Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1980: Ghost Hunter

Xiao Yi read all the files one by one, then shook his head.

Among the eight palaces, the intelligence capabilities of the other seven palaces are not as good as the Fengsha Temple.

However, this is just relative.

As a big power, it has quite excellent intelligence capabilities.

Not to mention a behemoth like the Eight Ancient Halls.

Heavenly Mystery Hall, the information in this main hall, naturally it is impossible to find out all the secrets inside and outside the ghost evil city.

But the general information is there.

First of all, this ghost city is quite huge.

Almost occupies a quarter of the entire free area.

In other words, this city has almost the range of fifty or sixty cities.

There is no way in the city.

Killing is more frequent here than outside.

Either a word is inconsistent, or there is an enmity between each other; in short, here, human lives are more ants than ants.

And the reason why countless warriors can go and gather in this city is only because of three words...Ghost hunter.

The ghost hunter originated from the ghost evil castle mansion.

Speaking of the Ghost Sha City Lord's Mansion, this is a force, but it is extremely powerful. It is not an exaggeration to describe it with hands and eyes reaching the sky.

In the Mansion of Ghost Sha City Lord, you can publish tasks.

The task is almost everywhere.

Intelligence, missing people, objects, assassinations... etc.

This is even a bit like a killing gesture, no matter any task, as long as someone dares to send it, the Ghost Sha City Lord's Mansion will dare to take it.

As long as the price can be afforded, even if the target of the assassination is the Eight Palace powerhouses, the Ghost Sha City Lord Mansion will dare to release it.

But the power of this killing gesture involves a lot of things and is not limited to assassination missions.

It is the ghost hunter who picks up these tasks and completes them.

Within the region, there is such a sentence.

If the eight halls can't complete the task, go to Guisha City.

In addition, the reward given by the Ghost Sha City Lord's Mansion is also extremely high.

For tasks of the same level of difficulty, the reward given by Ghost Sha City Lord's Mansion was almost ten times that.

This is also the reason why so many warriors are willing to go to and gather in Ghost City.

But here in Ghost City, there is no way to do it, it is extremely dangerous.

The task released by him also did not ask the reason, only the reward, almost reaching the point of unscrupulous.

Therefore, the warriors who will really come here are almost all the extremely vicious people above the Middle Territory, and some even destroy humanity.

So, random killings on the street are common, and it makes sense.

No one knows the origins of the Ghost Sha City Lord's Mansion, only that this power is extremely powerful, and also extremely strange and secretive.

The years of existence may have been hundreds of thousands or even millions of years.

There are two most mysterious characters in the Ghosts City Lord's Mansion.

One person is the Lord of Ghosts.

One person is the master of Wuxinju.

No one knows who they are and what they look like.

Only know that they are mysterious and unfathomable.

Xiao Yi put down the file, frowning slightly.

"Vice Hall Master Xiao Xun." The main hall master said in a deep voice, "In fact, I don't really recommend that you practice here."

"It is extremely dangerous to have a relationship with the Ghost Sha City Lord's Mansion."

"Heh." Xiao Yi smiled indifferently, "I've been to any dangerous place."

"Not bad this time."

The main hall master smiled bitterly, "In the ghost city, the power of our eight halls is extremely weak."

"If there is any accident..."

"I have my own discretion, rest assured." Xiao Yi nodded.

Ghost Sha City, although the power of the formation is wrapped.

But he is also a region above the middle land, a big city.

As long as there is a region, there must be eight halls.

However, the power of the Eight Palaces here is extremely weak.

Almost no warrior will come here to hand over tasks.

But the significance of the existence of the major sub-halls and main halls of the Eight Halls is to provide the greatest help, convenience, and even shelter for any Eight Hall martial artist who walks on this continent.

The warriors walking in the ghost city also include demon hunters, wind envoys, and Shura warriors.

If they are in danger and need help, they can come to the eight main halls.

No matter how dangerous the ghost evil city is, as long as the eight halls of warriors step into the hall, they will be protected by the hall.

This is the Iron Rule of Eight Temples.

Of course, if there are eight main halls, life and death cannot be decided by the main hall here.

Because here is the rules of the ghost city.

Xiao Yi got up and left.

Behind him, the main hall master hurriedly reminded, "Xiao Xun deputy hall master, as far as the old man knows, you have always acted boldly."

"But the old man still wants to remind you that you need to be careful in everything in the ghost city."

"And the Youran Village is a forbidden place listed by the Ghost Sha City Lord's Mansion, and it is also a place where you have no intentions to occupy the lord's shelter. You must not be presumptuous there."

As the main hall master spoke, there was a dignified look on his face.

"I forgot how many years ago, when I went back to the main hall to report on my duties, I heard the head of the main hall say something."

"There was once the Patriarch of a Hidden Family who wanted to kill him there."

"As a result, it was discovered the next day, and the body was lying outside the village of Youran."

"That Patriarch is an 80,000 Dao powerhouse, one of the most famous legends in the world."

"In Youran Village, fighting and seeking revenge are forbidden. Anyone who violates it will definitely die."

"Even if it is the law enforcement team of the main hall, if there is a target in Youran Village, they need to be afraid of three points and stop the mission."

Xiao Yi narrowed his eyes when he heard the words.

"Whoever is innocent?"

"I heard that here in Ghost City, there is a ghost sacrifice day."

The main hall master nodded and said, "Yes, the ghost evil sacrifice day, once a year, will select the best ghost hunting king within a year."

"Ghost Hunting King, can get half of the income of Ghost Sha City Lord's Mansion that year."

"How long is there?" Xiao Yi asked directly.

The main hall master thought for a moment, and replied, "Calculating the time, there is still less than one month."

"Therefore, these days, there will be extremely strong ghost hunters coming from all directions, and the entire ghost evil city is becoming more and more dangerous."

"There is less than one month left?" Xiao Yi frowned.

Xiao Yi nodded, arched his hands, said goodbye, and left.


Out of the main hall of the Tianji Temple.

Xiao Yi went straight to the Mansion of the Ghost Sha City Lord.

Ghost Sha City Lord's Mansion is in the middle of Ghost Sha City.

Outside the ghost evil city lord's mansion, Xiao Yi glanced around.

The entire city lord mansion was not much different from the city lord mansion he had seen before.

The only difference is that the Ghost Sha City Lord Mansion is larger and covers a wider area.

Xiao Yi stepped in.

Hiss... Xiao Yi took a slight breath.

The moment I stepped into it, an inexplicable cold wind was blowing.

Along the way, I saw ghost hunters who came to the Ghost Sha City Lord’s Mansion to take over tasks.

However, almost all of these ghost hunters wear masks to hide their true faces.

Or, it's a big robe, low-key.

There are a handful of ghost hunters walking upright.

However, all of these few people have dark faces and abnormally cold faces.

In the city lord's mansion, it is very big and the most eye-catching is that task.

Above the mission, there is a hideous ghost pattern, exactly the same as the previous token.

Below, is a huge task platform, more than a dozen warriors in the city lord's mansion are dealing with tasks.

Xiao Yi took a mission file from the mission table.

Looking at the shocking task descriptions above, Xiao Yi's pupils suddenly shrank.

"Assassinate Palace Master Ye Sheng Mansion..."

"Kill the elder of Tianzang Academy, Ye Shang."

"Take the head of Xiangshang, the old dean of the Tianque Academy."

"Looking for an evil pill..."

Xietian pills, but extremely evil heaven-defying pills.

Need to burn millions of creatures.

"To kill Sikong's family in the south..."

Of course, there are also some normal and simple ones.

Such as looking for objects, looking for an ice decree, offering a reward for the supreme sword art, etc.

Xiao Yi frowned secretly as he watched these tasks.


Third more.

Update today, over.

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