Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1946: cost? no

"I believe."

The main hall of the heavenly machine, only spit out two characters at random.

Elder Jiang Yue's face turned dark.

"Also." The Master of Heaven's Secret Palace laughed playfully. "The old man said that they are evil cultivators, and they are."

"Huh?" Xiao Yi, who was standing behind him, was startled.

The Lord of the Heavenly Secret Hall, so straightforwardly arrogant without asking questions, is already protecting shortcomings in disguise.

He Xiao Yi, when is it worth the Master Palace Master to protect him like this?

"Hallmaster of Heavenly Mystery, do you have to be arrogant and unreasonable?" Elder Jiang Yue's tone gradually became cold.

"Although the Eight Halls are strong, my Holy Moon Sect is not afraid of them."

"If you want to deceive me Saint Moon Sect, I am afraid you are looking for the wrong person."

The Lord of the Heavenly Secret Hall sneered when he heard the words, "Deception? This sentence should be our Eighth Hall talking to your Holy Moon Sect."

"Although the Eight Palaces are not as close as before, they have not yet fallen into your Holy Moon Sect to deceive us Eight Palaces martial artists."

The tone of the Lord of the Heavenly Secret Hall became unpleasant inexplicably.

"Within ten breaths, get out."

"The more the old man looks at you, the more upset he gets."

"The Master of Heaven's Secret Hall." Elder Jiang Yue gave a cold cry.

"Xiao Xun is the one that my Holy Moon Sect must kill. You must protect him, but you want to go to war with my Holy Moon Sect?"

Go to war?

These two words were uttered by a title elder, and they were already extremely heavy words.

But hearing it in the ears of the Lord of the Heavenly Secret Hall only made him even more unhappy.

"Ming is stubborn." The Master Palace Master shook his head.

A light flashed in his hand, and a piece of spiritual stone appeared in his hand out of thin air.

Seeing no movement from the Lord of the Heavenly Secret Hall, there was a burst of light flickering above the spirit stone.

The Lord of the Heavenly Secret Palace throws at will, the spirit stone in his hand, and throws it out.


The power of the monstrous formation method poured down instantly.

Elder Jiang Yue and the deacons of Saint Yuezong have not reacted yet, they have been trapped in the big formation.

Within the big formation, the flood was overwhelming, flooding the five elders of Jiangyue at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"How is it possible to form an array in an instant?" Xiao Yi was startled.

If he read it right, the spiritual stone just now was just an ordinary one.

And the great formation in front of him, at least the level of the ancient great formation, is powerful.

Such a strong formation, in the hands of the Lord of the Heavenly Secret Hall, is actually a wave of hands?

Before Xiao Yi could react, the huge array in front of him was already flooded by the monstrous flood.

Elder Jiang Yue and several deacons of Saint Yuezong were among them, they could only follow the crowd and couldn't resist.

Obviously, you can see that the deacons of Saint Yuezong have already flushed and their breathing is not smooth.

"Jiang Yue kid." The Lord of the Heavenly Secret Hall sneered.

"The old man heard that you are repairing the Jiangyue Road, so you have this title, and you are also very good at water."

"My old man, the water channel formation depends on whether you have the ability to break it."

Within the big array.

Elder Jiang Yue's expression was ugly.

The monstrous flood is obviously not simple, and every drop contains the power of the monstrous water channel.

Such a large-scale flood is permeating and flooding the large array, and the pressure is probably even more tens of thousands of mountains.

The pressure alone was enough to make him feel uncomfortable, let alone break the battle.

"Senior Tianji." Within the big formation, Elder Jiang Yue yelled anxiously.

Actually, he no longer called the Lord of the Heavenly Secret Hall, but changed his name.

"Senior?" The Master Palace Master sneered, "You also know that in the eyes of the old man, you are just a hairy boy?"

"Your holy monarch never told you that among the Eight Halls Alliance, the Three Halls Alliance of Dark Demon, Heavenly Secret, and Soul Palace are the most stingy?"

"Last time your Holy Moon Sect killed Shura and Fengsha's successors."

"This time, you are the **** of the Holy Moon Sect again, wanting to kill the Eight Temples Tianjiao?"

"Last time, you died four elders."

"If the old man remembers correctly, that kid Jingyue, is it your brother?"

"If you are in a hurry to see him, the old man doesn't mind giving you a ride."

When the voice fell, the Lord of Heavenly Secret Hall turned around, ignoring the people of Saint Moon Sect in the big formation.

Within the big formation, Elder Jiang Yue's face turned purple.

"Senior Tianji..."

The Lord of the Heavenly Secret Hall interrupted coldly, "Oh, yes."

"As for the war, these words are almost the same for you saints."

"Even though the Holy Moon Sect is powerful now, it is not enough to despise the majesty of the Eight Palaces."

"The old man must go to your Sacred Moon Zong Mountain Gate for thousands of years, and you will be trapped for thousands of years, the old man does not mind."

The voice fell.

The Lord of the Heavenly Journey took Xiao Yi and disappeared out of thin air.

In situ, the big formation has not dissipated.

Above the big formation, there is a spiritual stone.

That is the heart of the array.

It was just an ordinary spirit stone, but it formed a huge array.

The power on the spirit stone is slowly dissipating.

Elder Jiang Yue raised his head and glanced at the spirit stone above, his expression ugly.

It takes at least several hours to observe the speed of the power of this piece of spirit stone.

In other words, within these few hours, the group of them would never want to get out.

The shackles and suppression of this monstrous flood, so painful and uncomfortable, they still need to endure several hours.


Far away, a million miles away.

The figures of Xiao Yi and the master of the heavenly machine appeared out of thin air.

Xiao Yi's gaze was full of horror, still staring directly at the hands of the Lord of Heaven's Secret Hall.

What is the mystery of those hands?

A small piece of ordinary spirit stone can carry such an amazing array.

The number one mage in the middle field, the ability of one formation is truly monstrous.

"Why, want to learn?" The face of the main hall of Heavenly Secrets was no longer as cold and arrogant as before.

Seeing the horrified look in Xiao Yi's eyes, the Lord of the Heavenly Mystery Palace was just a moment of contentment.

"Yes." Xiao Yi nodded subconsciously.

"However, the main hall master hasn't told the kid what to do with me?"

"Oh." The Master of Heaven's Secret Hall smiled and said, "Originally, the old man came to you to ask you about the destruction of the six-star cave."

"But now, it's not necessary."

"It can easily break the old man's five-element phantom array, and then react in the streamer sunless array that the old man is proud of."

"You do have the ability to break through the six-star array."

"So there is no need to ask more."

"That's just the main hall master leaving his hands." Xiao Yi shook his head.

The several large formations outside the Magic Light Cave Mansion just now were indeed mysterious.

But its strength is not strong.

Otherwise, Xiao Yi would never break it.

The Lord of the Heavenly Secret Palace smiled, "The Five Elements Magic Array, but one of the most powerful arrays in the hands of the old man."

"The streamer has no sun array, and it is one of the strongest big arrays the old man has now."

"Although the old man has indeed overwhelmed the formation level by more than a few chips, if you can break it, it means that your formation skills are not low."

"One of the strongest formations?" Xiao Yi frowned slightly.

Remembering that he had been trapped in the formation before, and was desolate and unconscious for a long time, it still made him afraid for a while.

If that was not the test of the Lord of the Heavenly Secret, but if a strong man of this level really wanted to kill him, I am afraid he is dead now.

And the death was extremely miserable.

Within the formation, the world was desolate for a moment.

Outside of the formation, just a moment or three.

If the power of the formation didn't decrease, I am afraid that even the old legendary powerhouses like Elder Jiang Yue would die within a few breaths.

"If you want to learn, I can teach you." The Lord of Heaven's Secret Palace smiled, but this smile looked a little interesting.

It's even a little...wretched.

"What's the price?" Xiao Yi asked directly.

Having dealt with Senior Luo once, Xiao Yi had anticipated that the Lord of the Heavenly Secret Hall would ‘Lion’s Big Talk’.

In this world, there is no free lunch.

It takes 15 cave mansion treasures to exchange with Senior Luo.

To master the formation of the Tianji Main Hall, obviously also requires a price.

However, the Lord of Heaven's Secret Palace smiled, "The price? Nothing."


Third more.

Update today, over.

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