Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 2151: Why don't you give up?

"Seven days and nights?"

Xiao Yi was slightly surprised, but he had already expected it.

Before fainting, he probably knew the extent of his injuries and backlash.

Those injuries are okay.

Regardless of the sword marks, dagger marks, palm prints and other injuries, he left behind when he fought with a group of titled elders, retreat elders, and a hundred powers of the hidden world.

When these injuries broke out at the last moment when they couldn't bear it, Jin Yan's sacred fire had automatically overflowed, and he was forcibly treated for him.

With his own pharmacist methods and the effects of the Jin Yan Sacred Fire, he has actually offset a slight part of his injuries.

Later, with the help of the Master Yaozun, he recuperated for a while.

So these injuries are nothing.

The most important thing comes from backlash.

Backlash, one, comes from the excessive flow of essence and blood in his body, and he also insists on consumption and fighting, and the physical backlash caused by this.

The two are the most serious backlash.

His large flame formation, with the increase of 15 martial arts relics, became powerful and powerful.

Even in that very short period of time, he was given a combat power no less than that of the main hall masters.

This gave him the ability to kill a group of elders with the title of Beiyin Palace and the great elders of Beiyin Palace.

And the price that comes with it is that its backlash is quite terrible and serious.

These backlashes actually made him extremely painful when he was fighting.

It's just that his Xiao Yi has such a character.

No matter when and where, he didn't want to expose his painful side, whether in front of the enemy or in front of the elders.

So he has always seemed calm and indifferent.

In fact, the body almost breaks down like Ruo at all times.

The pressure brought about by that powerful combat force, almost every moment, seemed to crush him into flesh.

Almost just a few seconds, it can make him unbearable.

However, he has persisted.

Originally in his plan, he insisted on killing all the elders of Beiyin Palace, killing Beiyin Wuwei, and he would lose his strength.

Because that is almost the limit his body can bear.

If you keep on going, your life is in danger.

But I never expected that 15 martial arts relics would bring out such a disaster space as the evil domain.

His life made him have to continue, and even at the last moment, he used the power of 15 martial arts relics to repel the palm of the evil emperor.

The maintenance time had to be increased because of this, and under that pressure, he had to fight his backlash with all his strength.

The consequences can be imagined.

There is also Xiao Yi now in a coma for seven days and nights.

This backlash was infinitely close to the level of death, no less than Xiao Yi's previous dying by the Ice Luan Sword, or dying in the abyss monster battle, and so on.

If it weren't for the chief pharmacist of Yaozun, the world's first alchemist, and countless healing holy medicines, it would be a question whether Xiao Yi could wake up today.

"Huh." Xiao Yi breathed out lightly and smiled.

"Tsk tusk." On the side, Senior Jian Ji smiled jokingly, "Back then, when I was in the East China Sea Fortress, I knew you were looking for this little girl."

"It's just that, I never expected that you would cross thousands of mountains and rivers all the way, even through the extremely dangerous spatial turbulence, and come to this Central Territory without stopping. Everything is to find your little wife."

"Senior..." Yiyi's face flushed, and his voice was like a mosquito.

Senior Jian Ji smiled and said, "Well, at such a moment, I shouldn't be here to kill this scenery. As soon as you wake up, I will relax and leave."

When the voice fell, Senior Jian Ji turned around and left.

In the boudoir, there were only Xiao Yi and Yiyi.

Xiao Yi stared at the people, and for a while, there was a bit of speech and emotion.

The two purposes of coming to Zhongyu are now considered to be completed.

After searching for so many years, this person who appeared for the first time in his life, and an extremely important person, was finally found.

Even if this is just a fleeting meteor in his life, he will hold it firmly in the future.

Meteors are easy to pass, but as long as Xiao Yi doesn't want it, it's the day, and I don't want to let it dissipate.

Everything is the only word for strength.

He couldn't find it back then, couldn't catch up with this meteor disappearing into the sky, today, he found it.

Because he has enough strength.

In the future, even if it is not allowed this day, he will forcefully go against it.

He believed that he would also have this kind of strength against the sky in the future.

Of course, that is something later.

Today, he looked at the people, and for a while, he was somewhat satisfied.

Between him and the people, in fact, there is nothing earth-shattering, and there is no long company.

Some are accompanied only briefly, but they are unforgettable.

It's still the same sentence, some people believe it, it won't change.

Some people believe that the moment it is a lifetime.

It's not because of stubbornness, nor for any other reason.

On the contrary, if at that moment, at that glance, it can be recognized, it means that there is no other person in the eyes.

In just a moment, just a glance, you can conclude that it is a lifetime.

The so-called life is not a whole life in one eye; but in this life, it is impossible to feel this way when looking at others.

This is not love at first sight, nor is it love at first sight.

This feeling was unclear, but Xiao Yi recognized it at a glance.

"I haven't seen it in more than ten years, shouldn't you tell me something?" Xiao Yi said with a chuckle, staring at the person.

"Um." Yiyi looked at Xiao Yi's gaze, his face flushed even more.

This handsome face, these clear eyes, being watched like this, I am afraid that any woman will be unable to bear it for too long.

"The son... are you hungry? Yiyi goes to cook." Yiyi faltered, spit out.

Xiao Yi's face twitched, almost spitting out a mouthful of old blood.


Outside the boudoir.

It is a hall.

In the hall, eight elderly people are all sitting at the table.

On the table, there is a ring of heaven and earth.

All around, there were many items.

Qiankun Ring is Xiao Yi's Qiankun Ring.

But the pile of things piled up with tables and cases is nothing ordinary.

Purple Lightning Sword, Killing Sword, Dawn Bell, Ghost Mask, Eight Dragon Burning Stove, Wind Holy Pot...

A piece by piece of the general hall deputy.

The main hall files, mission files, or intelligence files of each hall.

In the Qiankun Ring, there are piles of heavenly materials and earth treasures, each of which was originally rewarded to their successors for cultivation.

Of course, there are also a lot of practice secrets and the like.

After a while, the Lord of the Heavenly Secret Hall opened his mouth first, "This kid, he is rich enough."

On the side, the main hall of Yandian smiled and said, "I will give you all these things, and I will compensate Xiao Yi in the future. Don't grab this successor..."

"You fart." The Lord of Heaven's Secret Palace glared.

The audience fell silent again.

After a long while, the head of the Demon Hunter Palace dignifiedly opened his mouth, "Eight Halls have their own iron rules."

"The position of the master of the eight halls cannot be inherited by one person at the same time."

"Eight of us, one of us must always give up this successor."

Yes, the Eight Temples Iron Rules.

In the ancient times, although the eight halls were linked together, it was never possible that the eight main halls were inherited by one person at the same time.

This kind of iron rule is almost second only to the biggest iron rule of the Eight Palaces not to interfere with the disputes between major forces.

The reason is very simple. If the eight halls are in charge of the same person, if the business trip pool, then all the eight halls are on business trip pool, and no one can bear the consequences.

The eight halls are inherited by different people, so that no matter which hall or the number of halls is out of business, there will still be checks and balances in other halls, and there is a chance to save.

The truth is understood by all eight elderly people.

"Don't look at us." The main hall master of Shura and the main hall master of Fengsha spoke first.

"Little Xiao Yi, he is the successor of our two palaces. If you want to give up, it will not be our turn."

The head of the Demon Hunter nodded, "The surname Luo, and the secrets of you, if I'm not mistaken, Xiao Yi kid enters your Third Black Demon Hall as Xiao Xun, just compelled."

"He had no intention of inheriting your three halls, so why don't you give up..."

The head of the Heavenly Secret Hall and the head of the Soul Hall stared, "Why don't you give up the Third Hall of Demon Hunting?"


Third more.

Update today, over.

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