Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 2180: Jinhuanzong, the Gate of Four Swords

Time, I don't know how long has passed.

Or ten minutes, or half an hour, or one or two hours?

Xiao Yi slowly woke up in a breeze.

Lifted his head and glanced.

The man's little hand, which was beating his shoulder for him, has stopped, but it still rests on his shoulder.

People, actually closed their eyes and fell asleep.

Kneeling like this, lowered his head slightly.

At this moment, Ren'er's face and Xiao Yi's face were so close to each other.

Xiao Yi could look at this extremely beautiful face very clearly.

I can feel the warm breath of people very clearly.

At this moment, Xiao Yi's heart was filled with emotion, a little impulsive.

However, looking at Ren'er's lovely expression, her closed beautiful eyes, and her lovely lips that seemed to be dreaming and grinning slightly.

Xiao Yi stopped these impulses again and couldn't bear to disturb.

He lifted his head slightly and moved away from Ren'er's lap.

A gentle aura slowly enveloped people.

Xiao Yi got up, came behind Ren'er, but slowly put Ren'er's half-kneeling body down, submerged in his arms.

Xiao Yi's movements were very light.

With his strength, wrapped in the power of the spiritual energy of the world, it will not disturb the sleeping person at all.

Sure enough, Ren'er slept soundly in his arms, not only did he not wake up, but he seemed to smell a familiar and trustworthy smell, and he unconsciously squeezed into his arms.

Such a slightly restless drowsiness movement made Xiao Yi chuckle.

Seeing Yiyi asleep, Xiao Yi didn't bother.

Just sitting like this, with one arm around the gentle shoulders of the person, while thinking.

After a long while, Xiao Yi retracted his gaze and looked into the distance.

The light and casual gaze suddenly condensed.

That dignified, just like Xiao Yi, who walked through the dangers of heaven and earth in the past, was like that Xiao Yi who was dangerous everywhere, but not afraid of everything, as if he knew everything.


Xiao Yi tapped his fingertips.

Ahead, the space shattered.

A touch of sword energy, penetrated into it.

However, the sword energy just attached, and in an instant, it disappeared instantly.

Xiao Yi shook his head, slightly disappointed in his eyes.

That sword aura is the great free sword that he has not yet fully controlled.

More than a year and a half.

Although he traveled, he did not lose half of his martial arts practice.

Da comfortable Kendo, these days, it has also improved.

However, if you want to have complete control, there is always a slight difference.

Back then, when he was in the extreme realm of the earth, he felt that his great free swordsmanship was only a bit short, and he would be able to complete.

Now, he is the cultivation base of the Holy Venerable, Da Zizai Swordsman has been constantly improving in this year and a half, but he still feels a little bit different.

It is no different from that year.

This may be the wonder of martial arts.

Xiao Yi didn't force it, as long as he can keep improving, he will be fulfilled one day.

Ahead, the space is still there.

Xiao Yi frowned slightly.

He still remembered that when he left the Holy Moon Sect a year and a half ago, when he stepped into the gap in the space, he felt the gaze like a thorny back.

But in the past year and a half, this feeling, even if he repeatedly enters the cracks of space, has never felt it again.

"At that time, was it really an illusion?" Xiao Yi couldn't help asking.

After a long while, only shook his head.

Suddenly, high in the sky ahead, a cloud of mist rolled and an explosion sounded.

Xiao Yi glanced, and at the same time, Yiyi was awakened in his arms.

The two were not surprised.

Yiyi rubbed his wistful eyes and glanced at his current situation, but was shocked, "My son, are you awake?"

As he said, Yiyi quickly got out of his arms, and his gaze also looked to the distant sky.

There, at this moment, there are two beasts of cloud and mist, writhing and playing wantonly.

"These two guys." Xiao Yi scolded with a smile.

"Have you disturbed the son?" Yiyi asked, "Should I tell them to stop?"

"Not at all." Xiao Yi shook his head, "but it's time to call them, ready to leave the Four Seasons region, but walk in other regions."

"Yeah, good." Yiyi nodded, and Yukong flew high into the sky.

Xiao Yi sat in place, only smiling.

In this year and a half, comparing his gains in martial arts, watching Ren'er's daily smile makes him happier.

Compared with the past, Yiyi has no more restraints.

This year and a half, Xiao Yi took her to travel everywhere, to the Yunhai region, to the Fangcun region, to the Moonlight Land, and to many beautiful places.

Just at this moment, there was a pleasant voice in the distance, "Dabai, rhubarb, come back."

Xiao Yi's face twitched when he heard the words.

After a long while, Yiyi returned with two giant beasts.

It's not a behemoth, but it is also a few meters tall and majestic.

These are two cloud-walking beasts.

However, it was not an ordinary Cloud Stepping Beast, but the Cloud Beast Emperor.

A normal cloud stepping beast has only the peak strength of the celestial extreme realm, and a slightly stronger one can enter the holy realm.

And Yun Beast King, has the strength comparable to the Saint King realm martial artist.

In the sea of ​​clouds, there are many cloud treading beasts, but the strongest cloud treading beast led by them is just the cloud beast king.

These two cloud beast emperors were not found in the Yunhai region.

But the two of them found it in another place.

In terms of strength, it reaches the peak of the Holy Emperor Realm, and even because of its monster body, it is no less than a general martial arts powerful warrior.

The cloud treading beast only lives in the clouds and mist, and has a docile personality.

I have to say that they were lucky to find the two cloud beast emperors dangerously in one cloud.

And the two Yun Beast Emperors happened to be a male and a female.

The mother's end was white all over, just as Yiyi called.

The male end is also snow-white, but there are a few soft yellows between the temples, so it is called rhubarb.

"What's the matter?" Yiyi returned with two cloud beast emperors, and asked, "My son, but these two names that Yiyi took are not good?"

"It's better to take another..."

Xiao Yi smiled and interrupted, "No, it's good, at least appropriate."

"Moreover, this name is also used to it."

"Let's go." Xiao Yi said, and jumped onto the rhubarb.

"Hmph." The two Yun Beast Emperors spouted two breaths of heat from their nostrils, stared at all four, and stepped up in the air.

Flew tens of thousands of miles.

Suddenly, under the front, there were violent fighting sounds.

"Golden Ring Sect, don't deceive others too much."

On one side, it was clear that the wind was falling, each of the warriors was wounded, and many died.

The number is about two or three hundred.

The other one, with the number of about five hundred, was all vigorous and obviously had the upper hand.

"Hahahaha." A young man laughed wildly, "Four Swordsmen, this area of ​​300,000 miles, will be my Golden Ring Sect's sphere of influence from now on."

"You, either surrender, or just kill the door."

High in the sky.

Two clouds and streamers flew past comfortably.

Xiao Yi and Yiyi looked under their eyes, but didn't pay attention to anything.

This is nothing but an uncommon power dispute above the Central Region.

The two have seen many such fights and battles, but they never paid attention to them.

The two of them drove away with the stepping cloud beast.

It's just that the two are willing to leave, but there are always some guys without eyes who insist on seeking death.

Just like the young son below who is laughing wildly.


The group of people suddenly flew up from Yukong and blocked the way.


Second more.

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