Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 2291: Supreme Tower Killer

"Clan... Patriarch..."

Lu Yao, Lu Gao, and Lu Meng's expressions changed drastically.

Lu Yao suddenly brightened his eyes and said coldly, "Patriarch, don't listen to Xiao Yi's nonsense."

"This Xiao Yi evil thief is notoriously cunning. Just now he was just deliberately tempting me to talk madly."

"Shut up." Xia Yifeng interrupted coldly, "Your family chief, Lu Long, is an old man, but not an old blind man or an old idiot."

"Patriarch..." Lu Gao and Lu Meng looked at Lu Long and wanted to say something.

Xiao Yi interrupted in a cold voice, "To be honest, I don't want to talk nonsense with you, but some fools don't seem to understand and don't react."

"I wasted a few minutes."

"First of all, it's you Lu Yao." Xiao Yi held his hand.

The ice guardian and the Nangong guardian, as soon as they appeared, came to his side to protect them firmly.

Therefore, Xiao Yi is not worried about his safety at all.

With these two guarding him, the mysterious group of nine couldn't hurt him.

Xiao Yi's gaze was the first to look at Lu Yao, "Originally, I didn't know that cultivating Ice Venerable Art will cause endless ice storms."

"Of course, I didn't know it at first."

"And two endless ice storms, you can fool anyone. After all, no one can say for sure about this matter, even the hermit teacher Xia Yifeng dare not determine the clues of this practice."

"But I, a person who has the inheritance of the Ice Venerable, is very clear."

"In any case, Bing Zun Art will not cause two endless ice storms at all."

"Remember when I first came to Endless Snow Mountain?" Xiao Yi smiled coldly.

"I broke one of the endless ice storms at that time. At that time, I wondered how could there be a vague atmosphere of formation left in it."

"Of course, you Lu Yao thinks it is perfect, but you think it is the Lord Lei Xiao who is here."

"When you found out that it was me, you despised me and forgot that I, the successor to the main hall of the Heavenly Secret Hall, are proficient in formation."

"Do you think the remaining atmosphere of the formation can be hidden from me?"

"Of course, when I first came, I didn't know what was going on; until I got the inheritance of Venerable Ice, I completely understood it."

Bing Zun Jue would never cause two endless ice storms.

One of them was indeed attracted by Lu Lingshuang's practice that day.

And the other one is naturally the result of Lu Yao's formation.

Xiao Yi looked directly at Lu Yao and shook his head, "I'll tell you straight. As early as when I got the Ice Venerable Inheritance and left the fourth floor of the Ice Palace, I should actually want to understand this."

"But I didn't care about it, after all, it's not my own concern, I'm hanging up high."

"I really don't have the idle time to take care of your troubles."

"But I just left the fourth floor of the Ice Palace, but you have to come to provoke me."

"When you talked about two endless ice storms, I remembered it, and I understood it a long time ago, and I know that you are calculating me."

"But." Xiao Yi shook his head, "I was too lazy to argue back then; and most importantly, I want to see who is standing behind you."

Aside Xia Yifeng wondered, "How do you know someone behind Lu Yao?"

"Very simple." Xiao Yi smiled lightly, "because Lu Yao doesn't have the ability to calculate me in my eyes."

"Let’s put it straight, the two guardians of Ice and Nangong owe a little bit, no, it should be said that they are quite powerful; but when it comes to the city and the power, it is far from being counted."

"But on the day of the Zongmen Square, a sentence from the Nangong Law Protector was shocked to Lu Yao."

"This is definitely not the prestige of the elders."

"I believe that if you change to a peerless evildoer with no ghost in your heart, if you really feel angry, it will definitely not be such an unbearable performance.

"So, it's only possible that someone taught Lu Yao to say these words of heartbreaking, and someone helped Lu Yao behind."

"You..." Lu Yao's face turned black for a moment.

Xiao Yi smiled, "You know, it's not a good thing to always be remembered."

"Especially the people who helped you secretly, even Xiao Yi, my ability, couldn't find them hiding in the dark in time."

"I'm not interested in making such a group of dangerous guys think about me."

"So I plan to leave the Ice Palace in order to attract these fools out."

As Xiao Yi spoke, he glanced at the mysterious group of nine in the distance.

"These nine people, didn't even we find them?" Protector Bing frowned and looked at the nine people in the distance.

Xiao Yi chuckled, "They are not in the Ice Palace, and they are very sneaky. They are hidden outside the Ice Palace, and it is difficult to find them."

"Before, Lu Long stayed at the Xia family land. I could sneak out safely."

"But soon after I left the Ice Palace, I was spotted immediately."

"Prove that the nine of you have been monitoring outside the Ice Palace."

"That's why you can sneak into the Ice Palace and seriously injured Lu Lingxue shortly after I left, and then directly blame me."

"With Lu Yao taking it with you, it's not difficult for you to sneak in one person and steal Lu Lingxue secretly."

"Okay." Xiao Yi looked back at Lu Yao again, "I have said so much, you will understand if you want to."

"Now, is there anything more to refute?"

Lu Yao's expression was ugly, and he gritted his teeth, "Are you already calculating me?"

"And you, the patriarch..." Lu Yao looked at Lu Long unwillingly, "Are you helping this Xiao Yi evil thief calculate me?"

"No." Xiao Yi shook his head, "Lu Long is quite impulsive, so he doesn't know anything."

Xia Yifeng smiled, "Lu Long's guardian, but the three of us forcefully pulled it."

"And I, I believe in the palace lord, naturally follow the plan and cooperate."

"As for the Ice Guardian and Nangong Guardian, they don't even need to know what the palace owner wants to do. They only need to know that the palace owner is in danger, and they will follow along."

At this moment, the two of Ice Guardian were stunned.

The guardian of Nangong slapped his head, "I'll just say, the palace lord is the number one evildoer in the world, and he is also a hungry ghost? The world woman, if he wants it, isn't it easy to get?"

"Why." At this moment, Lu Long couldn't restrain his anger, and looked at Lu Yao three people coldly.

Xia Yifeng said coldly, "If you want to deal with housework, I'll talk about it later."

"These nine people are to be dealt with now."

The cold gazes of Xia Yifeng, Ice Guardian, and Nangong Guardian instantly cast on the nine people in the distance.

"Go ahead, who are you guys anyway?"

In the distance, the nine people looked ugly and didn't speak.

"Don't you?" Xiao Yi sneered, "Then let me talk."

"Palace Master, do you know?" The Ice Guardian was puzzled.

"Didn't the palace master just said that he didn't know these nine people?" Nangong Law Protector also asked.

Xia Yifeng smiled, "I want to see what role the palace lord can really lead you out."

Xiao Yi smiled and looked at the nine people in the distance with cold eyes, "Such a terrible stealth method, plus the sword that must kill just now."

"I will not guess, nor will I be mistaken, you are the killers."

"Today's Central Region, there is only one force that can dispatch a killer of your level."

"Supreme Building." Xiao Yi spit out three words coldly.

"Supreme Building?" Xia Yifeng's expression became cold. "The first killer force in the Middle Territory? The mysterious organization that has upset the Middle Territory over the years?"

Xia Yifeng was shocked, and instantly understood why Xiao Yi had to draw out these guys.

Being targeted by the Supreme Tower, if it is not resolved in time, there will be endless troubles.

"Run." In the distance, the faces of the nine people changed, and they fled away in an instant.

And nine people scattered and fled.

"Want to run?" Ice Guardian sneered.

Xiao Yi's eyes were cold, "If you run away, you will go back to the Ice Palace by yourselves later, don't come to me."

The four of them changed their faces, "Palace Master, don't worry."


Fifth more.

Update today, over.

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