Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 2117: Reiki Ocean


With Xiao Yi's loud shout, his heart moved.

High in the sky, the power of heaven and earth came suddenly.

Originally, it was only a force of heaven and earth that gathered high in the sky.

However, when it really fell, it turned into an extremely pure river of spiritual energy.

Although there is no ‘doubt that the Milky Way falls nine days’ as magnificent gallop.

On the contrary, it is more like a long stream of water.

In an instant, the "Long Qi River" penetrated through the layers of Xiao Yi's cloth.

The power of heaven and earth can penetrate almost all barriers.

Xiao Yi's body was instantly in this long river.

At that moment, the color of pain that originally existed on Xiao Yi's face completely disappeared.

The river of spiritual energy covered every part and every corner of his body.

In the body, countless pores expanded instantly.

The whole person is bathed in it, and there is only joy and comfort left in my heart.

The numerous pains in the body had disappeared.

Xiao Yi felt it, and it was obvious that the poisonous remnants in his body were being washed away and washed away.

No matter how these poisonous maggots attached to bones, how they adhered and adsorbed his flesh and blood, they were still baptized under the pervasive power of heaven and earth.

"It really works." Xiao Yi's eyes widened and he was overjoyed.

He had known about this baptism.

This world has his own rules.

Everything in the world operates under the rules of this world.

Such as a warrior, when the end is coming, and the lifespan is exhausted, he will die.

For example, some prohibitions, such as the word ‘Soul Emperor’, cannot be easily said.

Etc., etc…

The martial artist practiced hard work and walked on this long road to martial arts without fear.

Although there are many thorns, there is a long road and constant crises.

However, on this road of martial arts, there are also surprises and gains that belong to him.

Every time a warrior breaks through the great realm, there will be a great martial arts surprise.

The baptism of heaven and earth belongs to the legendary martial artist, and the ‘reward’ that heaven and earth descends.

Before the warrior reaches the realm of legend, he must be grind and difficult, and there will be countless ‘injuries’ on his body.

And the baptism of heaven and earth is to let the warrior remove all the previous injuries and heart demons.

After that, another door will be opened on the road of martial arts.

The martial artist will be in full prosperity, with his mind and body in full prosperity, stepping into a new world of excitement.

The moment Xiao Yi's heart burst into joy, his eyes suddenly drenched.

The baptism of heaven and earth, as expected, can wash away the poisonous residue on his body like a maggot attached to the bone.

However, the power of baptism in these heavens and earth cannot be used physically for the time being.

"Suck." Xiao Yi shouted in a low voice.

Forcibly absorbed these forces of heaven and earth, and then poured into his body, and began to wash his own small world.

Yes, what Xiao Yi has to do now is to clean up this small world of ‘battered’ and ‘torn apart’.

His small world has been so fragmented in the past.

In the past, he could fix it.

Over the past six months, it has been impossible to repair it, precisely because the small world also remains highly poisonous, such as maggots attached to bones.

As long as he washes away these poisonous residues, he has a way to restore his little world.


After half a day, Xiao Yi frowned.

Looking at the sky, the baptismal power of heaven and earth has become weaker and weaker.

The baptism of heaven and earth will not always exist.

Half a day has reached the limit.

Xiao Yi glanced inwardly at the small world in his body. At this moment, the huge small world was only half of the remaining poisonous.

"Isn't it enough?" Xiao Yi squinted.

The Qiankun Ring in his hand flashed instantly.

Pills of soul pill poured out.

As the next successor of the soul hall main hall, he has a lot of soul pills.

Take a pill of soul pill quickly.

What Xiao Yi had to do was to break through the soul cultivation base and usher in the baptism of heaven and earth again.

Xiao Yi was not worried about the soul master.

Together with the spirit master, the main factors such as strength, growth, etc., come from the martial artist himself.

Therefore, instead of saying that Xiao Yi has confidence in himself, it is better to say that he has confidence in the two martial spirits in his body.

Xiao Yi's eyes condensed, and the two martial souls in his body instantly understood the world.

Xiao Yi himself had acquired all the ancient inheritance of the Soul Palace, and he had few bottlenecks in the spirit master.

After half an hour.


There was an explosion in Xiao Yi's small world.

That is the huge spirit power that is attached to the fire-controlling beast's spirit, and it is violently running away.

"A soul master broke through." Xiao Yi's eyes were happy.

Yes, now the soul master also broke through.

The original peerless peak level, at this moment, finally broke through to the legend.

In other words, he is already a legendary soul master at this moment.


In the high air, the power of heaven and earth condenses.

Xiao Yi, ushered in the second baptism of heaven and earth.

A pure ‘a long river of spiritual energy’ descended again.

It's just that, compared to the previous "Aura River", this time, the Aura River looks illusory.

This is the baptism of heaven and earth belonging to the soul master.

"Suck." Xiao Yi was prepared and drank low.

The power of heaven and earth that was lowered again was sucked into his body by him.

Two world baptisms, washing his little world together.

In the small fragmented world, the remnants of the horrible poison are being washed away at a speed visible to the naked eye.

It's another half day.

The power of heaven and earth in the sky gradually dissipated.

The baptism that belonged to Xiao Yi's two breakthroughs and stepping into the legend was over.

However, Xiao Yi's mouth had a real smile.

His little world has now been thoroughly cleaned up. Although it is still fragmented, it has been very poisonous.


With a big wave of his hand, Xiao Yi spread out all the treasures of heaven, material and earth, and the veins of spiritual stones.

In a blink of an eye, pieces of cultivation material piled up into hills.

Someone once said whether Xiao Yi was carrying a treasure house, or that Xiao Yi himself was a mobile treasure house.

At the moment, the words are true.

At this moment, the huge cultivation objects prepared in the past six months can finally come in handy.

After a full baptism of two heavens and earth, the small world was cleaned up. At this moment, he can finally recover.

"Suck it, **** it hard for me." Xiao Yi laughed, it was a long suppressed laugh.

After half a year, the two great martial arts in the body can be triggered together again to absorb these normal cultivation objects.

The two great martial spirits are like two hungry'fierce beasts', absorbing the'baoshan' in front of them at an almost terrifying speed.

Xiao Yi smiled upon seeing this.

These two goods are more edible than the other.

I saw the fire-controlling beast in his body, opening his mouth and sucking.

Bingluan sword is also crazy to **** and take photos.

With Xiao Yi as the center, on the hills surrounding cultivation objects, surging pure powers surged like mountains and oceans.

In the small world, the huge spiritual energy absorbed by the two great martial souls was transformed into vital energy at a terrifying speed.

Yes, Yuanli.

In Xiao Yi's body, normal vitality once again appeared.

With a move of Xiao Yi's heart, the huge vitality began to mend the small world in his body.

The small world must be restored as soon as possible.

After all, his current body has not recovered yet, unable to carry any vitality.

Only the repaired small world can preserve these huge powers transformed from the huge cultivation objects.

Xiao Yi has long had'experience' in repairing the small world.

Supported by a large enough source of energy, the small world is constantly recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye.

After half an hour.

Xiao Yi was overjoyed again.

Inside the body, the originally fragmented small world has completely recovered at this moment.

As before, perfect, huge, and hard.

Inside, the hard space barrier is as stable as it was back then.

Xiao Yi glanced at the hills of cultivation objects in front of him and nodded, "It should be enough."

Those spiritual veins are more than thousands.

Converted into a piece of spiritual stone, it is more than ten million.

And those ordinary treasures of heaven and earth, and objects of cultivation are even more terrifying, it is simply an astronomical number.

In the small world in the body, the exhausted gas springs that were initially recovered are constantly filling up at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Xiao Yi's body also continued to explode again and again.

His original martial art realm has always been there.

As long as the small world recovers, his normal training will not have any martial arts bottleneck.

What's lacking is just filling the small world with vitality again, and once again sucking back the complete martial arts that were scattered throughout the world.

Just a few hours.

Xiao Yi once again completed his cultivation level jump.

Belonging to the small world and his normal cultivation base, step by step from the mortal realm, soaring continuously, stepping into the peerless again, and finally returning to the peerless peak.

High in the sky, the power of the martial arts of heaven and earth came again and again, reaching 9999 times.

The complete martial arts of heaven and earth belonged to Xiao Yi, the complete martial arts that once belonged to his kendo, ice and snow, and fire control.

Half a year ago, because of the fragmentation of his small world, he overflowed the world.

Today, Xiao Yi was once again sucked and taken back.

Of course, the price is the huge amount of cultivation that is more astronomical.

"Not enough, take another breath." Xiao Yi shouted violently.

In this way, his cultivation base is the same as his peerless peak when he first came out of the ancient emperor's tomb half a year ago.

Cultivation, martial arts, all return.

But this is not enough.

The countless cultivating objects and countless spirit stones and veins that Xiao Yi prepared were waiting for this last moment.


There was a sudden explosion in the small world.

The normal vitality is completely eliminated, replaced by a towering iceberg and a sea of ​​fire.

"It's been a long time, iceberg and fire." Xiao Yi smiled confidently.

For a long time, Xiao Yi knew that the only thing that really trapped his normal martial arts path was the huge and terrifying cultivation thing.

He knows more clearly that if his normal martial arts cultivation is to enter the legend, the real obstacle must be the ‘iceberg and fire’ at the peak of the peerless world.

The moment he waited, Fang was the real last moment.

He had prepared things for half a year of cultivation, also for this moment.

"Break it for me." Xiao Yi shouted violently.

This sound resounded throughout the world.

In front of him, the hills and veins dissipated at a more terrifying speed.

A monstrous spiritual energy vortex suddenly condensed high in the sky.

God knows what huge power is contained in this spiritual vortex.

Xiao Yi, at this moment, wants to break through the iceberg and fire.

After half an hour.


The iceberg burst into pieces.

It wasn't real breaking, but his iceberg and flames, once again reaching the extreme.

High in the sky, a complete martial arts came.

That belonged to his Xiao Yi, this kendo evildoer, fire control evildoer, the ten thousandth complete martial arts.

This is his Xiao Yi's realm of legend.


When Xiao Yi took the ten thousandth complete martial arts, the small world burst into a roar again.

This time the roar is far greater than any previous time.

This time the growth of the small world is far more than any previous one.

When the breakthrough momentum stopped, Xiao Yi glanced inwardly, and suddenly his pupils shrank.

The small world at this moment has reached 33,333 feet.

This also means that his normal martial arts training has officially entered the realm of legend.

at the same time.

Wow... High in the sky, once again ushered in the baptism of heaven and earth.

It's just that the power of heaven and earth gathered this time...

"Hiss." Xiao Yi glanced at the sky and couldn't help taking a breath.

The condensed ‘a long river of spiritual energy’... No, it’s not a long river anymore.

It was a pure aura at all.


The whole sea of ​​spiritual energy fell suddenly.

The power of baptism from heaven and earth, like waves, violently hit.

"This time, it's completely finished." Xiao Yi pressed his eyes to horror and smiled complacently.

He had known for a long time that the baptism of heaven and earth brought about by the Poison Dao or Soul Dao breakthrough alone was not enough to wash away all the remaining poisonous poison in his body.

However, his breakthrough in the small world, the breakthrough in normal martial arts, the baptism of heaven and earth, is definitely enough.

Xiao Yi's body was completely exposed to the waves of pure spiritual energy, and the residual poison on his body was constantly washing away at an extremely fast speed.


Third more.

Update today, over.

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