Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 2326: Playing around?

Xiao Yi's face changed for a while, but he only shook his head helplessly, and his figure flashed and jumped onto the competition stage.

On the spectator stand.

Xia Yiming's face turned cold, "These rude bastards."

"Eh." Qinglin waved his hand aside, "It's good to be used to it, good to be used to it."

"In the past, Xiao Yi had to add the word thief after the little thief."

"But I haven't practiced with Junior Brother Xiao Yi for a long time, and gradually, it has been a long time no one called me like that, hahahaha."

On the stage.

Xiao Yi's complexion returned to lightness.

In front of him, there stood a proud person, Gu Feifei.

"Xiao Yi." Gu Feifei opened his mouth first, his face turned out to be extremely ugly.

"Gu Feifan." Xiao Yi uttered three words, only smiled lightly.

From the very beginning, he saw Gu Feifan also come to participate in the Demon Sacrifice Day on behalf of Tianzang Academy.

However, Gu Feifei has been following the Baili family's team, so he has not paid any attention.

"Speaking of which, I have never really fought against you." Gu Feifan stared at Xiao Yi.

"There were several opportunities, but unfortunately, they were all missed."

"For the first time, in the Fangcun area, you and I only slapped each other and played against each other."

"The second time, you did not participate in the second round of the Hundred Courts."

"The third time, in the third round of the Hundred Courts, I did not play."

"Heh." Xiao Yi smiled, "It's all old things, some of them have been too long, I forgot."

"But I remember it clearly." Gu Feifei suddenly roared.


A sharp sword pointed out from Gu Feifei's hand.

Jianfeng pointed directly at Xiao Yi.

"You have always treated everyone as a fool, and you have always played everyone around."

"I really thought Gu Feifean was one of those fools?"

Gu Feifan's tone was cold and angry.

Xiao Yi frowned, "Tibetan Fengtian Sword, a high-grade holy artifact."

"The sword of the Celestial Sword elder was given to you, and the rank is higher."

"However, I don't know what you are talking about."

"Still sophistry?" Gu Feifan gritted his teeth abruptly.

What he said naturally refers to Xiao Yi's multiple identities.

Speaking of which, he and Xiao Yi's triple identities have been in contact.

And the most recent time, naturally outside the Tiansha Secret Realm, Xiao Yi smashed his and Baili family's affairs as Xiao Xun.

"Back then, how did you teach me so boldly?"

"How plausible and reasonable you are."

"But what's the result? What is your Xiao Yi? Hidden heads and tails exposed? Wandering and fateful among various identities?"

"Huh? Turn the major forces around? And get all kinds of benefits from it?"

"You said that you don't care about those so-called ancient inheritances and unpredictable methods. Then look at your status as the successor of the Eight Palaces. What is it?"

Xiao Yi frowned slightly, "What do you want to say?"

"Forget it." Xiao Yi shook his head, "I'm not interested in listening to your nonsense, just shoot."

"I have this intention." Gu Feifei's face became cold, and he shot instantly.


With a clang, Gu Feifan turned into a phantom, the speed reaching the extreme.

Xiao Yi's fingertips condensed with sword energy.

His fingers, faster.


The confrontation between the two was completed in an instant.

Gu Feifan's sword passed by Xiao Yi's side; and Xiao Yi's sword-qi condensed finger was in front of Gu Feifan's throat.

"You lost." Xiao Yi uttered three words lightly.


There was a lot of discussion all around.

"It's so fast, I didn't see how Xiao Yi's finger was pointed out at all."

"The finger is like a gust of wind, and even more so than the sword aura in my hand, I only see a phantom."

"First, I avoided Gu Feifei's full-strength sword, and then pointed it in front of Gu Feifei's throat. The two movements were fluent and flowing, reaching the extreme."

On the stage.

Gu Feifan sneered, "I lost? Seriously?"

When the voice fell, Gu Feifan ignored Xiao Yi's fingertips and sword energy, and actually took a step forward.


The sword energy penetrated through Gu Feifan's body, with a slight sound, Gu Feifan's body instantly turned into air and disappeared without a trace.

"Fool, that's just an afterimage."

"Your speed is too slow."

In the air, a contemptuous sneer came.


A clear snorted.

A sharp sword suddenly pierced Xiao Yi's back and penetrated Xiao Yi's chest.

Obviously, this is a sure kill.

The sword is naturally a Tibetan sword.

Behind Xiao Yi, Gu Feifan sneered, "How? Are you underestimating the enemy or being too arrogant?"

"I thought how strong you are, but are you so slow that you can't even tell the afterimage of me?"

Xiao Yi frowned, "Holy Venerable Stage One Peak cultivation base."

"You have some eyesight." Gu Feifei sneered, "Now you see, I am the first-tier peak cultivation base of the Holy Venerable Realm."

"If I just stay in Tianzang Academy, can I grow so fast?"

"If there is no hidden treasure, how can I catch up with your cultivation."

"Holy Venerable Realm's first-tier peak cultivation base, plus my sure-killing sword, you will lose instantly."

"Of course, it doesn't make sense to say this now. You lose and you have no chance."

"Really?" Xiao Yi chuckled lightly.

"Huh?" Hearing this confident laughter, Gu Feifan suddenly frowned, and suddenly reacted.

Since his sword pierced Xiao Yi's chest, how could Xiao Yi still speak to him so confidently? How can no blood flow out of his chest?


Xiao Yi's body suddenly turned into a sky full of snow and wind, and in an instant, it reunited ten steps away.

At this moment, Xiao Yi was unscathed.

"What's the secret method?" Gu Feifei frowned.

"Bing Huan incarnation." Xiao Yi replied.

"The avatar of the ice phantom?" Gu Feihua's expression was startled. "One of the three secrets of the legendary Ice Palace?"

In Gu Feifei's eyes, there was a deep color of envy.

The secret method of the Ice Palace is much stronger than the secret method of the ordinary hidden forces.

Not to mention the incarnation of ice illusion, one of the three secret methods.

"Humph." Gu Feifan snorted coldly, "What about the avatar of the ice phantom? Today, you can't save your life."

Whoosh... Gu Feifan's figure disappeared instantly.

锵... 锵... 锵... 锵...

In the air, the sword will sound constantly.

Around Xiao Yi, sword shadows and phantoms flickered.

On the spectator stand.

Qing Lin and Ran Qi frowned at the same time, "The speed is so fast that it has exceeded the level of the first-tier peak of the Holy Venerable Realm."

Xia Yiming said coldly, "That's Baili's secret method of filling the sky with yellow sand."

"As soon as the secret method came out, the surrounding area was like yellow sand, and the sand was blowing constantly."

"This secret method is extremely strange and often takes the enemy's life invisible."

"And this Gu Feifan is very clever. He changed the wind and sand to the sword aura and became even more fierce and amazing."

The martial arts talent of the chief of the Tianzang Academy is naturally quite outstanding, and even the ordinary hidden Tianjiao is far behind.

"Unfortunately, it was the palace lord he was facing." Xia Yiming smiled coldly.

On the stage.

Xiao Yi looked at the phantoms around and whispered, "The extremely fast sword just now is the combination of this secret technique and your kendo."

"Not bad." Gu Feifan's triumphant sneer came in the air.

"You couldn't avoid the sword just now. What about ten swords, hundred swords, or even hundreds of swords?"

"Even if you can turn into a blizzard, I don't believe that you can still be transformed if you are crushed to pieces."


Second more.

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