Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 2294: Something more serious

"Niezha, the old man killed you."

Lu Long suddenly violent, impulsive like him, in fact, it is the limit to be able to endure the anger for so long.

"Let him finish." Just at this moment, a soft voice sounded.

Lu Long looked angry when he heard the words, but sat down obediently.

Today, Xiao Yi is probably the only one who can make Lu Long so temperless and obedient.

Xiao Yi glanced at Lu Yao and smiled playfully, "Originally, I didn't even bother to come here, but now I am a little interested."

"Why, want to see me joke?" Lu Yao sneered with disdain.

"Don't worry, even if this son is going to die, you won't beg for mercy."

Xia Canglan smiled disdainfully, "Even if you ask for mercy, you can't live."

"What are you proud of?" Lu Yao sneered disdainfully, "If it weren't for your luck with Xiao Yi, the evil thief, do you think you can still sit here now?"

"I really thought you could survive from the combined hands of the Supreme Tower Killer?"

"I said, this unfairness has made you so lucky, and you have escaped the mortal blow."

Xiao Yi shook his head, "It's not that I was lucky, but you underestimated me."

"Xia Canglan once asked me why I keep hiding."

"Do you know the answer now?" Xiao Yi glanced at Xia Canglan.

Xia Canglan smiled, "The palace lord is wise."

In front of people, Xia Canglan would not call himself Xiao Yi kid, but honored as the lord of the palace.

Xiao Yi smiled lightly, "I'm not interested in showing off the unnecessary limelight."

"It's better to hide your hole cards, otherwise everyone knows that it is not a hole card."

"The Supreme Tower wants to kill me. Obviously, I am fully prepared, and I have added a few more points to my own strength to achieve a 100% certainty to kill me."

"Unfortunately, I still underestimated it."

"If the nine people who shot this time have one more Saint Venerable Realm Nine Layers in them, it might be true."

Xiao Yi has always been cautious.

Any warrior, before his own strength is sufficient to deal with all crises, any noble identity is empty.

It is extremely unwise to expose one's bottom line to outsiders for no reason.

At least he didn't dare to say that he ignored all crises in the world.

Despite his identity and aura, he, like most warriors in the world, is extremely vulnerable in this crisis-ridden middle area.

It is the best choice to accomplish things under the demonstrated strength and everything is under your control.

Aside, Lu Long couldn't help it after all, and stood up again.

His face was still full of anger and coldness, and slowly walked towards the three of Lu Yao.

However, Lu Long had lost his killing intent.

It wasn't that he didn't have the intent to kill, but he covered it up. Without Xiao Yi's order, he would not shoot.

"The Lu Family, from the beginning to the end, there is no such thing as one's own family or family separation. They are all from the same line of Bingzun.

"That's what you think." Lu Yao said coldly, "The Lu family is a family and it has its own clan."

"The same sentence, why should we be the Bingzun line? Why should the shackles of our ancestors be imposed on us?"


Lu Long interrupted in a cold voice, "It is the inheritance of Master Bingzun that makes us Lu Family extremely powerful, all powerful and arrogant."

"If there is no inheritance from Master Bingzun, what would our Lu family be?"

"Is there today's Ice Storm sword pavilion? And even, can the Lu family reproduce today?"

"Good point." Xia Yifeng stood up suddenly and looked at Lu Long seriously. "Everyone thinks that your Lu Long guardian is reckless and impulsive."

"But in the eyes of the old man, Lu Long's guardian is more valued than anyone else. This is a great wisdom."

"For example, in our Ice Imperial Palace, why should martial artists from generation to generation have to take the inheritance of Master Bingzun as their mission? And why should they be regarded as cherishing their lives?"

"With the inheritance of Master Bingzun, we have made our Ice Palace warriors incomparably powerful from generation to generation, and have the ability to stand proudly in the middle."

"In this world, nothing is deserved, and nothing is necessary."

"On the one hand, you have the best martial arts inheritance, and you have countless training resources, but on the other hand, you are unwilling to take up this responsibility. In the world, where is such a good thing?"

"Is it possible that everything is due?"

"Fortunately," Xia Yifeng said solemnly, "Everyone in my Ice Imperial Palace believes in Master Bingzun, and there is no such person who has a bad heart, and no one has such a bad idea."

"Take ten thousand steps and say, Master Bingzun, Fang gave us the cohesion of the Ice Palace."

"The warriors of the previous generations of the Ice Imperial Palace have their mission to let the Bing Zun inheritance and re-monitor the mainland; but at the same time, why is it that this mission makes the Debing Palace continue to live and inherit?"

Xia Yifeng's gaze scanned each of the warriors present.

Obviously, what he said was to the elders present, the strong Ice Palace and the young Tianjiao.

Xia Canglan looked at Lu Yao, "Lu Yao, everything is an excuse for your own ambition, don't you understand it now?"

"Finally." Xia Yifeng said coldly, "Let's talk about it, the group of killers in the Supreme Tower, what is the purpose of coming to our endless snow mountain range?"

"Humph." Lu Yao snorted coldly, "Naturally, he wants to help this young man ascend to the throne of the master of the sword pavilion."

"Killing Xiao Yi this chopstick is just incidental."

Xia Yifeng squinted his eyes, "It should be said that the opposite is true."

Lu Yao sneered and said, "Xia Yifeng, don't let Xiao Yi's **** shine less."

"The killer of the Supreme Tower, long before Xiao Yi, this gangster came to the boundless snow mountain range, had already found this son."

"When the Supreme Tower was discussing the plan with me, Xiao Yi hadn't come to Endless Snow Mountain yet."

"If he didn't stand in the way of my son, the Supreme Tower wouldn't be too lazy to deal with him, would he really be a thing?"

Almost the moment when Lu Yao's voice fell, Xia Yifeng and Xiao Yi frowned at the same time.

Lu Long's expressions were still cold and angry, but the expressions of Bing Guardian and Nangong Guardian did not change much.

Only Xia Yifeng and Xiao Yi glanced at each other, and at the same time saw the solemnity in the countering eyes.

"Idiot." Xia Yifeng shook his head.

Xiao Yi sneered.

"What?" The two guardians of Ice and Nangong looked at Xia Yifeng and Xiao Yi suspiciously.

Obviously no one in the audience heard what was wrong with Lu Yao's words.

But Xiao Yi and Xia Yifeng found out in an instant.

The seriousness of the matter seemed to exceed the two originally expected.

"I'll talk to you two later." Xia Yifeng said.

Later, Xia Yifeng looked at Lu Yao again, "Do you really think the Supreme Tower is here to help you?"

"Let's not talk about their dealings with the palace lord."

"Do you believe it or not, even if they helped you become the master of the Ice Storm Sword Pavilion, you will only be a puppet in their hands?"

"By then, the Ice Storm Sword Pavilion is in danger of being destroyed."

"Joke." Lu Yao sneered, "Even if I let them control for a while? One day, I will become stronger than anyone, no one can control this son."

"With my ability, the Ice Storm Sword Pavilion will not only not be destroyed, but it will surpass the current leadership of the patriarch, and in time, it will become the number one power in the Central Region."

"Stupid, really stupid." Xia Yifeng shook his head.

Xiao Yi also shook his head, "Lu Yao, I will finally correct your previous sentence."

"I didn't calculate you before, you are not qualified."

"What do you want to say?" Lu Yao squinted.

Xiao Yi smiled lightly, "That kind of framed, that kind of planning is almost perfect, so I have no room for explanation before."

"I also know that that is not a plan you can come up with."

"Unfortunately, no matter how seamless a comprehensive plan is, it is still up to you, a fool, to execute it, so I can draw them out so easily."

"As long as I lie to you, I can let the people behind you come out by themselves."

"To put it bluntly, I'm counting on the people behind you."

"What else can you say?" Xia Yifeng looked at Lu Yao coldly.

Lu Yao only sneered and said nothing.

"Squeeze it down." Xia Yifeng commanded, "First abolish the cultivation base, and tomorrow will be publicly surmounted by the hall rules on the first floor of the Ice Palace."

"Today, save your life first, so as not to stain my Xia family land and lobby, or stain the eyes of the palace owner."

Xiao Yi was silent, too lazy to bother.

Several elders of the Ice Palace had already walked out quickly and pressed the three of Lu Yao down.


Third more.

Update today, over.

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