Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 2182: Blue wind area

High in the sky, the atmosphere was instantly solemn.

Ran Qi held the mad dragon cloud-piercing spear in his hand and stood in the air, silent.

Everything in the world suddenly became silent at this moment.

Even the two-headed Yun Beast Emperor stopped his movements.

Including Yiyi, also silent.

Everything is due to the silent Young Master Pian Pian.

He didn't move, nor showed any momentum.

Just being silent like this, frozen, but let everyone present dare not make any extra moves.


After a long while, Xiao Yi uttered two words in his mouth, his tone as heavy as water.

In the solemn eyes, there is no more randomness before half a minute.

"You know?" Ran Qi looked at Xiao Yi, his tone dignified, with a little inexplicable tone.

Xiao Yi glanced at Ran Qi and said in a deep voice, "Six months ago, Ye Liu was in danger when he was practicing outside, and he died behind him."

"As soon as this happened, the Central Territory was shaken."

"Later, several law enforcement teams from the Eight Halls went to investigate and confirmed the death."

"That time, it was the only time I stopped for a while. Unfortunately, I didn't rush to see him for the last time."

Yes, the news of Ye Liu's death was six months ago.

And that time, it was also the first time that Xiao Yi's travels for a year and a half stopped briefly.

Unfortunately, at Ye Shengfu's funeral, Xiao Yi didn't have time to rush away in the future.

"I personally watched that kid seal the coffin and be buried." Ran Qi said sadly.

At Ye Sheng's funeral, many of Ye Liu's friends arrived, and Ran Qi was also there.

Only Xiao Yi did not go.

The best relationship with Ye Liu, Xiao Yi, who made Ye Liu a "brother", did not show up.

Xiao Yi shook his head and said in a deep voice, "I went to the battlefield."

"Although there is a combat investigation report from the law enforcement team in the main hall of Fengsha Temple, I went to check it."

half year ago.

Xiao Yi was away, traveling with all his heart, and no longer participated in various events and battles.

There is no connection with the Eight Palaces either.

Naturally, intelligence is far inferior to major forces.

By the time he knew about Ye Liu's death, it was time for the matter to spread throughout the Central Region.

Instead of attending the funeral of Ye Shengfu, he went to the place where Ye Liu died.

"Then what was found?" Ran Qi asked with a cold face.

Xiao Yi shook his head, "The entire battle area, the battle traces are quite intense."

"Sword marks and knife marks are densely packed; in a radius of tens of thousands of miles, the mountains and the ground are cracked, and the rivers are destroyed."

"But the most shocking thing is that a claw strike that penetrated the entire battlefield."

"In the battlefield, there is still a lot of monsters' aura. That claw blow is obviously a beast's claw, which is the work of a giant beast."

"The intelligence judgment given by the law enforcement team of the Fengchadian Main Hall, Ye Liu's real fatal injury is this claw attack."

"My judgment is exactly the same, almost the same."

Ran Qi asked, "Conspiracy? Or..."

Xiao Yi shook his head, "I'm not sure, but it should not be."

"If I hadn't guessed, Ye Liu must have been fighting other warriors at the time, and the fighting situation was quite fierce."

"I didn't know why I met this monstrous monster beast."

"There is no other human warrior corpse at the scene."

"In other words, the warrior who fought with Ye Liu escaped from it, but Ye Liu was buried in it."

"Are you sure the battle traces are correct?" Ran Qi asked cautiously.

"Yes." Xiao Yi nodded solemnly, "I didn't go to Ye Shengfu's funeral, because I was afraid that after too long, the battle traces would be lost and destroyed."

"When I arrived, the traces of the battlefield had not disappeared."

"I have checked it in a radius of one million miles, and I have no clue."


The spear in Ran Qi's hand shook, "What a monster is that like?"

"The opponent who can kill my Ran Qi is definitely an extraordinary monster."

There was a killing intent in Ran Qi's eyes.

"I don't know." Xiao Yi shook his head, "The monster beast only left a trace of battle, that is to say, it only shot once."

"It's impossible to judge what kind of monster it is based on this alone."

"Huh." Ran Qi took a deep breath and looked at Xiao Yi earnestly. "It's a fact that Ye Liu's boy died."

"And you, the opponent I used to think, Zi Yan Yi Xiao, is you."

"The opponent I decided later, Xiao Yi, is also you."

"You live well for Lao Tzu, one day I will fight with you."

Ran Qi yelled, pointed his spear, and thunder surged above the tip of the spear.

Xiao Yi nodded, without saying more.

He patted the rhubarb under his body and said in a deep voice, "Let's go."

The two cloud beast emperors walked away from the cloud.

On the spot, Ran Qi's figure flashed and fell from a high altitude.

The Jinhuan Sect was already dead.

And the warriors of the four swordsmen who were wounded at the bottom obviously have a certain friendship with Ran Qi and the Sky Spear Mansion.

Of course, Xiao Yi was not interested in paying attention to these things.


In the distance, Xiao Yi and the two have left the four seasons area.

The two cloud beast emperors are the peak monsters of the Holy Emperor realm. In terms of strength, they are no less than martial arts.

And they are born with the ability to tread clouds and protect the wind, so in terms of flying speed, they far exceed the power of martial arts.

With a little effort, he has already left this area.

At this moment, Yiyi glanced at the silent Xiao Yi and said softly, "The young master and the Young Master Ye Liu in the Ye Sheng Mansion have very good relationships."

Xiao Yi nodded, the color of condensing on his face gradually disappeared, and he sighed slightly.

His complexion gradually returned to normal, light and natural.

Yiyi whispered, "When the news of the death of Palace Master Ye Liu came out, the son was sad for a while."

Xiao Yi shook his head and whispered softly, "There are some things that can't be helped, and sadness is useless."

"This middle domain is really big and big."

"For more than a year, I have lived a free travel life with you."

"But the middle domain has always been the place where killings continue, known as the tomb of Tianjiao."

"No one can say that all things in this world are in their hands."

This middle domain is really too big.

With Xiao Yi's current ability, in fact, it can be done across the entire Central Region.

But that is just a straight line across.

And if this straight line is magnified countless times, it is a rather huge concept.

A radius of thousands of miles may be nothing.

How about a hundred thousand miles?

The entire range is a hundred times larger.

How about millions of miles, millions of miles? And this is just the size of a region.

The 13,000 regions in the Middle Territory, including the various unconnected regions, I am afraid that the entire range is no less than tens of thousands of regions.

In short, this midfield is too big.

There are also various unpredictable changes in this world.

No one dared to say 100% in control.

Not to mention, this is a world where the weak can eat the strong.

Some things are not within the control of one's own ability; some things can only be done as much as possible.

The word sad...does not change anything.

"Huh." Xiao Yi took a deep breath, looked at Yiyi, and smiled, "If I remember correctly, within the four seasons, the scenery is peaceful, and the surrounding area is also nice."

"The next region is called the Blue Wind Region. There is an extremely unique place surrounded by blue wind, which is very beautiful."

"Under the moonlight, the blue breeze is mingled with white moonlight, and the whole world is absolutely beautiful."

"And if it happens to be a day of heavy rain, the color of the rain will turn blue, like a flying stream of blue water, it is a great wonder in the Middle Territory."


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