Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 2157: Read for a long time

Senior Luo held his hand, as if he hadn't heard of the ridicule of the Master Fengsha.

In fact, he suppressed it for a long time.

As early as in the hall, he was silent for a long time.

He is not good at arguing, so he has been silent.

After competing with the rest of the main hall masters, he didn't seem to have any trump cards and confidence.

After all, he and Xiao Yi couldn't deal with it.

Now, hearing the bottleneck of the martial art of the combination of ice and fire, he instantly gained confidence.

At this time, the main hall master of Shura, the main hall of hunting demon and others, their faces were slightly ugly.

Senior Luo didn't use his Black Demon Temple's background to attract Xiao Yi, instead he used Venerable Ice as his trump card.

Once Xiao Yi entered the three halls of the Black Devil, according to the iron rules of the eight halls, among the other five halls, there must be one hall that needed to give up this successor.

Eight eyes gathered together on Xiao Yi.

Unexpectedly, Xiao Yi's face was light, and he shook his head, "The other words, the Eight Palaces, no matter what, I will not inherit it."

"The matter of martial art is difficult, I will find a solution myself."

"Huh." The Lord Shura and the others sighed slightly.

"You..." Senior Luo, his face turned black for a moment.

The young man in front of him was still the same as before, always rejecting him, always making him angry, but he didn't care about it.

Xiao Yi stepped back, looked at the eight people, and saluted heavily.

The eight main hall masters were stunned.

Xiao Yi's expression was serious, "The eight masters of the palace's love for the boy, the boy knows."

"I didn't blame the seniors for anything about the previous war."

"It's just that there are some things. I don't want it anymore."

"I'm Xiao Yi, I'm the same Xiao Yi. Even if I can't be the eighth successor, I still respect all the main hall masters as before."

Senior, or senior.

Even if they can't be successors, the position of the eight of them in Xiao Yi's heart has not changed.

Of course the eight of them understood what Xiao Yi meant.

However, they prefer to see this young man inherit his main hall.

"Well, I want to be quiet." Xiao Yi smiled faintly and said, "The eight seniors don't have to follow."

"Oh, right." Xiao Yi seemed to think of something and said, "I heard that the eight seniors blocked the Holy Moon Sect."

"The kid is just interested in asking, I don't know what the eight seniors will do?"

The master of the main hall of the wind brake said coldly, "We Shura and the two halls of the wind brake have publicly announced that you will take over as the master of the main hall."

"Holy Moon Sect and the Hundreds of Hidden Aristocratic Families, we must kill them."

"According to the rules of the Eight Palaces, the intention to kill the main hall master is equivalent to provoking the Eight Palaces. For the Eight Palaces and the mainland enemies, they should be killed one by one..."

Before Xiao Yi had finished speaking, Yiyi's face turned pale next to Xiao Yi.

The main hall master of Shura noticed Yiyi's face, and interrupted in a deep voice, "The role of the main hall master is to command the main hall, and the ten main halls under his command, the main halls of over ten thousand regions, the one million points hall."

"Its significance is extraordinary, and it's not a business trip, so this crime is almost ranked first in the Eight Palaces."

"However, if it counts as itself, it is a matter between you and the Holy Moon Sect, including the ambush of the Holy Moon Sect on you half a year ago."

"So if you want, you can leave this to you."

"Of course, as long as the other main hall masters have no opinion."

The Master of Asura looked at the other people.

The head of the demon hunting hall nodded, looked at Xiao Yi, and said, "We have always been at ease with you in the third hall of demon hunting."

"We can't trust your ability to do things."

Senior Luo still held his hands and said indifferently, "Whatever."

Senior Luo and the Palace Master Tianji were obviously the kind of people who didn't bother to pay attention to the rules of the palace.

They blocked the Holy Moon Sect, the big reason is probably for Xiao Yi.

The head of the Soul Palace, his face was slightly complicated at this time, and he had rarely spoken.

"This..." Xiao Yi hesitated for a while, arched his hands, and said, "Since the main hall masters are willing to treat the grievances between me and the Holy Moon Sect, I will deal with it. The kid will consider it and give it later. reply."


"It's up to you." The main hall of Shura nodded, "We are the elite of the two halls. After you fell asleep, we have already arrived."

"Eight halls are elite, I have to stay in the Holy Moon Sect for a while to deal with the affairs of the hidden families."

"So in no hurry, take your time to consider."

"Thank you." Xiao Yi nodded, "I want to cultivate for a while."

"In addition." Xiao Yi's gaze looked at the main hall master of the soul hall who had been silent. "The main hall master, the kid will talk to you later. Is it feasible?"

"Oh?" The head of the soul hall reacted, but he also heard that Xiao Yi's name was ‘the head of the hall,’ instead of the ‘head of the hall of soul’.

The head of the soul hall smiled, "Okay, you cultivate first."


Saying goodbye to the eight main hall masters and senior Jian Ji, Xiao Yi and Yiyi only wandered around in the Holy Moon Sect.

For Xiao Yi, he wanted to see where Yiyi has lived for more than ten years.

After a few hours.

The two went around and went back to the Sacred Heart Temple.

"It's night." Xiao Yi looked at the sky and smiled.

"The sky of the Holy Moon Sect is no different from the outside."

"It's still the moon, or those stars, hanging high in the night sky."

"I'll cook for the son." Yiyi said.

Xiao Yi grabbed Yiyi's hands, looked at these smooth and white hands, and chuckled lightly.

"With these hands, I haven't done those rough jobs for a long time."

"Yeah." Feeling the warmth in the palm of his hand, Yiyi's face was reddened, and he nodded subconsciously.

With her head down, she didn't notice that Xiao Yi's face was a bit complicated at this moment.

The complexity does not come from the people in front of you.

Rather, he seemed to be thinking something.

After a long while, Yiyi raised his head.

Xiao Yi regained his usual expression, as handsome as usual, with a smile.

"My son wait a moment, Yiyi will go and prepare food for you right away." Yiyi retracted his hand and trot away.

Although he was dressed in a luxurious robe of the moon wheel, the position of a saint, but at this time, there was no half of a noble saint.

On the contrary, just like ten years ago, the well-behaved man dressed in coarse linen in the Xiao family.

Xiao Yi looked at Ren'er, shook his head, and glanced at the sky again, "I hope that day will come later."

"At least, when I have enough strength to protect the people I want to protect."

"Huh." Xiao Yi took a deep breath.

A ray of cold moonlight shone down, and Xiao Yi waved his sleeves and slowly stepped back into the hall.

For a long while.

A table of not hearty but steaming meals is arranged.

Yiyi looked at Xiao Yi awkwardly.

Xiao Yi glanced at the food and chuckled lightly, "Just like in the past, the food is what you cooked for me almost every day."

"If I guessed correctly, during your years in Saint Moon Sect, Saint Monarch never let you touch any of these fireworks."

"So you will only cook the food you knew back then."

Yiyi showed embarrassment and guilt, "I wanted to make some richer dishes...but..., Yiyi is useless."

"Stupid." Xiao Yi smiled, "Sit down and eat."

"I haven't had a serious meal in years."

"After so many years, I just read this meal."

Yiyi smiled.

Xiao Yi ate a meal for half an hour.

At night, the night darkened.

Xiao Yi said to Yiyi, "I am going to retreat, you take care of yourself these days."

"Retreat?" Yiyi was stunned, "The son is still hurt..."

Xiao Yi interrupted with a chuckle, "I have to retreat and try to recover sooner because of the injury."

"Don't worry, it won't be long."


Third more.

Update today, over.

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