Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 2128: Kill one

Upon hearing this, Xiao Yi's expression gradually turned cold.

"I know it was a deal."

The woman sneered, "Then you still have a face to come here?"

"Without me, your Xiao family would be dead and clean now."

"Yiyi has nothing to do with you long ago, you are still cheeky..."

Xiao Yi interrupted in a cold voice, "A deal will tie her to life, don't you think this is too much?"

"Excessive?" The woman sneered, "It has nothing to do with you, how about Yiyi..."

Xiao Yi interrupted again, and this time his voice was colder than before.

"I know what you mean."

"Yiyi was once a maid of my Xiao family, but since that so-called transaction, she has been a member of your Holy Moon Sect."

"What is her life and death has nothing to do with my Xiao family."

"It's up to you to decide her life or death."

"But..." Xiao Yi's face and eyes regained his former indifference.

"I don't want to see all this."

"You want to tie her for life, I don't want it, and I don't allow it."

The woman sneered, "That means you have to be unreasonable, you have to be arrogant, and you have to come to my Holy Moon Sect to grab someone?"

"So what." Xiao Yi spit out four big characters without hesitation.

"When I come today, do you want to reason with you?"

Xiao Yi turned around and looked at Yiyi. Bai Ze's powerful palm rested on Yiyi's shoulder.

Xiao Yi shook his head, "I don't know why, now that I see you in this happy dress, I feel very upset and extremely dazzling."

"In the future, I will make you the most beautiful wedding dress in the world."


Xiao Yi's palm shook, and the wedding dress on Yiyi's body was overwhelmed and shattered instantly.

The phoenix coat was scattered into rags, floating in the air.

Xiao Yi was staring coldly, but the next second, his pupils shrank.

Dahong's wedding gown was broken, revealing the plain clothes on Yiyi's body.

It was a white dress, but it was also a plain dress...

"Asshole, on the day of rejoicing, you were all dressed in plain clothes, you..." In the distance, an elder of Beiyin Palace exclaimed.

At this moment, everyone knew the saint's original plan.

On the surface, a festive wedding dress.

In fact, he is already dressed in plain clothes, and he has long been dying.

On the high platform.

Xiao Yi swallowed, frightened for a while.

If he hadn't had time to make the appointment today, if he hadn't arrived, then the people he had been looking for would probably be lost.

"Worth it?" Xiao Yi couldn't help but spit out two words.

Yiyi paled and nodded.

"Yiyi just wants to wait for the son."

"If it is not the son who is waiting, everything in the future will be meaningless."

The following words, Yiyi did not say.

But the meaning is very clear.

Everything from now on is meaningless, how is it different from death? Ben Ru died here.

Xiao Yi shook his head, "You are still as stupid as you used to be."

In the next second, Xiao Yi's face was slightly angry, "Forgot my previous words? Without my permission..."

Yiyi chuckled, "Yiyi remembers."

"Before the son came, Yiyi had said in his heart countless times that the son was smart, extremely handsome, and Yushu Linfeng..."

"So if Yiyi wants to do something, he doesn't need permission from the son for the time being.

Yiyi smiled palely.

She actually remembered all Xiao Yi's words back then.

Xiao Yi trembled, caught Yiyi's hand, turned around, and glanced at the high platform.

"This high platform is not pleasing to my eyes when I look at it now, so let's split it by the way."

When the voice fell, the purple electricity in Xiao Yi's hand appeared out of thin air.

A sword struck, purple thunder creaked.

The huge joy station was beautifully arranged, but within an instant, it collapsed and turned into debris on the ground.

The silhouettes of Xiao Yi and Yiyi fell freely.

Above the chief, the woman's face is already ugly.

She hasn't taken any action, always wanting Yiyi to'change her mind'.

But now, she knew that it was no longer possible.

When she saw a plain suit under Yiyi's red wedding gown, she could no longer suppress her anger.

"Yiyi, are you sure that kid can leave my Saint Moon Sect safely today?" The woman snorted coldly.

"Master..." Yiyi hesitated, but saw that her hand was being held tightly by Xiao Yi.

"Don't worry about her, and you don't have to talk anymore." Xiao Yi smiled, "Follow me, you can."

"Yeah." Yiyi Qiao smiled Yanran, no more words, just let Xiao Yi pull and follow.

"Bastard." Above the chief, the woman was completely irritated, and her eyes finally revealed a strong resentment.

"To make trouble for my Holy Moon Sect, destroy the marriage of the two sects."

"Xiao Yi, you deserve to die."

"Come here, capture me and kill on the spot."

"Yes." On the chief, he replied.

Shengjun has absolute majesty and absolute prestige in Shengyuezong.

Silhouettes leaped out.

The weather came crashing.

The aura of every figure is absolutely above the Holy Venerable Realm.

However, behind the woman, the ten-digit old man with a particularly violent breath frowned and did not move.

This is the title elder of the Holy Moon Sect's ten-digit cultivation base.

Anyone is far above Elder Jingyue.

However, when these dozens of people were about to move, they suddenly felt that three powerful energies locked them in an instant.

Three qi machine, two dao, from the seats of the two halls of Shura and Fengsha.

On the other hand, it actually came from the seat of the Tianzang Academy.

I don't know when to start, Dean Huo has already got up and stood with his hands.

The ten-digit title elders have no doubt that if they dare to move, they will be attacked like a storm.

On the seat of the Eight Palaces.

The head of the Demon Hunting Third Hall frowned, and did not move.

The head of the Black Devil Third Hall, Senior Luo still had a cold face, but his palm was empty.

The head of the soul hall glanced and nodded.

The Lord of the Heavenly Secret Palace glanced, then sneered and nodded.

On the stage.

At that moment, Xiao Yi had already sensed the lock of the three if there were no Qis in the air.

Xiao Yi frowned instantly.

He had said long ago that the two main hall masters should not interfere with his affairs.

Now, even Dean Huo is also involved.

At this time, without waiting for Xiao Yi to think about it, the waves of weather have already struck.

"Holy Sovereign Realm triple?" Xiao Yi's eyes were cold, and he slashed with a sword.

The sword fell, and a 30,000 Dao strong man who struck first died in an instant.

"Huh?" A group of figures attacked behind, their complexion instantly changed.

A three-tier Saint-Venerable Realm, kills with a single sword?

"The best sacred weapon, that sword is the best sacred weapon." A sharp-eyed elder of the Holy Moon Sect reacted instantly, just staring at the purple lightning in Xiao Yi's hand.

"What? How could this kid have the strongest rank weapon under the treasure." A group of figures suddenly stagnated.

"Heh." Xiao Yi sneered indifferently, "I said three years ago, if my maid gets half wronged and loses the slightest amount of weight, I will bloodbath your Holy Moon Sect."

"Now it seems that my maid has not been wronged, so she can forget it."

"But, the one who stopped me today, die!"

"If one person blocks it and kills the other person, the whole clan blocks it and kills the whole clan."

Xiao Yi held Yiyi in one hand, sword in one hand, and moved forward step by step.

Wherever he went, purple electric lights raged around, and there was no enemy in one.

What about Holy Moon Sect? It's just a stroll in the courtyard, like no one is in.


Second more.

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