Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 2131: I want him to die faster



Beyond that huge competition platform, it has now become the spotlight of all the martial artists present in the entire Holy Moon Sect.

There, sword light flew, electric light raged.

There, the elders of Shengyuezong retreat one by one, all together.

But at this moment, each of the elders in the retreat of the Holy Moon Sect could not suppress the arrogant arrogance of the kendo evildoer and the light all over his body.

The phrase ‘Don’t let go, you die’ sounds more like a rampant statement.

But now, it has become the best proof of the arrogance of this kendo evildoer.

Dozens of elders in the retreat of the Holy Moon Sect, all in the eighth stage of the Holy Venerable, at this moment, they were unable to take down this kendo evildoer, and they were unable to'save' the saint who had been blinded.

That person, that sword, although no longer as powerful as a bamboo, no one can do anything about it.

Of course, anyone with a discerning eye can also see that this kendo evildoer is now relying on the sharp sword in his hand.

I have long heard that at the time of the sword field event, Lin Ye, a generation of sword master, had personally built a monstrous sword for this kendo evildoer.

The name of the sword was personally taken by this kendo evildoer, and the name was called ‘Zidian’.

However, it is rumored that this divine sword is only a high-grade peak holy artifact.

Today, it is obviously the ultimate holy artifact.

Probably it was from the hands of the two masters of Shura and Fengsha that can make the high-grade pinnacle holy artifacts elevate to the best holy artifacts.

The ultimate sacred artifact, even if they were hidden in the world, they never owned it.

This level of magic weapon is afraid that only the two behemoths, Shengyuezong and Beiyin Palace, possess.

At this time, the battle center.

With his own power, Xiao Yi wielded a sword in his hand to fight against the Eightfold of the Sovereign Realm.

But, in fact, his own condition is not very good.

Every time he swings his sword and retreats, he will receive a palm on his body.

These Saint-Venerable Realm Eightfolds did not head-on with him at all, but feared his Purple Lightning Divine Sword, fighting and retreating.

When an elder attacked, he could not stand it. When he wanted to kill, the elder quickly retreated, and the other elder attacked from sideways.

He was going to pull out the sword sideways, and another elder attacked from the other side.

This kind of siege is already a guerrilla warfare equivalent to a wheel war.

Every time he retreats, he will receive a palm on his back and a mouthful of blood.

At this moment, he is already blood-stained in his gown.

The boy's suit and chest were already wet with blood.

This is the strength of the eight-fold powerhouse of the Saint Venerable Realm, and the two strengths are fundamentally different.

Even if Xiao Yi had a purple lightning in his hand, his sharpness was amazing, but his speed was far inferior to these elders of the Holy Moon Sect retreat.

If it weren't for his own mysterious swordsmanship and rich combat experience, I am afraid that even if he is holding a magic weapon, he would never want to survive the siege of these retreat elders for a while.

Now it is the best result to reluctantly force the enemy, at the cost of injury.

"The son." Behind him, Yiyi was full of worry and gritted his teeth.

She wants to help, but this level of battle is not something she can participate in.

If these retreat elders wanted to capture her, she would not even have the opportunity to resist.

But her son, one person, one sword, so that these retreat elders did not even have the opportunity to approach her.

"Don't worry about me." Xiao Yi said softly.

With a sword in one hand, both feet move mysteriously, always within one meter of Yiyi's body.

With his sword, no one can get close to Yiyi.

"I will fight this siege, don't worry." Xiao Yi whispered again, and then said nothing.

In the distance in front of him, Elder Mingyue squinted at the fierce fierce battle.

"With your own cultivation strength, it is impossible to be the opponent of a group of closed elders."

"With Sword Dao and the ancient emperor's magic path alone, you can reach the heavens at the sixth level of the Sovereign Realm."

"Now you have the enemy's ability, but you have borrowed the power of the ultimate holy weapon."

"However, the ultimate holy artifact is not something that your level can bear."

"Your body can't stand it for long. Now it's your best choice to catch it with your hands. Why bother to resist and waste time?"


Suddenly, with a sneer, the words of Elder Mingyue were interrupted.

A retreat elder was suddenly severed with a sword.

But what came with it was Xiao Yi, who took a palm again and spit out a mouthful of blood.

"Life for injury?" Elder Mingyue shook his head.

Yes, Xiao Yi at this moment would rather trade his life for injury.

No matter how fiercely fighting continues, this group of Saint Venerable Realm eightfold can consume him to death.

He would rather accept these attacks in exchange for the opportunity to kill these closed elders.

Although every palm of these retreat elders could severely wound him, if he wanted his life, it was not that simple.

This body of his body was formed by practicing the Asura combat body of the Heaven-defying Body Cultivation Method.

The flesh itself is strong.

And the most important thing is that his body has been baptized four times.

Especially the baptism of heaven and earth brought by the last Shura battle body, those heaven and earth powers were all used to wash his body.

To put it simply, his body has long been perfect to the extreme.

Although this can't bring him any other big increase in strength.

However, his body has enough vitality.

The injuries that can be endured are far beyond the understanding of normal warriors.

As long as he didn't fall on his own, this body would be able to hold it; at least, this group of Saint Venerable Realm eightfold, under the power of fear of purple electricity, could not exert their strength to 100%, and could not easily kill him.


On the other side, far away.

On the seat of Beiyin Palace, Beiyin did nothing and retreated to his seat early.

At this moment, his pair of cold eyes are staring at the original high platform.

That high platform should have been stepped on by him.

However, it was stepped on by another man, who was still alive and ruined.

On the ground, the shattered high platform, as well as the pieces of Xiyi cloth everywhere, pierced his eyes and made his eyes red.

"Why?" Beiying Wuwei's bitter gaze turned to Xiao Yi who was fighting fiercely.

"You **** it." Bei Yin Wuwei gritted his teeth.

"The son can rest assured." On the side, a Beiyin Palace elder sneered, "If the elders of the Holy Moon Sect retreat are besieged, the kid will undoubtedly die and won't last long."

Bei Yin Wuwei's eyes were bitter, "I feel upset even at the first glance at him now."

"I want him to be unable to survive for a while."

"I want him to die now."

Bei Yin's innocent gaze turned to the old man on the seat who closed his eyes and sleeps, "Elder."

That old man is the Great Elder of Beiyin Palace.

Today, this is the day of marriage between Beiyin Palace and Shengyuezong.

Naturally, the warriors dispatched from Beiyin Palace are extraordinary.

In addition to Beiyin Wuwei, the Great Elder of Beiyin Palace personally led the team, plus two, three, and four, three elders.

These four people are all sleeping with their eyes closed at the moment.

The great elder opened his eyes, glanced at the battle, nodded indifferently, "Killing this son is not worth the old man's action."

"Excuse me to the elders of the retreat." The elder looked at the retreat elder on the seat.

This time following Beiyin's inaction, in addition to the four great elders of Beiyin Palace, including the Grand Elder, the Second Elder, the Third Elder, and the Fourth Elder, there are more than 20 elders in the retreat of Beiyin Palace with eight levels of single-color saints.

"Yes." The retreat elders of Beiyin Palace replied.

In the next second, the figure moved and appeared in the center of the battle.

"The retreat elder of Beiyin Palace?" Elder Mingyue frowned slightly.

An elder of the Beiyin Palace sneered, "With my help, there are more than fifty holy-sovereign-level eightfolds. This kid will die if he doesn't last a minute.

Elder Mingyue nodded.

Suddenly, the figure attacking Xiao Yi became denser.

Xiao Yi's pressure was even greater.

Xiao Yi fought a sword in one hand and narrowed his eyes. If he continued to fight like this, he would definitely die.


Suddenly, an elder of the Beiyin Palace jumped out from the ground strangely and slammed into Xiao Yi's heart with a palm.

In the air, a cloud of blood floated.

Xiao Yi's body was shaken back dozens of steps.

"The son." Yiyi was shocked.

far away.

On the seat of the Eight Palaces.

"Boy Xiao Yi." The Master Hall Master Shura and the Master Hall Master Fengsha also exclaimed.

"You are looking for death."

The two were angry and just about to shoot.


The three figures stood up.

Sandao Qi machine locked the two of them.

It was Senior Luo, the head of the soul hall and the head of the heavenly machine.

"Let's take care of yourself first." Senior Luo sneered, and suppressed the weather.

"You..." The main hall of Shura's eyes were cold.

In the air, the momentum of the two parties collided.

the other side.

On the seat of the Tianzang Academy, the head of the old courtyard Huo waved his hand, and the power of the martial arts surged around him.

But at this moment, above the chief, the woman who had been silent suddenly had a cold face.

"Huo Zhongtian, do you dare to take care of my Holy Moon Sect?"

Dean Huo nodded solemnly, "Xiao Yi, is a disciple of my Tianzang Academy."

"As the dean, the old man has the responsibility to protect him."

"You disciple of Tianzang Academy?" An elder of the Holy Moon Sect gave a cold voice.

"Little Thief Xiao Yi was expelled from the Tianzang Academy a long time ago, what kind of disciple is he?"

Dean Huo's face was solemn, "The old man did not agree to this matter, nor did he admit it."

"The old man said he was."

With a move, the head of the old hospital Huo has already taken one foot.

But at this time.


A swarthy long stick came from the sky.

The long stick fell, and the power of the martial arts surging around Dean Huo instantly collapsed.

Once the figure, he suddenly sat on the seat of the Tianzang Academy.

Behind the figure are a group of Tianzang Xuegong elders, only, and Tianjiao disciples.

"Changtian Wine Demon." Dean Huo narrowed his eyes.

Changtian Wine Demon smiled, "Huo Zhongtian, you should just look at it like this."

"Otherwise, if you can protect the little thief Xiao Yi, you won't be able to protect the people in the palace behind you."

"You..." Dean Huo's original steps could only be taken back.


Second more.

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