Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 2119: This half year passed by the wind

"Sure enough." Xiao Yi nodded secretly.

Asura battle body, every thousand drops will merge into one.

After each fusion, although it is only one drop, its power is terribly powerful.

In addition, it is the baptism of this world.

As he expected, this is a reward from heaven and earth when the level reaches enough to trigger the rules of heaven and earth.

Whether it is normal martial arts cultivation level, or physical level, or soul master level, it will trigger.

At this time, the fourth baptism of heaven and earth came to an end.

Xiao Yi had already prepared, but the expectations were not too great.

Because his goal has been achieved.

His little world, and this body, have all recovered.

This last baptism of heaven and earth is the icing on the cake.

The Shura battle body has reached eleven levels, and the physical strength has reached the legendary level.

Xiao Yi glanced at the sky and nodded.

This time the baptism of heaven and earth induced by the Asura battle body did not reach the level of the aura of the ocean just now, but it surpassed the extent of the long river of heaven and earth baptism brought by the spirit master and the poison path before.

In general, this baptism of heaven and earth seems like a big river, surging when it rushes into the ocean.

The power of the heaven and the earth that descended from the sky can't reach the point where the heaven and the earth were tempered before, but it is like a violent stream of water.

It was far more violent than the baptism of heaven and earth brought by the Soul Dao and Poison Dao before.

After a long time.

The power of heaven and earth in the sky disappeared.

This also means that this baptism of heaven and earth is over.

Xiao Yi nodded again.

The baptism of heaven and earth brought about by the huge small world of 33,333 feet in his body before, lasted a full day and night.

But the baptism of the world of soul and poison lasted for a long time.

The baptism of heaven and earth inspired by the Asura battle body reached most of the day, but it was also in Xiao Yi's expectation.

At this point, the practice is over.


Xiao Yi's fingertips condensed, the vitality in his hand surged, and then a blizzard appeared out of thin air.

The unpredictable feeling of reinvigorating Yuanli is indeed wonderful.


Xiao Yi snapped his fingers, surrounded by flames in the wind and snow high above.

The ice and fire melted, and soft warm water fell, spilling Xiao Yi's body.

A movement of Xiao Yi's internal vitality evaporated the moisture from his body, and his whole body was dry.

There was a flash of light in his hand, and a set of son's clothes appeared out of thin air.

"This clothes, it's been a long time too." Xiao Yi smiled faintly.

Putting on a clean young man's suit, Xiao Yi glanced at the reflection of the water on the ground.

In the reflection, there is an extraordinary, white face like jade.

Those eyes were as clear and bright as before.

Xiao Yi squeezed his chin and chuckled, "Heh, it's really pretty."

Although he has never cared about his face, he has no interest in being called by monsters.


Above the mountain, a breeze blew.

The breeze blew by, blowing a little bit of the flowing hair on his shoulders.

From a distance, he looks like a jade son, blowing in the wind, and independent.

Cold, arrogant, free and easy, and elegant, yet reveals unruly, arrogant, and powerful.

Xiao Yi from the past, that kendo evildoer, is back.

"Huh." Xiao Yi exhaled deeply.

After half a year of hard work, half a year of hard training, and half a year of experience, everything was not in vain.

Most of the things in the past six months have been going on according to his expectations.

He will never aim for nothing, and never do meaningless things.

When he devoured the body with poison half a year ago and knew that his body medicine stone was ineffective, and there was no way to cure it, he had already thought of the baptism of heaven and earth.

I also thought about what I should do afterwards.

Only a breakthrough in martial arts and stepping into the legend can you save yourself.

Moreover, a baptism of heaven and earth alone is not enough.

Therefore, he has prepared enough things for a large amount of cultivation.

To this day, it is still the case. First, the Poison Dao and the Soul Dao are legendary. Only when the poison in the small world is washed away can the small world be repaired.

Once the small world recovers, he can store his vitality again.

As long as Yuanli returns, he will be able to control his own means again.

The return of his means, breaking through the small world once again, his own kendo and fire training, stepping into the legend in one fell swoop, and the baptism of the huge world that inspired him can truly wash himself from the poison.

Everything is as he expected.

And the baptism of heaven and earth brought by the physical increase of Shura's battle body is just an icing on the cake, making his body more perfect.

Although it was the peak of the peerless when the tomb of the ancient emperor came out.

But when he entered the tomb of the ancient emperor, he was just a martial arts power.

Such a rapid jump, although good, is not necessarily without harm.

On the contrary, he has re-trained in the following six months, returned to the martial arts power, and re-entered the peerless world, step by step, to experience the martial arts of this world in detail again and again, which is beneficial to his Taoism and growth No harm.

Moving forward steadily, Fang has stepped into the legend in one fell swoop today.

Xiao Yi couldn't help but secretly rejoice.

In fact, if the four elders of Jinghuashuiyue didn't intend to kill him, it would make him look like a man and a ghost.

If he had been a peerless peak cultivation base half a year ago, and that cultivation base jumped, in one fell swoop, whether he could step into the legend within half a year would be a question.

Even the peerless pinnacle and legend, only one step.

On the contrary, now, the Dao heart is stable, the cultivation base is stable, and the last step has been taken in just one day and officially entered the legend.

Xiao Yi shook his head.

Everything is like heaven's will, chance, or good luck.

If he hadn't met the four elders of Jinghuashuiyue six months ago, and was at the peak of a peerless world, he would feel that the heights were overwhelming, and he would be complacent.

If half a year ago, he had lost all his cultivation, if he was a monster, he would be in a slump, let alone today.

Can endure pain and endure thousands of trials, Fang Cheng legend.

Even if the poisonous body before, gave him inhuman torture all the time, he still endured all the way.

Even if the world spoke coldly, he still didn't care about the name of a monster.

One mind, only for cultivation, only for what you think in your heart, always preparing a lot of things for cultivation.

Fang Youtoday, as soon as he enters the legend, he arouses the aura of the heavens and the earth, and incurs the tempering of the heavens and the earth, reborn, and rises to the top.

For half a year, I was determined in my heart, and prepared and moved forward toward what I expected.

Of course, only Senior Luo was unexpected.

Ever since he knew that Senior Luo was the head of the Black Demon Hall, he had been repeatedly surprised, and many things involved were beyond his expectations.

Of course, in any case, the results are now good.

Even though Shengyuezong made various calculations to take his life, he still survived.

Even though he was like a monster and had lost all cultivation bases, he still achieved his own legend as Xiao Xun.

Even if it takes his life this day.

He saved himself by himself.


High in the sky, another breeze passed by.

What happened in the past six months should also disappear with the wind.

The identity of Xiao Xun has disappeared from today and will no longer exist.


Second more.

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