Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 2005: Once a genius alchemist

Elder Tianxie, but a mere 40,000 cultivation base.

Moreover, the strength of this person was slightly weaker than the normal 40,000 martial artist.

Xiao Yi didn't spend much effort in killing him.

If the eight people had a blood feud with the elder Tianxie, just report it by themselves.

Hearing this, Shen Xinghe asked in confusion, "Don't you know that Xiao Xun Deputy Hall Master?"

"What do you know?" Xiao Yi asked back.

Shen Xinghe said, "The evil elder that day, where is it so easy to kill."

"Take the two six-star ghost hunters just now, do you think they didn't try to hunt down the elder Tianxie?"

"It's just that they all failed."

Xiao Yi frowned, "Two sixty-eight thousand Dao, chase and kill a four Dao, fail?"

Shen Xinghe said, "Vice-Hall Master Xiao Xun, have you forgotten the eight guardians around him?"

"Elder Tianxie's position in Xiejun Mansion is extraordinary."

"He is just a 40,000 Dao powerhouse. He alone is of course nothing. Any five-star ghost hunter who has enemies with him can take his life."

"But the eight guardians around him are all 50,000 Dao powerhouses."

"These eight people are personally selected by the evil monarch and exist to protect the elder Tianxie."

"And the elder Tianxie himself is proficient in medicine and formation."

"The combined strength of these eight people is already powerful; coupled with the assistance of the Tianxie elders from the side, even the 70,000 Dao powerhouses have no chance to hurt the Tianxie elders."

"Eight evil spirits?" Xiao Yi frowned.

If he guessed right, it should be the eight or fifty thousand evil cultivation methods he encountered last time.

Shen Xinghe was shocked at this time and said, "The Eighth Heavenly Evil Guardians, and their duty is to protect the Heavenly Evil Elder."

"As far as I know, these eight people are almost inseparable from Elder Tianxie."

"To be honest, I don't know how Vice-Hall Master Xiao Xun killed this evil old thief."

Xiao Yi frowned.

When he killed the elder Tianxie, these eight people were not there at all wherever they could not leave.

Xiao Yi thought for a moment.

At that time, Elder Tianxie happened to be with the Yun Family, the Zhongshan Meng Family, and the three Young Patriarchs of the Beihai Xu Family.

If he guessed correctly, it should be the elder Tianxie who planned to befriend these three.

Therefore, the Eight Evil Guardians are not suitable for following.

This allowed him to find the opportunity to kill him.

In fact, Xiao Yi didn't guess much wrong.

Elder Tianxie, on the one hand, wanted these three young Patriarchs, who would definitely become Patriarchs in the future, to owe him a favor.

Secondly, they caught the handle of these three people participating in refining Xie Tian Dan.

The three young masters are obviously three idiots.

In the future, it will not be impossible for him to control the three major hidden families with his elders.

He didn't even let the Eight Protectors follow, only dealing with the three by himself.

As for the possible danger, he is not afraid.

As a result, his own 40,000-dao cultivation base was not afraid of many dangers.

Secondly, with the three young family heads of the hidden family, no one dares to offend at all above this middle domain.

Even the Eight Temple Warriors did not dare to easily offend the Young Patriarch of the three hidden families.

Among the eight halls, those who were able to kill him were old guys.

And these old guys, for the sake of the overall situation, would never be willing to tear their skin with the hidden family.

However, he never expected that Xiao Yi was an alternative.

Xiao Yi not only didn't care about the Young Patriarch of these hidden families, but even planned to kill the three directly.

Moreover, Xiao Yi possessed the astonishing strength to slay him, a 40,000 strong man.

In general, Xiao Yi killed the elder Tianxie by accident.

Without this accident, Elder Tianxie would definitely be alive now.

Of course, Xiao Yi has not said clearly now.

Shen Xinghe smiled and said, "A few days ago, Deputy Hall Master Xiao Xun killed the elders of Tianxie and the Eighth Guardians of Tianxie. When it came back to Ghost City, it was a sensation.

"No, as soon as I heard that you came to the City Lord's Mansion, the eight guest officials, even if they ended the retreat ahead of time, will come directly to see you."

"These guest officials, each, almost every moment, are in retreat. If it weren't for the task of the city lord, it would not be seen in ordinary times."

Xiao Yi nodded, he didn't care about these, but...

"Elder Tianxie, is just a 40,000 martial artist? Is it worth the Xiejun Mansion to send him eight 50,000 dao powerhouses, and even exist to protect him?"

"Xiao Xun Deputy Hall Master, you don't even know this?" Shen Xinghe stared suddenly, a little surprised.

"But it is." Shen Xinghe reacted and said, "Elder Tianxie, this old thief, I am afraid that he will live for more than a hundred thousand years."

"Xiao Xun Deputy Palace Master is so old, he doesn't know this old thief."

"Back then, when this old thief was as young as you, he was hailed as the most outstanding genius alchemist in the Yaozun Palace."

"Moreover, this person's medicine path and formation path are both Shuangjue, and he is also a peerless evildoer who shocked the mainland."

"It's just that this person obviously couldn't stand the temptation of the Evil Monarch Mansion and entered the Evil Monarch Mansion."

"And after this person became an evil repairer, he was like a fish in water, completely revealing his cruel and vicious side."

"Let me put it like this, almost half of the Evil Pills in the Evil Monarch's Mansion are from his hands."

"Xietian Dan was created by this person."

"This is the most outstanding evil pharmacist in the Evil Monarch Mansion. You can imagine how important the Evil Monarch is to him and how important he is to the Evil Monarch Mansion."

Shen Xinghe said solemnly, "Even because of this madman-like genius alchemist, the power of the Evil Monarch Mansion has grown rapidly during these 100,000 years."

"There are even rumors that this one person has increased the development and power of the Evil Monarch Mansion for hundreds of thousands of years out of thin air."

"Therefore, even if this person has a weird personality, the evil monarch will not agree to whatever he needs."

"His position in the Evil Monarch Mansion is terribly high."

Xiao Yi's eyes were startled when he heard the words, "The best alchemist in Xiejun Mansion?"

No wonder that after he killed the elder Tianxie, he seemed to have stabbed a hornet's nest, and those evil cultivators chased him like crazy.

Moreover, all those who shot were all legendary powerhouses in the Xiejun Mansion.

Even the powerful elders of the Evil Monarch Mansion were dispatched and pursued them.

And even if he went to Youran Village, the elder of the Evil Monarch Mansion did not give up; until the corpses of several seventy thousand powerful men were left, the elder of the Evil Monarch Mansion was helpless and reluctant to leave.

No wonder he single-clicked the task of killing the evil elders, which was worth the task of other ghost hunters for a whole year.

Xiao Yi frowned.

Upon seeing this, Shen Xinghe chuckled lightly, "Xiao Xun Deputy Palace Master can rest assured."

"As long as you are in Ghost City for a day, you don't have to be afraid of the revenge of the Evil King's Mansion."

Xiao Yi shook his head.

As long as he took the 10,000-poison and 10,000-dao fruit, he would leave and not stay longer.

"There are still three days." Xiao Yi said inwardly.


Second more.

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