Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 2094: Evil temple master


Xiao Yi frowned.

In the past few days, he was able to play around with these evil elders, relying on his own lunar eyes.

Under the perception of heaven and earth, the whereabouts and locations of these evil cultivators were all under his control.

So he can wander freely, even unscrupulously.

The importance of intelligence can be imagined.

And Xiao Yi's perception of heaven and earth is equivalent to the most perfect and accurate intelligence.

Let him, a martial artist who can reach the level of 40,000 or 50,000, let him live by a group of old legendary powerhouses who are ten times and a hundred times stronger than him.

Today, the perception of heaven and earth is obviously no longer available.

That evil monarch, who could discover his perception of heaven and earth, must also have unpredictable means to trace it through martial arts trajectory.

Once facing the legendary evil monarch, he might not even have a chance to resist.

And this is also the most troublesome place now.

Not using the world to perceive is equivalent to lacking intelligence, and it's like a blind man.

Xiao Yi frowned tightly, and could only stop the matter of purging the evil repair branch.

If he reappears, once he is locked into his whereabouts, he will undoubtedly fall into an extremely dangerous situation.

Xiao Yi is not a fool, and I want to know that even characters such as Evil Monarch have been dispatched, and the Evil Monarch Mansion seems to have definitely come out.

Xiao Xiejun's death made this evil king angry, and it was inevitable.

"Come out and block all directions?" Xiao Yi sneered.

"I want to go, and you can't stop it."

The suppression of evil cultivators must stop.

Experience can no longer continue.

His current situation is absolutely extremely dangerous, no less than walking on a steel wire, breaking his bones at every turn.

But Xiao Yi was not too worried, he was sure enough.

Next, let's go back to the Tianji Main Hall first.

Since the experience can no longer continue, it is the wisest move to return to the Eight Palaces.

There, it's safe enough.

The rest of the time can only be continued in retreat.

Although I wanted to find that opportunity in the experience, but now, I can only retreat to the second place and fight for the last bit of life in the retreat.

Xiao Yi squinted his eyes.

Today, there are still more than 20 days before the appointment date.

Counting on the way to sneak back to the main hall of the heavenly secrets, there should be half a month left.

Of course, whether his body can survive the last half of the month is still unknown.

Half a month of retreat, I am afraid it will be his last chance.

After thinking about it, Xiao Yi got up and prepared to leave.

Just about to move, he paused again.

Looking at his black robe, Xiao Yi frowned.

It stands to reason that my black robe is more conspicuous, and changing to a different outfit will make it easier to hide.

However, after a long while, Xiao Yi narrowed his eyes and smiled coldly, "Heh."


Two days later.

Southern Fire area.

Xiejun frowned, "There is still no trace of this son?"

On the side, the burly old man shook his head.

Xiejun frowned a little, "Could it be possible to leave this area?"

"Impossible." The burly old man shook his head affirmatively.

"Why?" the evil monarch asked.

"Intuition." The burly old man said solemnly.

"Yes." The evil monarch nodded, "Within the area of ​​800, my evil monarch's mansion has laid a net of heaven and earth, and he can't escape far away silently."

"For two days, no trace of this son was seen."

"It proves that this child is already cautious, and he doesn't even fly in the air, but sneaks."

"It's so cunning, maybe I took off a black robe and changed my face."

The burly old man nodded, "This guy's stealth ability is really amazing."

"It's no wonder that the Three Halls of the Black Devil will all choose him as his successor."

"I'm afraid that in terms of ability alone, this poisonous evildoer is even better than the fire-controlling evildoer Ziyan Yixiao who became famous in Zhongyu half a year ago."

"Of course." The burly old man had murderous intent in his eyes, "He is even more damnable because of this."

The evil monarch frowned slightly, "You can't even find Dugu?"

The burly old man nodded, "After the Temple Master Wanxie has been walking around and searching day and night, he has never been found."

"I can't believe it, this is really just a young man with a peerless cultivation base."

"If he doesn't take the initiative to show up, I'm afraid it will be hard for him."

"Of course, it's just a matter of time."

Xiejun's eyes were cold, "It may not be a good thing to drag it down."

"If he doesn't take the initiative to show up, then...force him to show up."

The evil monarch stared at the burly old man.

The burly old man nodded, "Yes."


After half a day.

Within the southern flower area.

A figure in a black robe shuttled through the crowd silently.

The figure is Xiao Yi.

With his ability, as long as he doesn't take the initiative to show up, no one can find him in the world.

For more than two days, he didn't fly in the air, he just sneaked all the way, shuttled between big cities and various regions.

According to his current direction, at most four or five days, he will be able to sneak all the way back to the heavenly secret area.

The sneaking speed is naturally far less than the Yukong speed, but it is obviously much safer.

"Huh?" Suddenly, Xiao Yi frowned and his eyes became cold.

Ahead, an evil repair suddenly appeared.

There was no sign of the evil cultivation that appeared, and suddenly evil power broke out in his hands.

Here is inside the big city, on the streets, people come and go.


The evil force turned into a yin wind, sweeping all the way.

Wherever he went, the warrior was killed and wounded.


Evil repairs are gradually increasing.

Within a few breaths, there were a dozen evil cultivators on this street, massacres.

Xiao Yi's eyes were quick and his hands were quick, and several sword auras in his hand volleyed out.

After the sword qi passed, a dozen evil repairs, instantly killed.

The power of sword qi is not that strong, and it is in the middle of the peerless period.

It was just a trace of vitality that he mobilized the poison in his body, forcibly transformed, and then shot the sword energy.

The power is dozens of times weaker than his peerless 9998 cultivation base.

But killing these evil cultivators is enough.


After a long while, a law enforcement team from the Demon Hunting Temple in the big city came quickly.

Xiao Yi's figure flashed and disappeared silently.

At the same time, dozens of wars broke out in the big city.

The battles all come from the sudden appearance of evil repairs and the sudden appearance of slaughter.

However, these dozens of battles ended extremely quickly.

When the law enforcement teams from other branch halls arrived, Xie Xiu had already escaped.


Just one day.

In the eight halls, in each main hall, a dossier appeared all at once.

Inside the main hall of the wind brake.

The master of the wind brakes looked at the dossier, frowned, "Evil Monarch Mansion, you are crazy."

Inside the Demon Hunting Hall.

The main hall master of the hunter looked at the dossier, and frowned, "Even the evil hall masters are dispatched?"

Inside the main hall of the heavens.

The Lord of the Heavenly Secret Palace shook the file, "Asshole, deceive people too much."

The Lord of the Heavenly Mystery Palace had a cold face, but his face was obviously worried.

"Boy, wait for me." The Lord of Heaven's Secret Hall's eyes were cold.


Second more.

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