Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 2133: The third kendo in the world

Until reaching the place of the elder Mingyue in front, the elder Mingyue Fang raised his hands together, and the huge **** sword aura was scattered.

But his body was also shaken back ten steps.

"These are the four famous blood world styles?" Elder Mingyue squinted.

"Using Shura's blood in his body as power?"

Elder Mingyue shook his head, "If you continue to fight like this, you will only bleed out your own blood, and die from the blood."

"Even if it can break out stronger combat power, it will be in vain to hold it for a minute or two."

The battle center.

Xiao Yi ran away, his eyes flushed.

The purple lightning in his hand, the sword body is red, fighting the surroundings.

Jianwei, no one dares to rival.

While fighting, he also paid attention to the seats of Eight Halls.

Although I don't know why the three senior Luo will join forces with the holy monarch to suppress the two masters of the main hall of Shura.

But Xiao Yi was not too worried.

Suppression and containment are one thing, and murder is another matter.

The four of them can suppress the two masters of the Asura Hall, but they want to kill, but they are far from able to do it.

In addition, Xiao Yi had expected this battle when he came to Holy Moon Sect.

He hadn't planned to let the two main hall masters intervene in his affairs a long time ago, and he didn't want the two main hall masters to violate the iron rules of the Eight Palaces because of this.

The iron rules of the Eight Temples and the dignity of the Eight Temples are the beliefs of these old guys.

Therefore, Xiao Yi did not count the two main hall masters.

Now, the two main hall masters are restrained, which is equivalent to the eight halls not participating in the battle between him and Saint Moon Sect, which is a good thing.

The battle has always belonged to him and Shengyuezong, Beiyin Palace, and this hidden family of hundreds.


One minute later.

The speed of Xiao Yi's sword was slightly slowed down.

He can feel the weakness that he brings because of the rapid flow of blood.


In the air, a strange figure suddenly struck, and the angle of the shot was extremely tricky and harsh.

That is an elder of Beiyin Palace.

Xiao Yi's sword had just retreated from the several retreat elders, and it was too late to take it back, so he could only take it abruptly.

"Puff." Xiao Yi spouted another mouthful of blood, blood staining the sword.

With a backhand sword, he wanted to attack the elder of Beiyin Palace.

But the elder of Beiyin Palace quickly escaped into the space.

Xiao Yi's backhand with a sword, a sword miss, and his backhand became a flaw in the back.

Behind him, an elder of the Holy Moon Sect instantly blasted with all his strength.

"Puff." Xiao Yi spouted another mouthful of blood.

The figure staggered directly.

This palm is a real full palm, how he can bear it.


Xiao Yi propped the ground with his sword, and endured his increasingly unbearable body.

His body became weaker and weaker.

"Master." Yiyi exclaimed, his face pale and bloodless.

That pretty face is already full of pain, worry, and difficulty.

"Yiyi stay, son, you go first, you don't have to get hurt for Yiyi again."

"In the future, I will definitely look for the son."

She could no longer stand watching her son seriously injured again and again, vomiting blood again and again.

What used to be chic and elegant, now it has become embarrassing.

The face that used to be as handsome as jade is now covered with blood.

She couldn't bear all this.

"Don't worry about me." Xiao Yi shook his head and chuckled lightly.

"Before I planned to come for the appointment, I was already prepared, and I may not be destined to leave."

Xiao Yi smiled lightly and lightly.

He wants to go to the appointment because he has promised.

He just knew that this person must be waiting for him too, he didn't want to let people suffer such waiting and torment, so he came.

Whether he could leave alive, he considered, but it was the last point he considered.

But today, even if he dies, he will survive to the end.

Moreover, they will kill anyone who can make people feel unhappy or displeased.

His ferocious eyes glanced at all the retreat elders present.

Today, none of the elders of Beiyin Palace will stay.

He still cannot fall down.

Xiao Yi's hand was stained with blood, dripping into the sword continuously.

The blade trembled suddenly.

In fact, Xiao Yi has not mobilized the power of Zidian itself.

However, there is spirit in the sword.

It seems to feel the indomitable, hideous, and crazy of the owner.

The sword body, also at this moment, was hideous, crazy, and violent.


Suddenly, there was a masterpiece of heaven and earth.

Above Zidian, Zimang became more monstrous.

In the air, the surging lightning suddenly formed, and two huge lightning gods condensed.

"Huh? What the hell?" All around, the expressions of the elders in retreat changed greatly.

They can obviously feel the same level of aura as themselves from these two huge lightning phantoms, but they are more full of violent and dangerous.

Xiao Yi glanced at the two behemoths flashing thunder and lightning.

"Lei Ling? Have you grown to this point?"

Yes, these two huge thunder and lightning ‘Gods’ are the Thunder Spirit within the sword. After inhaling the huge dragon-shaped evil spirit, they have grown to this day.


A Lei Ling could not wait to punch out.

That huge thunder and lightning arm seemed to sweep through the air.

"Be careful." Elder Mingyue shouted violently.

But it was still too late.

After a huge thunder and lightning fist, a group of retreat elders quickly retreated, but a few of them couldn't retreat, they were blasted hundreds of steps, their clothes were broken, blood was vomiting, and they were extremely embarrassed.

"Okay, very good." Xiao Yi's eyes were joyful, "Today, I will have a good fight and a thorough fight."

The blood in Xiao Yi's body was boiling at this moment.

The sword in his hand, once again surrounded by sword intent.

A sword came out, the space was shattered, and within the sword's edge, in the blood, the power of the world followed.


Xiao Yi took Yiyi with his sword in one hand and moved forward again.

In the air, the elder of Beiyin Palace appeared strangely again.

This time, Xiao Yi had already prepared and struck out with a sword.

"Humph." The elder of Beiyin Palace snorted coldly, intending to escape into the space.

But at this moment, Xiao Yi's sword was suddenly imprisoned in space.

"How is it possible? Disrupting the laws of space?" The body of the elder of Beiyin Palace was frozen in the air and couldn't be pushed.


Xiao Yi's sword fell and he was divided.

at the same time.

Far away in the seat of the Eight Palaces.

The head of the soul hall, the body trembled suddenly, glanced at the battle in the distance.

"How is it possible." The head of the Soul Palace squinted his eyes, "In the **** color of the sword body, there is a strong Soul Dao law."

The head of the soul hall clearly felt that his soul path was agitated unconsciously. Although it was not too strong and very weak, he still felt it clearly.


far away.

Xiao Yi walked with the sword, accompanied by two huge thunder spirits.

One person and two spirits, wherever they go, they are almost destroyed.


The huge Holy Moon Sect was suddenly in a panic.

The chief place, the woman's face became inexplicably ugly for the first time.

If this continues, she is afraid that she will destroy the blockbuster.

"Stop him."

The woman gave a low voice.

The group of titled elders who had been following her all the time, after losing the previous three Qi machine locks, they shot instantly.

The woman's cold eyes turned to glance over the hundreds of hidden families around her.

The masters of the hidden family shook their bodies, and repeatedly bowed and nodded.


Patriarch of a hidden family, he didn't look at it, but shot instantly.

With the title elders behind the holy king, as well as the hundred strongest...

The war, at this moment, broke out in an instant.

This one encompassed a hundred families of hermits, two strong fights between closed elders, just to kill the kendo evildoer.

It can even be expected that this battle will be earth-shattering.


A title elder took the lead in breaking through the air.

"Elder Haiyue." Elder Mingyue nodded.

Elder Haiyue's strength and status in the clan were even higher than him.

"Yeah." Elder Haiyue also nodded and took a picture.

The huge Lei Ling was shaken back 100 meters in an instant.


It's another old man, taking a picture with one palm.

"Old Patriarch Baili, Baili is lifeless." Elder Mingyue nodded again.

The old man also nodded, and with a palm out, the other Thunder Spirit retreated 100 meters in an instant.


At this time, there was a sound of shaking the sky.

At the seat of the Beiyin Palace, a sleepy old man moved in an instant.

The instant the old man left, his speed even surpassed any title elder present.

In an instant, he had arrived in front of Xiao Yi.

"So fast." Xiao Yi's pupils shrank.


The old man took a palm shot, and the blood on Xiao Yijian instantly collapsed.

"The Fourth Elder of Beiyin Palace." Elder Mingyue's eyes were startled.

The old man, the fourth elder of the Beiyin Palace, smiled, "My second son is impatient, so let the old man kill this little thief himself."

After all, the fourth elder of Beiyin Palace looked at Xiao Yi.

With one hand, he held Xiao Yi's throat.

Shoot out with one hand and palm.

"Puff." Xiao Yi spouted out blood, which seemed extremely when he was caught by the evil monarch.

However, the fourth elder of Beiyin Palace could not match the strength of the evil monarch.

The Fourth Elder of Beiyin Palace sneered contemptuously, "Second Young Master said, I don't want to look at your face again."

"So, the old man should break your head."

When the voice fell, the fourth elder of Beiyin Palace had already turned his palm into a fist.

With a heavy punch, he blasted Xiao Yi's head.

"The son." Yiyi's pupils suddenly shrank.

The fighting around suddenly stopped at this moment.

If there is no accident, everything will end here.

The head of this kendo evildoer turned into a cloud of blood and died miserably.

However, no one around showed sympathy, but sneered again and again.

This kendo evildoer that they have fought fiercely for a long time will fall.

However, they never thought that they, all the old guys, deceived a young evildoer in this way, but what can't they do? They don't know the word shame?


Suddenly, a sword rang, resounding throughout the world.

A ray of sword energy struck at an extremely fast speed.

The speed even surpassed the fist of the fourth elder of Beiyin Palace.


In an instant, the sword that resounded through the sky had already blasted heavily on the fist of the Fourth Elder of Beiyin Palace.

Only for a moment, the fists of the fourth elder of Beiyin Palace were instantly frozen.

"Huh?" The fourth elder of Beiyin Palace was surprised.

Surrounded by retreat elders, title elders, and hidden families, they were also surprised.

Under the world, who has the ability to freeze the fist of the Fourth Elder of Beiyin Palace with a single sword in the distance?

Everyone's eyes cast all their eyes to the distant high altitude.

There, a piece of ice and snow swept across the sky.

Within the ice and snow, a figure in white clothes floated but sternly arrived.


The figure in white suddenly disappeared into the sky.

The sky was full of wind and snow and suddenly came to the battle center.

An ice and snow sharp sword, instantly hit the fourth elder of Beiyin Palace.


A cold drink, crisp and sweet.

The fourth elder of Beiyin Palace flew with a sword in an instant, his body froze, and he was embarrassed.

Everyone's eyes are staring at this white figure.

It was a woman, dressed in white, with a beautiful face.

In the eyes, there is a laziness.

But at this moment, more is the extreme coldness.

"Send to me."

The sword of ice slashed out with one sword.

The monstrous blizzard came instantly.

With a radius of a hundred miles, it was frozen instantly.

Including a title elder, a retreat elder, and even the great elder on the seat of Beiyin Palace, instantly frozen and immobile.

"Is it true that I have no one in Sky Splitting Sword Sect?"

The person here is the Sword Fairy of the Sky Splitting.

The only people in the audience who were not frozen in ice were the woman, the eight main hall masters, and a handful of people such as the long sky wine demon and the old chief Huo.

The woman looked at the surrounding ice, her eyes were cold, with horror, "The third kendo in the world, Bingming kendo."

In the surrounding ice, strands of cold air flowed out.

That cold air, like the extreme coldness, and like a deep breath.

Who knows what is under the Nether Yellow Spring?

But this woman dressed in white, with a face, uses that sword, as if telling everyone...

Under the Nether Yellow Spring, there is an extremely cold world of ice and snow!


Fourth more. (burst)

Update today, over.

Tonight’s update, if it’s not after 12 o’clock, it proves that I have asked for leave.

I can't get more in time.

The day before yesterday’s update was 8 o’clock in the morning. I went to bed in the afternoon and woke up at 12 o’clock in the evening.

This is the same as today's update so late.

Similarly, tonight’s update may be too late. I can’t help but sleep.

The only thing I can do is to save one more day and restore the time to the noon update. It is not that I can adjust the biological clock, but that I can save the manuscript one day.

It's not that I am lazy, but the more important the plot, the more time I will consider.

From 12 o'clock in the morning, the code word has been nine hours, and there are more than 10,000 words in these four chapters.

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