Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 2122: A bit of justice

"What a mad boy."

Above the chief, an elder of the Holy Moon Sect screamed.

The majestic eyes are condescending.

"My Holy Moon Sect is nothing more than that? Could it be that you think you are qualified to ignore such powerful people as me now with the slightest strength?"

On the martial arts stage, Mo You was not afraid and sneered instead.

"Old stuff, could it be that you thought I was at your age, you could hold my sword?"

"Presumptuous." The elder of Shengyuezong was furious.

I am subconsciously suppressed by the imposing manner.

This Holy Moon Sect elder is a six-layer powerhouse of the Holy Venerable Realm.

If his aura is overwhelmingly suppressed, how can Mo You's unique 9996 cultivation base be blocked?

"Presumptuous." Just at this moment, the chief greeted him with a low voice.

The elder shook his body and quickly withdrew his momentum.

"Don't retreat?" The old words sounded again.

"Yes, Great Elder." Elder Shengyuezong slowly bowed back a few steps, and said nothing.

It wasn't until this time that he discovered that in the seat of the Black Demon Temple in the distant spectator seat, an indifferent gaze was looking at him.

And this indifferent gaze came from the strong man who was only dared to call him ‘that’ by all the great hidden family patriarchs present.

At this moment, his heart trembled.

If his momentum just now dared to press down on that direct disciple Mo You, with that overbearing, I am afraid he is now a corpse.

On the stage.

Mo You sneered arrogantly, "Who else wants to fight?"

"I'm coming." At this moment, there was a loud shout in the spectator stand, and a figure broke out of the sky.

It was a woman, dressed in purple.

"Dongfangzi." Mo You squinted.

"Brother Mo You." Dongfangzi, in a rare tone of respectfulness, arched his hands.

"Big Brother, don't mention it again." Mo You shook his head indifferently.

"Just shoot."

"Offended." Dongfangzi arched his hands, the next second, an instant shot.


On the competition stage, there was only one sword sound.

A ray of white light covered the audience.

When Qiang Ming fell, the competition stage was already scarred by swords.

Dongfangzi has been shaken back dozens of steps, bleeding from his mouth.

The confrontation between the two took less than a few seconds from beginning to end.

"Big Brother Mo You is really amazing." Dongfangzi's face was not half unwilling or angry, only smiled.

"With the strength of Big Brother Mo You, I am afraid that even if you don't borrow from the origin of the Sword Emperor, your own peerless 9996 Taoist cultivation base alone will be enough to defeat me."

"Brother Mo You, I just want to win faster and crush more."

Dongfangzi's cultivation base was in Peerless 9998 Dao, even above Dongfangzhi.

In terms of her cultivation strength, she was enough to be among the top three in the audience.

Mo You did not hear Dongfangzi's words in his ears, but shook his head proudly, "Fight me, you are not qualified."

"Next time, call the Oriental Kylin."

Dongfangzi frowned for the first time when he heard the words, but, without saying a word, he arched his hands and turned away from the stage.

At this moment, only Mo You was left on the competition platform.

However, no one is on the court anymore.

"Holy Moon Sect, announce the result." Mo You looked straight at the referee of Holy Moon Sect above the chief.

There is both a competition stage and naturally a referee.

And the one who can be the referee is naturally only the elder of the Holy Moon Sect, the organizer of this event.

The referee of Shengyuezong, his face turned dark and ugly, looked around the audience, and finally his eyes fixed on the seat of the Eight Palaces.

"Tianjiao of Eight Halls, haven't you arrived yet?" The referee of Saint Yuezong lowered his voice and asked respectfully.

Even if he is Holy Moon Sect, he is the head of the hidden world power.

But in front of these eight ancient temples that are beyond the mainland, they can still only put away their arrogance and ask respectfully.

Now, the major forces in the audience, the Northern Yinzong, the Eighteen Houses, the Five University Palaces, and the Hundreds of Hermits, including his Holy Moon School, all the Tianjiao evildoers have competed on stage.

Without exception, they all failed.

Today, there are only the Eight Halls of Tianjiao, who have not yet entered the competition stage.

On the seat of the Eight Palaces.

Here is the Third Hall of the Black Devil.

The Lord of the Heavenly Secret Hall curled his lips and whispered, "Xiao Xun, that kid, I'm afraid he hasn't been out yet."

The head of the Soul Palace said flatly, "He should be too late to come."

The Lord of the Heavenly Secret Hall nodded and chuckled, "Although this kid always likes to surprise people, but this time, I am afraid it is too late to show the limelight."

In the words of the Lord of the Heavenly Secret, there was a little bit of pride and a little bit of disappointment.

The slightest disappointment was just that Tianjiao from his Palace of Heavenly Secrets was unable to show off the limelight.

Senior Luo, silent.

Here is the seat of the Third Hall of the Hunting Demon.

The main hall master of the hunting demon frowned and looked at the main hall masters of Yandian and Yaozun beside him, "Is there no news about kid Yi Xiao yet?"

The main hall master Yaozun nodded, and said, "The three halls have been sent to the main halls of the Central Region as early as ten days ago."

"But so far, there has been no reply from that kid."

The main hall of the Yandian directly screamed, "This stinky boy, always sees the dragon without seeing the end, this time he just played with the missing."

"Otherwise, where will I get this sorrowful sword today?"

The Master Hunter shook his head, "It seems that the kid is in retreat, otherwise he would not have heard from him for half a year."

"Of course, to be cautious, when this event is over, I still have to go to the main hall where he has a name to explore the breath."

"Yes." The main hall master of Yao Zun nodded and said with a wry smile, "Our successor to the third hall always sees no people, after all, it's not a problem."

The seats of the two halls of Shura and Fengsha are here.

The Master of Asura and the Master of Fengcha frowned, their faces cold.

The faces of the two of them are full of complexity, but they always carry some expectation and hope.

On the stage.

The referee of Shengyuezong, seeing the silence of the audience, could only gritted his teeth and said loudly, "This grand event has ended."

"Winner, Heiyun learns and teaches, Mo You."

It is true that Mo You came here on behalf of Heiyun to participate in this event.


On the martial arts stage, Mo You turned and left, leaving only a cold snort.

Suddenly, Mo You paused again, turned his head, and looked directly at the chief spectator with cold eyes.

"Some accounts, some fairness, I will definitely ask for a clean one day."

The cold words with killing intent caused all the major forces in the audience to frown.

This kendo heavenly arrogant, although the limelight today is the same, it is completely defeated by the hidden evildoers.

However, in front of such a behemoth as Saint Yuezong, being so arrogant is not enough.

Mo You flashed, and returned to the seat of Heiyun Learning.

"Brother Mo You."

"Brother Mo You."

Around, the disciples of Heiyun learned and taught, all cheered.

Wei Qinglin, Tong Ye, and Qin Yi, etc., were all smiling, happy for Heiyun's victory.

However, what they have on their faces is more complicated and a point of loss.

On the other side, the Dongfang family seat.

A beautiful woman with beautiful eyes has been staring at Heiyun's learning and teaching side, to be precise, staring at Mo You.

"It deserves to be the Wangyou sword of all Tianjiao in the western region."

Dongfang Zhi smiled happily, but the next second, her eyes became cold and she looked at Dongfangzi aside.

"Just now, who asked you to do it?"

"Hmph, take your own humiliation, even the saint who has always been shameless and pretentious is defeated, so you want to fight him?"

Dongfangzi smiled bitterly when he heard the words.

At the same time, the seat of the Third Hall of the Black Devil is here.

Behind Senior Luo, it was the Long Sky Brew Demon standing.

"Mo You, this kid, is so courageous and fat." Changtian Wine Demon chuckled lightly.

"I checked the matter between him and that kendo evildoer."

"Boy Mo You, although his name calls Forget Worry Sword, he is the one who loves most."

"If it were not for various changes, I am afraid that he and the kendo evildoer would be best friends for life."

"Best friend?" Senior Luo sneered, "That's just his demon."

"Inner Demon?" Changtian Wine Demon smiled bitterly, "Isn't it?"

"If I guessed it correctly, boy Mo You, firstly, I felt that I owed the kendo evildoer, and secondly, it was true that the kendo evildoer was making injustices."

"In the past few months, there hasn't been much news about Boy Mo You in Zhongyu."

"But I know that this kid ran to the Demon Realm, and went deep into the Demon Realm. He was severely injured and retreated eight times, but reentered eight times."

"The realm has also been raised twice in this training."

"If he really has a heart demon, how could he still have a soaring cultivation base? For him, that kendo evildoer is more of a heart knot."

A few months ago, Dongfang Zhi's cultivation base was in Peerless 9997 Dao, and it is still the same today.

Including most of the hidden Tianjiao evildoers and their cultivation bases, they were almost the same as when they left for the Holy Moon Sect.

Peerless level, that mere ten, it was originally extremely difficult to cross.

Even the hidden Tianjiao evildoer, it is impossible to cross it in just a few months.

Mo You, however, straddled two levels in succession, and his talent was as strong as one can imagine.

Forget Worry Sword is never a vain name.

"It's a dead person, why talk more." Senior Luo, with a cold tone, no longer interested in talking.

Chang Tian Jiu Demon gave a wry smile, and glanced at Mo You on the seat of Heiyun Learning.

Yes, to Mo You, Xiao Yi is a debt and a knot of heart.

But more, perhaps what he thought in his heart, as a senior, had the guilt of not protecting the junior in the blood moon formation.

He watched his younger brother, who was in jail, but he was rescued from the big formation by his own younger brother.

He had long thought of asceticism. If he hadn’t been taken into captivity in the area of ​​the Eighteenth House a few months ago, he would have gone to the Demon Realm half a year ago. A terrible place for human beings.

Hardened in March, others have today's cultivation base.

However, he knew that he still couldn't do much, and he couldn't help the junior fellow for whom he was guilty to escape to justice.

What he can do is to do his best to defeat all the gods and evil spirits in the world in a short day and in a frantic manner on top of this event.

All he can do is to make this unprecedented grand event organized by the Holy Moon Sect, the end of the day, like a joke.

For the time being, seek a trace of justice in the way he can.

On the black cloud seat, Mo You was cold.

But looking at the faces of the major forces present, he frowned again.

Because the big powers present did not change too much because of the joke-like ending of this grand event.

Instead, everyone's eyes are on the chief.

the reason is simple.

For all the hidden forces present, gathering here today is not because of the martial arts competition in this event.

Rather, the marriage of the two giants, Shengyuezong and Beiyin Palace.

This is the real reason for the gathering of hundreds of families in the hermit.

The Chief Office, a woman in Chinese clothes, walked out slowly.

Every step is like the majesty of the heaven and the earth, just like the **** of the heaven and the earth.

"See the holy monarch." In the audience, the major strengths, from the hidden family leader, down to the ordinary hidden world powerhouse, are indispensable to salute.


Second more.

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