandian Chief Hall Master smiled.

As the head of the Yandian Hall spoke, he seemed to think of something, and his smile suddenly solidified.

"Nothing will happen, right?"

The Master Yaozun also frowned, "The most recent news of the kid Yi Xiao was when there was a riot in the Tianzang Academy."

"According to the dead kendo evildoer, he was preparing to retreat and therefore missed the grand event in the tomb of the ancient emperor."

"But it's been a long time since now. There won't be any accidents during retreat, right?"

The two main hall masters were not worried that Yi Xiao would have trouble while walking, and believed in Yi Xiao's ability.

But retreat is hard to say.

Especially closing some deadlocks, or some extremely dangerous martial arts bottleneck on the road of martial arts, for the martial artist, it is no less than a danger of life and death.

"Damn it, it's a pity that there is no sign of his life in the main hall." The head of the main hall of Yao Zun frowned more tightly.

"Otherwise, I don't know if this kid is in danger now."

The head of the Yandian Hall looked angry, "Who made that kid refuse to take off his mask?"

"The main hall has the rules of the main hall, and he doesn't even show his true face. According to the hall rules, he is not qualified to brand the breath in the main hall."

"Although he recorded the title of deputy hall master in the main hall, it can be recorded in tokens, and it is still in other main halls."

"After he was announced as the successor by the three of us, the token record and all the information became confidential, and even the person in charge of the main hall had no authority to check the situation."

"Damn it, that kid really has an accident, we don't know."

Yes, Xiao Yi's token record is not recorded at all.

If the three main hall masters went to the main hall kept by Xiao Yi token record at this time, they would be able to see that there was no breath above the token.

It's a pity that the person in charge in the main hall has no authority to check.

This seems very strange.

But in retrospect, Yi Xiao, the deputy hall master who had not even revealed his true face, was directly designated as his successor, and he was already an exception by the three chief hall masters.

Upon hearing this, the head of the hunting hall frowned first, then smiled.

"If you don't rest assured, we can go to the main hall where the brat breath token is kept and check it out."

"But I believe it more, that kid is not surprised."

"He has always seen the dragon without seeing the end, and his whereabouts are erratic; if he didn't appear on his own, no one would find him."

"The three of us, since we have always believed in him, we don't need to worry too much at this moment."

"But." The head of the Hunter's Palace frowned slightly, "Next time, when he comes back again, even if he doesn't want to, he will have to brand a ban under him."

"Otherwise, the successor to the Three Halls will always disappear without a trace, and no one can be found.

The two main hall masters nodded.

"Next time you come back, if there is no accident, the kid will be mad about the other twin, and he has to make a good word."

"Humph." The head of the demon hunter snorted coldly, "If he doesn't agree with the decision of the three of us, then he will take over."

"If he refuses to take over, he can't change anything."

Obviously, the incident of Yi Xiao's uproar in the Tianzang Academy had already been anticipated by the three masters of the Palace, and that Yi Xiao would definitely go wild afterwards.

However, this was their best chance to force Yi Xiao to take over.

The three of them looked at each other and showed a triumphant smile like "conspiracy succeeded."


On the other side, it's far within the phantom light.

Xiao Yi sat cross-legged.

Not long after, there was a roar beneath the ground.

The Magic Light Cave Mansion was born in a sudden.

"Huh?" Xiao Yi's eyes were startled, "How come the cave was born before the full moon night?"

According to his guess, there are at least ten days left before the next full moon night.

Xiao Yi felt it, and frowned.

"Dongfu prohibition was triggered?"

The eighteen cave houses all have restrictions.

Only when the prohibition is triggered can the world become available.

However, the conditions for triggering the prohibition are different.

Here is the night of the full moon.

Now that the night of the full moon has not arrived, the cave is automatically born?

In fact, now not only the Magic Light Cave Mansion was born, but the other 17 cave manures were also born.

The eight main hall masters have already triggered the restriction covering the entire Eighteenth Mansion area.

Naturally, the prohibition in Magic Light Cave Mansion was also triggered.

Dongfu was born.

But Xiao Yi didn't know this, and was surprised.

"Forget it, no matter." Xiao Yi shook his head.

The figure flashed, directly into the cave mansion.

He didn't know why the Magic Light Cave Mansion was born, but it didn't matter anymore. After taking the soul power source, he could leave.

Within the Magic Light Cave Mansion, Xiao Yi came to the end of the cave mansion directly.

He has entered this magic light cave several times, and there is no surprise.


The light flashed, and the eight dragon burning furnace appeared out of thin air.

"Suck." Xiao Yi shouted in a low voice and began to **** at the whole group of soul power origin.

This time, instead of inhaling into his body, he sucked into the eight dragon incinerator.


Second more.

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