Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 2347: Sufficient combat power

"Wu'er." Dongfang Zhi smiled lightly, "I think, the scope of the hunting demon on this day of demon sacrifice may be enlarged."

"Oh?" Dongfang Dance frowned.

Dongfang Zhidao, "Look, there are more than hundreds of Tianjiao here."

"Hundreds of hidden families, more than half of the strongest young people are here."

"It's just a small area of ​​5 million miles, what's the point? You can hunt down the monsters here in a few hours, right? Where can there be the effect of competition and experience?"

There are only 60 real places.

In other words, not counting Xiao Yi, Xia Yiming, Qinglin, Ran Qi, nor Lei Ting and other few idle repair words.

There are more than 50 other Young Patriarchs and Young Sect masters.

And these more than 50 people are naturally accompanied by many younger generations of their own, each with their own teams.

So there are nearly hundreds of people in total.

Of course, what the Dongfang family wants to protect is only these 60 strongest talents with quotas, and the younger generation who follow them are not in the scope of protection.

Dongfang Dance frowned and said, "Sister's words are not correct."

"In the demon domain, the monster beasts are densely populated, and you have to prepare for extremely high combat intensity when you come here."

"It looks like a range of 5 million miles, but in reality the number of battles will be very intensive, and the difficulty of experience is quite high."

Just like a monster beast, it enters the human city.

How many human warrior enemies will be waiting for this monster beast?

The same is true here in Demon Domain.

A human warrior stepping in, facing the enemy, is by no means a small number.

Within such a large range, although two days, for the martial artist, it will definitely be two difficult days.

"No." Dongfang Zhi smiled, "Wu'er, you misunderstood what I meant."

"I mean, don't underestimate the Young Patriarchs, Young Sect masters and others."

"Our generation is the younger generation, but it is known as the most enchanting generation."

"Not bad." The surrounding Tianjiao said proudly, "A mere monster, we don't take it seriously."

"How can our talents be compared to previous Tianjiao?"

Dongfang Dance frowned, "How much do you want to zoom in?"

Dongfang Zhi smiled, "At least ten times more."

"Ten times?" Dongfang Wu's expression changed. "The front and the left are more than 50 million miles each?"

Dongfang Zhi nodded, "When you count it, it's only about seven or eight regions."

"The entire demon realm is extremely vast."

"This range is not too deep."

Indeed, compared to the huge Demon Realm, the size range of seven or eight regions is nothing.

"Yes." Dongfang Wu frowned. "Out of five hundred miles, our Dongfang family did not investigate."

"My original plan was not included."

"Enter hastily, crisis..."

Just at this moment, Baili Hengyun interrupted, "I heard that there is no such powerful monster in front of the demon domain."

"At least within the range that Miss Zhi said, some powerful characters will appear, and there are even no lack of monsters at the Saint Venerable level."

"I don't know what you want?" Dongfang Zhi suddenly asked loudly.

"Um, this..." The crowd of arrogances hesitated.

"Zhi'er, don't mess around." Aside, the two old men frowned and scolded.

Dongfang Zhi said, "Where is the nonsense, is it that the two famous elders are also afraid? We are going to lose the reputation of our Dongfang family in front of these major forces?"

The two old men were just about to say something.

Dongfang Zhi took the lead and said, "Elder Dongfang Jue, you are the third commander of the Lan Yan Army."

"I heard that back then you couldn't get used to the people in the Evil Monarch's mansion, and you shot and killed yourself."

"The great elder of the Evil Sovereign Mansion is evil like a sea, and you have been chased by you all the time, and will not show up for tens of thousands of years."

When the Dongfang family heard the words, his face was proud, "That is natural, the strength of the old man is well known in the middle field."

"Even if it's a 90,000-dao powerhouse waiting idle, the old man doesn't take it seriously."

"That Xie Ruhai is notorious, and the old man cannot spare him."

Dongfang Zhi continued, "Elder Dongfang Mian is the third commander of the Black Annihilation Army, and you are stronger."

"With you two here, do you still need to worry about any dangers?"

"Furthermore," Dongfang Zhi said proudly, "Although not all the five armies of our Dongfang family have been dispatched this time."

"However, four thousand are drawn from each legion. Now there are a total of 20,000 elite iron guards here. With such a combat power, unless the Demon Emperor comes, this demon realm can be obtained. Who can do us?

Yes, from the beginning, not all the five legions were dispatched.

The five major legions need to guard the edge of the demon domain, and will not be deployed to protect a group of young Tianjiao from participating in the Demon Sacrifice Day.

Here, it's just that the five legions each drew 4,000 elite, a total of 20,000 iron guards.

However, this is already a terrifying force.

Dongfang Zhi continued, "Besides, there is a dance you are leading. You have always been countless ways. With the iron guard you lead, there has never been a half-point accident."

"But..." Dongfang Dance wanted to say something.

"The most important thing is." Dongfang Zhi smiled triumphantly, his eyes turned to Xiao Yi for an instant.

"The famous Xiao Yixiao...Hall Master Xiao Yi is also here."

"With this Lord of the Eight Palaces, why be afraid of any monsters?"

"Huh?" Xiao Yi frowned.

Dongfang Zhi said loudly, "Hall Master Xiao Yi, yesterday was so majestic and overwhelming."

"You can't stop the monster beast that sneaked in, and Palace Master Xiao Yi could hurt it badly in a single face."

"Thinking about it, no one knows the impressive achievements of Palace Master Xiao Yi in the past."

"Although most of them are rumors, they are somewhat credible."

"Wu'er." Dongfang Zhi said solemnly, "Do you look down on our famous Palace Master Xiao Yi?"

"I didn't mean that." Dongfang Wu shook his head.

"That's it." Dongfang Zhi smiled.

"But..." Dongfang Wu frowned.

"Are you a elder sister or am I a elder sister?" Dongfang Zhi suddenly looked unhappy, "Do you want your elder sister to be angry? Or can you not trust your elder sister?"

"Wu'er dare not." Dongfang Wu said repeatedly.

"Ask you Tianjiao for your opinion." Dongfang Dance looked at the Tianjiao.

All around, there was a sudden noise.

Xiao Yi frowned.

Qing Lin dissatisfied, "Dongfang Zhi, little lady, like you a few words, and don't forget to step on you."

Around 90% of Tianjiao suddenly gave their hands together, "Ms Dongfang Zhi's words are not unreasonable."

"I am waiting to agree to expand the scope."

In the eyes of everyone, there should be no surprises that there are two elders from the Dongfang family, plus four thousand elite combat powers in the five legions.

In addition, there is Xiao Yi, the rumored master of the Eight Palaces, although many of his achievements are rumored.

However, the rumored Oriental Dancer, the most intelligent man in the East, is in charge, which is sure to be safe.

"That's it." Dongfang Zhi smiled and looked at Dongfang Wu, "Wuer will leave the rest to you."

Dongfang Dance nodded solemnly, "The five major legions, set out immediately and stay away from five thousand miles."


Fourth more. (Make up)

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