Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1944: Spike legend

The surrounding scene has been restored.

Xiao Yi stood up slowly, his eyes were cold, his momentum soared, his body's virulence condensed at its limit.

He doesn't even need to perceive, he already knows the old man in front of him, very strong.

Many of Shui Ninghan's men were these strange old guys.

"Huh? No." Xiao Yi's heart suddenly burst, and the soaring momentum of his body also suddenly stagnated.

This stagnation seems to be just a moment.

Because the old man in front of him feels more terrifying.

This feeling even far surpasses the ghost hand old man.

Few people have ever given him this feeling; but any one is the greatest legend in the world.

For example, the master of Shura, the master of the wind brake, the master of the hunting monster, the senior Luo...

So, the old man in front of you...

Xiao Yi's heart burst.

He is not a fool.

In those illusions just now, those methods seem to be the magical way of freezing cold water.

And Shui Ninghan, according to his estimation, was unfathomable. There were many strong people under his hands, including some extremely powerful old monsters.

Therefore, at that moment, he regarded the old man in front of him as a cold person.

But now, Xiao Yi dismissed this idea in an instant.

The old man in front of him is absolutely strong.

The strong at this level, Shui Ninghan did not have the qualifications to drive it.

Thinking of the formation that trapped him just now, the identity of the old man in front of him was already ready to be revealed.

Sure enough, the old man took out a token from his hand.

"The token of the main hall of the Palace of Heavenly Secrets?" Although Xiao Yi had guessed wrong in his heart, he was surprised when he saw it.

"See the main hall master." Xiao Yi bowed slightly.

Of course, this is just a gift from the predecessors.

The old man, listening to Xiao Yi's surprised tone, smiled complacently, "Smelly boy, do you still call it old man?"

"Um." Xiao Yi was slightly embarrassed, putting away his vigor and vigilance.

Let's not say that characters like the Lord of the Heavenly Secret Hall will not attack him.

If he really did, he wouldn't even have a chance to resist.

The old man, who is the Master of Heaven's Secret, walked towards Xiao Yi, took a few glances, and nodded.

"You can't see your face clearly."

"Plus this black robe, and the hoarse voice."

"I don't know, I really thought you were an old guy, you were fooled by you, brat."

"Heh." Xiao Yi smiled awkwardly in indifferent expression.

The Black Demon Hall, the Heavenly Secret Hall, and the Soul Hall are Alliance Halls.

Senior Luo knew that he was a young man, and the Lord of Heavenly Mystery, naturally knew.

"I don't know if the main hall master is looking for me, but something is going on?" Xiao Yi asked, regaining his indifference as before.

"Naturally there is." The head of the Heavenly Secret Hall nodded, then his eyes fell cold, and he glanced around.

"Leave here first."

Upon hearing this, Xiao Yi was secretly puzzled.

He had clearly caught a hint of vigilance and caution on the face of the main hall of the heavenly secret.

That was the serious face of a strong man.

At the level of the Lord of the Heavenly Secret, there are not many things that can make him serious, even showing a sense of caution.

Moreover, to break into the Eighteen Caves by himself, he came here according to Senior Luo's trading terms.

The Lord of the Heavenly Secret Hall came to find him personally, what did he do?

Although he was puzzled, Xiao Yi nodded.

The two walked away.

However, before leaving, he clearly heard the Lord of the Heavenly Secret Hall murmured.

"How can I not see those two evil animals today."

"Forget it, the old man is better at dealing with imaginary beasts, Illusory Light Cave Mansion, let it be repaired."


The magic light is dangerously, a million miles away.

Xiao Yi frowned slightly, "Evil beast? Void beast?"

Xiao Yi was puzzled.

He naturally heard the muttering of the Master Palace Master, but he didn't know what it meant.

The Lord of the Heavenly Secret Hall looked at Xiao Yi carefully, and for a while, asked, "Boy, did you encounter any danger when you entered the Magic Light Cave Mansion?"

"Danger?" Xiao Yi shook his head.

"Where is the monster?" The Master Palace Master continued to ask.

"No." Xiao Yi shook his head again and said, "It's a bit strange that the Magic Light Cave Mansion was born today."

"It stands to reason that Magic Light Cave Mansion will only be born on the night of the full moon."

The Lord of the Heavenly Secret Hall knew the reason for the sudden birth of the Magic Light Cave Mansion, but didn't say much.

"It's not dangerous?" The Lord of Heaven's Secret Palace frowned and muttered to himself, "Could it be that those two wicked animals slept and dozed?"

"Forget it, ignore them."

"People safe is good."

The Lord of the Heavenly Secret Hall had a lot of Xiao Yi, and Xiao Yi was clearly unharmed.

Xiao Yi also frowned, and he just felt inexplicable for the muttering of the Master Palace Master.

"The main hall master hasn't told me yet, why are you looking for a kid?"

"Oh." The Lord of the Heavenly Secret Hall smiled and patted Xiao Yi on the shoulder.

It's just that his slightly short body requires raising his hand to pat Xiao Yi's shoulder, which looks a little funny.

"Come to you, it's..."

The Lord of Heavenly Mystery, just about to say something.

In the distance, several streamers suddenly burst into the air.

The speed of the streamer is extremely fast.

In an instant, they had arrived in front of them.

Those were five middle-aged people with arrogant faces and cold eyes.

The gazes of the five people directly ignored the Chief Palace Master of Heavenly Mystery, and put them all on Xiao Yi.

"Are you the Dark Demon, Xiao Xun?"

"How many are?" Xiao Yi nodded and asked.

The five of them instantly turned cold, "We ask you, the old Palace Master of Medicine Star Mansion, there is also a kind of Elder of Medicine Star Mansion, but all of them died under your hands?"

The five of them had a questioning tone.

That is the general attitude of the superior to the command of the inferior.

Xiao Yi's eyes were also cold, and the five people in front of him were obviously unkind.

"Yes." Xiao Yi nodded and sneered.

The five people answered, and the coldness on their faces turned into anger, and then into violent killing intent.

"Okay, very good, Xiao Xun is a villain, you still dare to act, dare to admit it."

"Then, take your life."

Five people shot instantly.

"Five peerless peaks?" Xiao Yi narrowed his eyes and instantly recognized the cultivation of these five people.

"No, there is one more legendary."

The five middle-aged people were actually four peerless pinnacles, and one reached the legendary elementary level.

Which force is this?

Although Xiao Yi was puzzled, he was not stunned. The virulence in his hands broke out in an instant.

Before the five people approached, Xiao Yi already put out his hands and shook them hard.

Overwhelmingly virulent, shot out like a mountain.

The aura of the five middle-aged people is like vast stars, crushed by stars.

The strongest among them, that is, the legendary beginner, took a shot.

The moonlight appeared in the palm, rushing towards Xiao Yi's head.

"Shaking Moon Palm?" Xiao Yi recognized the middle-aged man's palm at a glance.

"Are you from the Holy Moon Sect?"

"Some eyesight." The middle-aged leader sneered, but his palms did not diminish.

"You are looking for death." Xiao Yi's eyes were cold, and it broke out to the extreme at this moment.

In the air, a black streamer flickered several times.

Four bodies collapsed suddenly.

Xiao Yi's palm was held on the head of the middle-aged man's throat.

"Legendary Elementary? It's just a joke." Xiao Yi's eyes were already fierce.

The arm shook.

Ten thousand poisonous hands crushed the throat of the headed middle-aged man.


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