Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 2126: The best monologue

Not willing?

The two big characters are crisp and cold, very light.

But in the presence, who is not a strong person with a high level of cultivation, naturally he heard clearly.

Suddenly, sneered eyes, disdainful sneers, continued to spread.

"Don't want it?" Xiao Yi was stunned.

In the distance, the woman's lips squirmed again without a trace.

Yiyi gritted his teeth and his face became colder.

"My dignified Saint Yuezong saint, go back with you to be a maid in a small family?"

"Did you misunderstand something?"

The tears on Yiyi's face were gone, only cold.

But her heart was **** again.

When Xiao Yi heard the words, his body trembled, but he only smiled, staring at Yiyi earnestly.

"Do you know why I am looking for you?"

"Perhaps, once in your eyes, you were just a maid, not even worth mentioning, and maybe even have no place in my heart."

"It stands to reason that even if you lose it, I shouldn't care too much."

"But in my opinion, that's not the case."

Xiao Yi paused, his expression serious, with a touch of bleak, muttering to himself.

"Since you were taken away, I left the Xiao family and officially went out to find you."

"That year, I was more than 16 years old."

"It was also that year, I made up my mind to bring you back even if there are thousands of mountains and rivers."

"The first sect I joined was the Sky Splitting Sect. It was the first sword sect in the county."

"I thought at that time, if I joined the strongest sword school, I will definitely find you. After all, in my eyes, a Beishan County is already very big."

"But later I discovered that this world is much larger than I thought."

"It's so big that even if I enter the cave and can fly in the air, I won't be able to fly through this world for a lifetime."

"It's just that I always feel that it's just my lack of strength."

"I always believe that as long as I am strong enough, I will be able to find you."

"So, I didn't give up, I have been looking for it."

"Later, I searched the entire kingdom, the sixteen countries, and could only cross the turbulence of space and enter the middle domain."

"Come to the Middle Territory, enter the two halls of Shura and Fengsha, and then continue to search, I believe you must be here."

"Sure enough, I met Cang Yue later, and finally got news of you. I made a three-year agreement. That is the longest time I can bear."

"In the past few years, I have practiced everywhere. I stayed in Tianzang Academy for a while, and then I spent a while in Heiyun. After that, I walked alone."

"I will go wherever there are events and opportunities, because I know that those are things that can make me grow faster."

"I have never stopped, and have traveled most of the midfield."

"Star swap area, Fangcun area, Tianzang area, Black cloud area, Sifang area, Shibafu area, Eastern area..."

"So far, more than ten years, nearly 11 years later, I finally found you."

Xiao Yi smiled bitterly, "Speaking of the previous question, do you know why I came to find you?"

"The time I spend with you is actually not that long."

Xiao Yi didn't lie, but he traveled to this world and got along with Yiyi for a few months and half a year at most.

"But you are the first to take care of me and treat me very well."

"You are always afraid that I will be hungry. Every time before I am hungry, you have already prepared the food. Although it is not a seafood delicacy, but it is full of appetite, you always let me eat first."

"In these years, I have forgotten that I don't know how long I haven't eaten a meal seriously."

"Because, I don't want to eat other meals."

Xiao Yi looked at his son's uniform and said, "In these years, I have forgotten how long I haven't changed other clothes."

"In the past, you were always afraid that I would be cold, and I was also afraid that I would be cold. My only son-in-law suit. You made up and made up for me, but there was no trace."

Xiao Yi smiled bitterly, "Of course, in the future, I am a little stronger, and I couldn't wear the boy's suit before, so I had to make dozens of exactly the same and more generous boy's clothes according to the style."

"Remember Yang Fu?" Xiao Yi said softly.

"That dagger almost killed you."

"I was so anxious the first time, so scared and worried."

"At that time, I never thought that you would be so stupid. You don't even want your life, and I didn't hesitate to stop it."

"Huh." Xiao Yi took a deep breath, "Perhaps, these things are nothing more than trivial things."

"For the current level, none of these are major events, but they are individual events that can be forgotten in a moment."

Xiao Yi looked at Yiyi seriously, "Perhaps, many things seem to you as they should be, but in the eyes of outsiders, they are just dismissive."

"But in my opinion, that's not the case."

"Some people, once they are confirmed, they will not change."

Xiao Yi said one sentence after another.

Around me, I don't know when to get up, and I have already fallen into silence.

Even in the seats of the Tianzang Academy and the Eighteenth House, Chu Rou, Mu Ning, Gongsun Huowu and others were silent with complex expressions, only looking at the handsome young man on the high platform.

The young man seemed to understate his experience for more than ten years.

However, the vicissitudes and the bleakness made everyone know that this young man must have gone through a lot, encountered countless setbacks, and even died nine times before he came here.

The last few thoughts seem to be a wry smile or smile.

However, why does it make people feel moved.

Who in the world does not know the name of Xiao Yi? Who has never heard of those terrifying deeds?

Over the past ten years, what firm heart does this young man have, how many sufferings, how many difficulties he has gone through, and how many shocking dangers he has experienced?

In fact, no one knew that he still had the identity of Yi Xiao and Xiao Xun.

Otherwise, all the difficulties, all the frustrations and dangers this young man has experienced will be even more shocking.

"The son..." On the high platform, the cold color on Yiyi's face had long since disappeared. Instead, she shed tears again.

No wonder she would see the weather-beaten, the incomparable perseverance, and the inexplicable haggard from her son's face.

She also knew for the first time that her son had experienced so much before he came here to find her.

How could she look at her son's face with disappointment, wry smile and sadness.

How can she stand this?

Tears flowed from her face and mouth, very bitter.

But she knew that her son had suffered a hundred times more.

"My son, I am willing." Yiyi said without hesitation.

"Really?" Xiao Yi raised his brows.

"Yeah." Yiyi nodded heavily.

"Then you lied to me just now? Maybe you lied to me now?" Xiao Yi chuckled lightly.

Tears blurred Yiyi's vision. She didn't even notice that the sad and bitter smile on Xiao Yi's face had long since disappeared. Instead, it was frivolous.

"Yiyi didn't lie to the son." Yiyi said anxiously. "It was Yiyi's fault to make the son sad. It was just..."

Xiao Yi smiled and stretched out his hand to wipe the tears from Mo Yiyi's face.

"One more thing I forgot to say, there is another reason why I came to you."

Yiyi looked up at Xiao Yi with tears and doubts in his eyes.

Xiao Yi smiled and said, "Back then, when I met you, I knew that my maid would grow up in the future, she will surely be all over the country and be beautiful and beautiful."

"I believe it, my vision will never be wrong."

"Facts have also proved that it is true, my maid looks more beautiful than anyone else."

"It's so pleasant, gentle and considerate, yet beautiful, like a maid who descended to the world like a fairy. She was abducted. If I didn't find it, wouldn't I be a fool?"

"Uh." Yiyi was stunned when he heard this frivolous remark.

All around, there was still silence.

Everyone can hear the young people's words, although they are frivolous.

However, this is the most sincere confession of the young man, in front of all the top forces in the domain, to give only to that beautiful woman.

That, even surpassed all the gorgeous words, surpassed all the sweet words.

On the high platform.

Xiao Yi put his arm around her slender waist and smiled, "You forget, your son is always smart? Do you really think that your clumsy acting skills can fool me?"

"Just now, it was just that old guy's voice transmission, threatening you with my life and the life of my Xiao family."

When the voice fell, Xiao Yi's cold gaze immediately turned to the woman, who was also the Holy King!

The eyes are extremely cold.


Third more.

Update today, over.

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