Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 2111: In the world, there is no wind to stop Shura

"Little Junior Brother?" The face under Xiao Yi's mask twitched.

He did not recognize these three words.

However, in fact when Wuxinju, Xiao Yi already guessed the identity of Wuxinjuzhu and others.

The reason is precisely the Six Frightening Demon Swords.

The sword of Wuxinjuzhu was the last sword of the Six Frightening Demon Swords, the sword of Fengxin.

The Six Frightening Demon Sword, as the strongest martial skill in the history of the Black Demon Hall, only the legendary hall master has the qualification to practice.

Moreover, even if you practice, it is extremely difficult.

Tu Qianqiu's 40,000-dao powerhouse was just a glimpse of his path.

If you really want a sword to become a great success, at least you need the strength of the level of the Ghost Sha City Master.

The six frightening swords and the six black evil spirits each hold a sword.

In Wuxinju, when Xiao Yi recognized that Fengxin Yijian, he had already thought of the first time he saw City Lord Ghost Sha.

At that time, the impression that Ghost Sha City Lord gave him was that he was full of sword intent.

At that time, he guessed that the Ghost Sha City Lord was a sword repairer.

Combined with Wuxin's Fengxin sword, Xiao Yi guessed everything.

Ghost City is basically the forces of Senior Luo.

It was also after that, after returning to the main hall of the Black Demon, Senior Luo asked him to receive the deputy order of the main hall again, and Xiao Yi would ask the sentence, ‘Is the world in the main hall master’s mind like an ant?’

Originally, Xiao Yi's impression of Senior Luo was domineering at best.

But after Guishacheng and his party, he learned that Senior Luo was not only domineering, but also ignored the common people.

Of course, after that, Xiao Yi still wondered.

But so far, it is completely astonished. For Senior Luo, one of the only six sages who have lived for a very long time, there is really not much matter in the world that can be taken seriously by him.

I'm used to seeing the vicissitudes of life, and seeing the passing of years, there is no room for a little change in the world in my eyes.

"Forget it, nothing more." Xiao Yi shook his head.

"I'm still rushing to retreat."

The two innocents nodded and didn't say much.

Xiao Yi turned around, then left, to the closed room.

His backlash was not serious, but not light, and he needed to meditate for at least one or two days.


On the other side, in the Dark Demon area, in the Dark Demon's main hall.

In the main hall main room.

Senior Luo, holding his hands as always, stared at the sky and the earth.

Behind him, Chang Tian Jiu Demon had a weird face and smiled.

"What?" Senior Luo frowned.

"It's nothing." Changtian Wine Demon waved his hand, "I just think Master should have been damned, but now he is not dead. Some reactions are not enough."

"I should have died?" Senior Luo's face turned dark, "What? Am I supposed to die?"

Changtian Wine Demon smiled, "Master, I didn't mean that, I mean, you were going to die..."

"Huh?" Senior Luo turned his head, staring at the Long Sky Brewer with indifferent eyes.

Chang Tian Jiu Demon shrank his head and quickly said, "Master, I mean, you are still alive, and I am extremely happy disciple, and now I am talking nonsense."

"Humph." Senior Luo snorted coldly.

"I know why you met that kid for the first time, so I am very concerned about him and take care of him."

"You two smell like each other, and you see each other."

Chang Tian Jiu Demon smiled, "If Master, you are referring to something that is irritating to you, then I can't compare to Xiao Xun, the disciple."

"I generally don't try to respect you, Master."

"It's Xiao Xun boy, always mad at you, and never give up if you don't **** you off."

"Okay, don't play tricks." Senior Luo said condensedly.

"You go to Shengyuezong and tell Shengjun that the old man has agreed to her request."

"Huh?" Hearing the words, the Changtian Wine Demon trembled suddenly, and the jokes on his face disappeared instantly. Instead, there was a thick surprise.

"Master, really want to..."

Senior Luo's eyes were cold, "You didn't hear me clearly?"

Changtian Wine Demon's face was stern, and he nodded solemnly, taking his command with a respectful voice, "Yes, Master."

The long sky wine demon's figure flashed and disappeared in place.


Tianji area, within the Tianji main hall.

In the main hall main room.

The head of the Heavenly Secret Hall, the head of the Soul Hall, looked at Senior Luo suspiciously.

Especially the head of the soul hall, with a shocked face, looking up and down Senior Luo, and then perceiving it carefully.

"How is it possible, is it possible that the old man had a wrong perception in the past?"

"How many days do you have today, there are still ten or twenty years left?"

Senior Luo shook his head, "It's not that you perceived it wrong, but that I really have an extra ten or twenty years of life."

"How did it do it?" the head of the Soul Palace asked in surprise.

"One Yuan Promise Formation." Senior Luo spit out five big characters indifferently, and roughly explained it again.

"Hiss." The head of the soul hall took a deep breath.

The Lord of the Heavenly Secret Palace, with a horrified face, "That perverted kid, actually did it."

"Not only did Xi become a great formation, but he also realized one of the endless paths of the great formation?"

Xiao Yi at this moment, although able to deploy a Yuan Wu Ji formation.

But the One Yuan Wuji Array has countless possibilities.

Xiao Yi was just a realization of one of them.

It is precisely with the formation that Senior Tielo offset the backlash of a decade or two.

"It's great, really great." The Master of Heaven's Secret Hall said two great things.

"Except for the senior, the creator of this formation."

"Little Xiao Xun, is the second person to succeed against the sky."

"Although this cost is very high." The Master Palace Master sighed.

"I will find a way to save him." Senior Luo, his tone stern.

"How?" The head of the Soul Palace squinted his eyes, and said in a deep voice, "Is it a joint venture with Saint Moon Sect?"

"When you come to the Palace of Heavenly Secrets, you are going to discuss this with the two of us, right?"

"Not bad." Senior Luo nodded.

The head of the soul hall frowned, "Holy Moon Sect, the nature of our eight halls is different."

"And over the years, the hidden forces have taken restless actions."

"Holy Moon Sect is the only one among them, supported by more than half of the hidden world."

"Cooperating with it, the consequences are unknown."

The Lord of the Heavenly Secret Hall frowned, "Sheng Yuezong has been very ambitious over the years."

"Our Eight Palaces originally planned to check and balance the major hidden powers. Now if we join forces with the Holy Moon Sect, once it causes undesirable consequences, it will be a terrible disaster that is difficult to deal with."

Senior Luo squinted, "You mean, don't you save Xiao Xun boy?"

"Save, of course save." The two chief hall masters said anxiously.

"But maybe there is another way..."

"Other methods?" Senior Luo interrupted indifferently, "Your Emperor Soul Fruit?"

"Let's not say whether it can really happen, even if it does, it will only be a temporary delay, rather than let the kid completely recover."

Yes, even if he served the Emperor Soul Fruit, it would only allow Xiao Yi to temporarily possess the power of the first generation Soul Emperor, able to resist the power of the rules of this world.

However, how long it can resist is unclear.

Xiao Yi did not fully recover in one day, and the danger of death would exist for one day.

Senior Luo glanced at the Palace Master Tianji, and said indifferently, "Or, your One Yuan Promise Formation?"

"Countless years have passed, the One Yuan Wuji Array can be deployed, but if you really want to turn things around and reverse the destiny, it is almost out of reach and ethereal."

"Then kid, really have time to wait?"

The two main hall masters fell silent for a moment.

"I said." Senior Luo's eyes were cold, "At any rate, I will save that kid's life."

"When he resisted the backlash for me, I saw his number of days more realistically."

"He is really extraordinary, and he is really tenacious enough. The end of the days is longer than the three of us predicted."

"How long?" the two chief hall masters asked.

"Ten days." Senior Luo said in a deep voice, "Counting the time we previously speculated, he can still support it for another 25 days now."

"It's just half a month before the event of the Holy Moon Sect."

"Ten days, enough for the event to end, and enough for me to prepare everything."

The two main hall masters thought for a while, closed their eyes for a while, opened them again, and sighed heavily.

Obviously, this is the default.

"What about the conditions?" the head of the soul hall asked in a deep voice.

Senior Luo said indifferently, "Her martial arts holy pill."

"Are you sure?" the head of the soul hall asked in a deep voice.

Senior Luo nodded.

Once, he said that he had a way to save Xiao Xun before, but he hasn't now.

The way is the martial arts sacred pill, the martial arts sacred pill of Venerable Taluo.

However, his martial art sacred pill is gone.

"What's the price?" The Lord of the Heavenly Secret Hall asked condensedly.

Senior Luo squinted his eyes, "There is no wind to stop Shura in this world."


Third more.

Update today, over.

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