Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1970: not much time

The Black Demon Region.

Inside the Black Demon Hall.

In the main study room of the main hall.

Senior Luo's figure appeared out of thin air.

At that moment, the world seemed to freeze.

Only between his gestures and robes, everything is still.

See it more seriously, the figure seems to blend with this world.

At this moment, it seems that Senior Luo is the world, and this world is also Senior Luo.


The sound of pushing the door suddenly sounded.

The figure of the long sky wine devil walked in slowly.

"Master is out?"

"Yeah." Senior Luo nodded, the abnormality around him disappeared instantly.

Just under this soft ‘um’, everything in the world seemed to suddenly recover, and there was movement again.

Everything is back to normal.

"You are outside the room, waiting for me for ten days and ten nights?" Senior Luo asked, standing with his hand in his hand.

"Yes." Changtian Wine Demon nodded, bowed and replied.

"Something?" Senior Luo spit out two words indifferently.

"Yes." Changtian Wine Demon, still nodding.

But then he kept silent, just bowed and looked directly at Senior Luo.

Senior Luo frowned slightly, "Are you here for that kid?"

"Yes." Changtian Brewmaster nodded again.

"I don't understand why the Master wants to do this."

"I don't even think that Master will play with a junior for no reason."

"Obviously it was promised..."

Chang Tian Jiu Demon gradually had a tone of dissatisfaction.

"What if you agree?" Senior Luo interrupted indifferently.

"Chang Tian, ​​you have lived for such a long time, do you still need to teach you such a simple truth?"

"If I want to go back, the kid can do nothing, because I am better than him."

Chang Tian Jiu Demon said in a deep voice, "But Master has promised me and never regretted it."

"You are you, he is him." Senior Luo replied indifferently.

"You are dissatisfied now, but if you are strong enough, you can **** the poisonous fruit directly in my hands."

"But you are not useful, there is no way, let alone my opponent."

"They can only come to me, showing dissatisfaction and asking angrily."


Changtian Brewmaster's fist suddenly squeezed, but it was released in an instant.

"I just want to ask that kid understand."

Changtian Brewer, with a pleading tone.

Senior Luo narrowed his eyes, "Then I will tell you."

Senior Luo, turned around, turned his back to the long sky wine demon, still standing with his hand held.

Those deep eyes seemed to contain thousands of stars, looking directly at the heaven and earth outside.

The star streamer actually seemed to be able to stand up against the white sky outside.

"I was very surprised when I learned that the kid actually broke the 18th cave, especially in this short period of one month."

"Regardless of whether someone helps him behind this, it has already proved that his excellence is far beyond my imagination."

Senior Luo was surprised.

But in the tone of voice, there was no surprise, on the contrary, it was plain and extremely indifferent.

"I told you, that was my test for that kid."

"And obviously, this kid, gave me a perfect answer sheet."

"However, after the secret of heaven came back, he told me that that kid was unbearable."

"Tianji is always shrewd. If Xiao Xun is really unbearable, how could he disappear with this son for a month."

Changtian Wine Demon smiled faintly, and said, "Senior Tianji is indeed shrewd, even cunning."

Senior Luo frowned suddenly and said, "I don't know why, I always have an inexplicable feeling."

"It seems that this kid will suddenly disappear without a trace after taking the ten thousand poisonous fruit."

"Nowadays, he still can't go or disappear."

"Xiao Xun, this son, should indeed be extremely good."

"But there are still things I haven't seen, and I need to keep looking."

"Therefore, I cannot give it to all poisons and fruits for the time being."

"So that's the case." Changtian Wine Demon smiled, "Master is afraid that he will suddenly leave?"

"The 15 martial arts relics were deliberately not taken."

Senior Luo shook his head, "No."

"15 martial arts relics, I didn't plan to ask for it."

"Although it is a great treasure, it has already been suppressed for thousands of years, and the evil force has accumulated and is not used at all."

"In other words, it's just a tasteless rib. What use am I going to do?"

On the 15 martial arts relics, it was originally a gathering of evil forces.

But what Senior Luo didn't know was that Xiao Yi had already sucked up the evil force inside.

Now, those are only 15 martial arts relics that contain no more pure and powerful than that.

"Then Master..." Changtian Wine Demon frowned.

"I just don't want him to leave, just disappear." Senior Luo restored his indifferent tone.

"Innocent?" Changtian Wine Demon obviously noticed these two words.

In the next second, his face changed drastically.

"Master, is it..."

Senior Luo nodded, "Time is running out."

"This middle domain..." Changtian Wine Demon said in shock.

"No." Senior Luo, shook his head, "How about this midfield, how the world is, it has nothing to do with me."

"I am running out of time."

"Master..." A trace of sadness flashed across Changtian Wine Devil's face.

Senior Luo said in a deep voice, "You have always been useless, and I have been disappointed."

"Originally, I liked Mo You; but now, there is more Xiao Xun."

"Both of them, I still have no choice."

"There are some things that I still haven't seen through, and I still need to read them."

"You have always been useless, and I have been disappointed." It was obviously disappointed words, but in Senior Luo's mouth, it was just a cold tone.

Chang Tian Jiu Demon showed a trace of guilt on his face.

"Is there anything to ask?" Senior Luo retracted his gaze, and the stars in his eyes had already disappeared.

Turning around, looking at the long sky wine demon, asked indifferently.

"Nothing." The Changtian Wine Demon shook his head. Perhaps, he should have something to say, but at this time he was speechless.

"Master, I retire."

Chang Tian Jiu Demon saluted seriously.

Just going to exchange it.

A main hall master knocked on the door and entered.

"Lord Changtian, Chief Hallmaster." The main hallmaster saluted, and then showed anxious expression.

"What's the matter?" Long Tian Jiu Demon asked.

The main hall master said anxiously, "Half an hour ago, the main hall master Tu Qianqiu headed to the heavenly secret area aggressively, saying that he was looking for Deacon Xiao Xun."

"Oh?" Changtian Wine Demon frowned, "Tu Qianqiu, what is going to do?"


Tianji region.

Heavenly Secret Hall.

Outside the closed room.

The old man in the costume of the Black Demon Hall stared at Xiao Yi coldly, "Are you Xiao Xun?"

Xiao Yi nodded. Although he felt that the old man's eyes were not good, he still asked, "Your Excellency?"

"Tu Qianqiu." The old man replied coldly.

"Tu Qianqiu?" Xiao Yi frowned.

He has heard of this person's name.

Ren Tu, Tu Qianqiu, one of the legendary masters of the Black Demon Palace.

Rumor has it that this person is cruel and hard-hearted, and the means are endless, and his reputation and prestige are all in one.

He is a well-deserved legend.

"Something?" Xiao Yi asked indifferently.

"Do you have to ask knowingly?" The old man, Tu Qianqiu said coldly, "It was you, who killed the disciple Jingzhejian under the seat of the old man?"

"Do you dare to fight?"

Xiao Yi squinted his eyes.

"Bastard." The head of the Heavenly Secret Hall's face was angrily. "The little one, forty thousand ways, dare to come to my Heavenly Secret Hall presumptuously?"


Third more.

Update today, over.

Originally, the status of Xiao Ba yesterday was not very good, and it was not suitable for codewords.

So I wanted to take a day off, but in the end I gave it up.

And as a result, my code word is coded and stunned...

When I woke up in front of the computer, it was four or five in the morning...

Ugh... sorry.

If everyone waits too late in the future and there is no update, don't wait.

Xiao Ba will ensure that everyone will see the update the next morning.

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