Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1958: Invade

The head of the Soul Palace, in his words, although he was asking.

But the tone was clearly decisive.

The sharp eyes still stared at Xiao Yi.

"There are spirit beasts guarding the six-star cave mansion."

"Don't talk about the other five houses, just talk about the Magic Light Cave House, there are two Void Beast Kings guarding them."

"Anyone who dares to covet the soul power source in the Phantom Light Cave Mansion will definitely be killed on the spot by two Void Beast Kings."

"And you, broke the formation safely, without surprises and dangers."

"Except for the first generation of spirit emperor aura on the Divine Killing Sword, every time you enter the Six Light Cave Mansion, the virtual beast and spirit beast will retreat for three times, allowing you to safely obtain the heavy treasure.

Yes, the reason why the head of the Soul Palace cannot sit still is not for anything else.

On the contrary, it has long been strange that Liuguangdong Mansion was destroyed.

Not to mention that Xiao Xun is just a warrior with mediocre aptitude and unbearable use in the head of the Heavenly Secret Hall.

Even if Xiao Xun is really a terrifying peerless evildoer.

It would never be possible to break the Liuguangdong Mansion.

Especially the Magic Light Cave Mansion, even if he went there in person, he might not have a certain grasp of the guardian imaginary beast there.

But Xiao Xun broke directly?

And it broke six in a row.

There is only one reason.

That was the Divine Killing Sword that had been lost for countless years, the sword of the first generation of Soul Emperor, and the symbol of the first generation of Soul Emperor, in the hands of Xiao Xun.

And the reason why he was so excited, even his always calm as water state of mind has become turbulent, because the killing of the Excalibur is very meaningful.

"The sword of the first generation soul emperor?" Xiao Yi frowned.

Soul Emperor, what is it?

he does not know.

However, having the title of "Emperor" is obviously not a general generation.

So this Divine Killing Sword, as the saber of the first generation of Soul Emperor, was obviously extremely powerful.

However, since Xiao Yi acquired this sword, he has not discovered any power of this sword.

The body of the sword is black and the sword is unopened.

It's useless at all if it is used to fight.

"Sword Killing?" At this time, even Senior Luo and the Master of Heaven's Secret, their expressions changed.

"The old man asks you again." The head of the soul hall stared at Xiao Yi.

"The Sword of Killing is on you, do you want to deny it?"

Xiao Yi squinted his eyes, he obviously noticed that the head of the Soul Palace had already overflowed with a hint of killing intent.

"In fact, I don't know what the soul emperor is." Xiao Yi shook his head.

"I didn't know the origin of the Excalibur Sword."

"But the Sword of Killing is indeed in my hands."

The head of the Soul Palace, hearing the first two sentences, his brows were already frowned, and the killing intent became more intense.

But when he heard the last sentence, his brows suddenly loosened and he smiled faintly.

"It seems that you are a smart person."

Xiao Yi nodded, "The head of the Soul Palace meant that he just wanted to hand over the Excalibur Sword."

The head of the soul hall did not speak, but the meaning was obvious.

Upon seeing this, Xiao Yi sneered, "It's just that the main hall master is going to go down and give away the Excalibur Sword?"

Xiao Yi paused every word, with inexplicable playfulness and banter in his tone.

The head of the soul hall frowned.

He was in the main hall of the Black Demon Hall before, and he naturally knew what Senior Luo and Xiao Yi had said.

Xiao Yi's words at this time are exactly the same as Senior Luo just now.

The three of them also instantly understood the meaning of Xiao Xun's playful tone.

The head of the Soul Palace shook his head, "You don't have the capital to bargain with me."

When the voice fell, the head of the soul hall was already cold.


A storm of spirit power broke out suddenly.

At that moment, the entire Black Demon's main hall, and even the entire world, seemed to be instantly in a sea of ​​spirit power.

Around, the martial arts power does not exist, and the space is annihilated.

It is actually the power of the martial arts of the world, and also retreats.

This is the strength of the head of the soul palace, the strength of the first soul master in the Central Region.

However, if he did it at will, his soul power is so strong that the world has changed.

Intuition tells Xiao Yi that the breath in the sea of ​​soul power, even if it is only a trace, far exceeds the power of any war he has experienced in the past.

It even surpassed the joint power of the four elders of Jinghua Shuiyue, and surpassed the strength of the ghost hand old man.

Just a trace is enough to make Xiao Yi unable to give birth to the desire to resist.

And this was only between the thought of the head of the Soul Palace.

However, it was also at this time.


The power of a monstrous formation method crashed down.

The power of the formation immediately blocked all the soul power.

All around, calm and normal were restored.

"Huh?" The head of the soul hall, squinting at the head of the heavenly machine.

There is only one person in this world who can block his spirit power storm with the power of the formation.

"Old man soul, are you planning to bully the small with big things?" The Lord of Heaven's Jigsaw Palace already looked bad.

"Snatching something from a younger generation? You have a face."

The head of the Soul Palace, his face unchanged, said in a deep voice, "Heavenly secret, you should know my temperament."

"If it is not necessary, how could I be embarrassed by a junior, let alone the arrogant of our Three Halls."

"But, you also know the meaning of the Sword of Excalibur to our soul palace."

"This..." The head of the Heavenly Secret Hall, apparently also aware of the significance of the Divine Killing Sword to the Soul Palace, hesitated for a while.

"Are you going to intervene in this matter?" The head of the Soul Palace frowned.

The Lord of the Heavenly Secret Hall nodded without hesitation.

"Reason?" The head of the Soul Palace frowned, "In your mouth, this is just a waste of cultivation. Is it worth your help?"

The Lord of the Heavenly Jigsaw Palace curled his lips, "He has no vitality and can't cultivate another one."

"But he is very talented in the formation."

The Lord of the Heavenly Secret Hall, suddenly regretted.

But he didn't know how to round up the lie he had just told.

"So." The head of the Heavenly Secret Hall looked at Xiao Yi, "Little Xiao Xun, you hand over the Excalibur Sword."

"That thing is of little use to you."

As he said, the main hall master of the heavenly machine looked at the main hall master of the soul hall, "and you, old man, do your best to compensate, is it feasible?"

"Yes." The head of the Soul Palace nodded.

"But he must guarantee that in the future, he will not mention anything about the murder of the Excalibur."

"Mind, once attacked by the old man's soul power."

"In my mind, all the memories of the Excalibur Sword were wiped out."

Obliterate memory?

Soul power invades the mind?

This is not unusual for the martial artist.

If you are a little careless, if you go on a business trip, you will probably have lost your memory, or even become demented.

"Don't talk nonsense, take the Excalibur Sword first." Senior Luo, who has been silent, said indifferently.

Two stern eyes gathered on Xiao Yi.

At this moment, Xiao Yi's body was cold.

He had known for a long time that Senior Luo was not kind.

Seeking a tiger's skin is extremely dangerous.

Entering this Black Demon Temple is like a sheep entering the mouth of a tiger.

But I never expected that nowadays, it is more like entering a den of thieves.

Senior Luo, the last time he was able to forcibly rob his Sword Emperor's origin, this time, he was also able to forcibly rob his Sword Emperor.

It's just that this time, there was one more Soul Palace Chief Hall Master.

"Heh." Xiao Yi smiled indifferently, that was already a grin.

Raise both hands.

Slowly took off his wide hat.

He also stroked the broad sleeves on his hands until it settled on his arms.

The clay figurines are still three-pointers.

Xiao Yi, he still endures being so oppressed by others.

"What if I don't pay?" Xiao Yi spit out a word indifferently, staring directly at the head of the soul hall with the same sharp eyes.

"That's a dead end." The head of the Soul Palace was already killing in awe.


The monstrous spirit power storm broke out again.

Xiao Yi's figure was repeatedly blasted for a hundred meters.

"Puff." Xiao Yi spit out blood, already seriously injured.

But his body staggered and stood up forcibly.

In his hand, a cold sword suddenly condensed.

The blade is sharp and overwhelming; on the sword, a touch of extreme cold surrounds it.

The air around him instantly froze.

If Xiao Yi is unwilling to accept some things, then no one can persecute them.


Third more.

Update today, over.

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