Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 2358: Tu Gang

Hunting range.

On the left, it is close to fifty million miles ahead.


There was a sharp sword sound, and a sharp pink light flashed by.


With a soft sound, a body fell quietly.

"Puff." Han Li spouted out blood.

"Just...just a sword hurt me seriously..."

Han Li fell to the ground weakly, clenched his fists, tried to struggle to get up, but found that his whole body was in severe pain.

"Damn...I can't move...I feel helpless and painful..."

Han Li could obviously feel that the vitality and vitality in his body were fading fast.

His powerful strength and powerful body conferred by the double cultivation base of the Holy Venerable Realm is becoming extremely weak at an extremely fast speed.

This situation, on the surface of his injuries, was extremely serious, and it was still getting worse.

"Uh." Han Li gritted his teeth, and a drop of blood slowly slipped off his forehead into his eyes.

The blood, mixed with cold sweat, made his eyes sting and uncomfortable.

His eyes, in this weakness and discomfort, gradually blurred.

That extremely fast sword, perfect and sharp sword, he has not been able to see clearly yet.

But at this moment, he saw a light figure quietly falling five steps ahead of him.

Yingying touched down on the ground, quietly, like a soft leaf, without wind and no sound.

Looking up along this Yingying, it is a pair of white legs that are round and round. They are neither thin nor fat, but they can't find any shortcomings.

Looking up again, there is the full waist, until a little above the waist, a long pink hair.

That was obviously a woman.

Can't see the true face of the front, only the side of the woman and the lingering light.

However, this profile has already made Han Li's eyes stare, only looking at the profile can be sure that this is an extremely delicate face.

And that afterglow, shimmering and shining, seemed to contain a round of...Xuanji beautiful jade...

"Okay... so beautiful..." Han Li spit out unconsciously.

But in the next second, he suddenly reacted, " are not a human, bastard, you are a monster."


There was a sudden explosion.

Han Li only felt a pain in his back, and another spurt of blood.

"What did you just say?" A dark but sweet voice came into Han Li's ears.

Beside Han Li, a young man in white was standing next to him.

The feet of the young man in white are stomping heavily on Han Li's back.

Seemingly random, Han Li felt that a tens of thousands of mountains was pressing down on his body, and it was extremely painful.

"As you know, if you look at it more, I will cut your eyes." The young man in white said coldly.

Five steps beyond.

The woman slowly turned around and looked at Han Li on the ground, "Ghost and **** stern fingers, breaking the sky, breaking the netherworld."

"The Han family's strongest martial arts once shook the mainland."

"Unfortunately, you are too weak and you haven't gotten home yet."

The woman's voice was very soft, but very cold.

That delicate face was obviously very cold, but those feelings of innocence had disappeared.

If Han Li were to describe it, he could only use the word ‘beautiful’, and it would be difficult to find other words.

Of course, he doesn't have this leisurely mood now.

The foot that was stepped on his back seemed to crush his bones.

"Ghostly fingers?" The young man in white grinned jokingly, "In this way, you are Han Li, the young master of the Han family."

"Together with Gu Teng, Yan Nao, and Feng Ziqiu, they are collectively called the four top arrogances of the Hidden World."

"Just a quarter of an hour ago, I was tens of thousands of miles away and broke Guteng's bones. Now, it's you."

"Don't waste time." The woman suddenly glanced at the young man in white, slightly displeased.

The young man in white nodded, "Well, Yingyue, I will listen to you."

"However, this group of so-called human arrogances are too weak, it is better to kill them directly."

The woman shook her head, "Hunting and slaughter are different."

"I want human blood to pay for the debt that year."

Even when speaking of such cold words as blood debt and blood repayment, the woman still had a very soft voice, cold and calm.

"Humph." The young man in white snorted coldly, "Unfortunately, I hadn't transformed myself back then, otherwise, the person surnamed Xiao would not have the chance to show off in my demon realm."

"Xiao..." The woman heard the words, her calm and cold face suddenly tightened, and her hands suddenly shook.

The woman suddenly loosened her fist, and said indifferently, "Bai Po, I will give you this 50 million mile-wide fish that slipped through the net."

The voice fell, and the woman's figure quietly disappeared.

In situ, only pink petals remain.

The young man in white nodded, "Don't worry, Yingyue, with me, this time the human warrior, don't even want to leave alive."


Fifty million miles range, front.

A dozen teams headed by Baili Hengyun and nearly a hundred young Tianjiao, all of them were injured and fell helpless.

Even Baili Hengyun and Gu Feifan, although their injuries were not light, they were still able to sustain themselves.

Baili Hengyun gathered yellow sand on his hands.

Gu Feifei supported the ground with his sword.

A few dozen steps in front of the group, there was a strange young man.

A young man with a burly figure, red hair and a terrifying face.

"How could this guy be so strong." Baili Hengyun looked at the burly young man in disbelief.

"In just a few minutes, I easily included nearly one hundred young Tianjiao who were seriously injured."

Gu Feifan gritted his teeth, the hand holding the sword is blood flowing, "This guy's strength is simply crushing us."

"Just, how can there be so many monsters in this area?"

"Aren't the 20,000 iron guards from the Dongfang family patrolling outside?"

Gu Feifan gritted his teeth and said, scanning the surroundings.

In addition to the burly young man, there were nearly a hundred monsters around him.

The burly young man smiled disdainfully, "Are you still counting on the iron guards of the Dongfang family? They can't protect themselves now."

"Cut." Baili Hengyun grinned with a sneer, and glanced at two figures not far away.

"Joining hands?"

To be more honest, not far from Baili Hengyun and his group, there are two figures, Qinglin and Ran Qi.

At this moment, the two of them were also covered in bruises, their clothes were stained with blood, and obviously they also suffered serious injuries.

Qing Lin sneered, "I knew it a long time ago, it's nothing good to run into Baili Hengyun, you bastard."

"I just separated from you a few minutes ago, and now I just ran into this trouble."

"Don't talk nonsense." Baili Hengyun said coldly, "Do you want to join forces?"

"With the strength of the two of you, together with Gu Feifan and me, you still have the power to fight."

"Otherwise, no one will be able to fight this monster alone, let alone escape from here."

Qing Lin was about to answer.

Whoo... Whoo... Hey... Hey...

In the air, several blood lights flashed past.

Baili Hengyun, Gu Feifan, Qinglin, and Ran Qi all shrank their pupils, and then sprayed out a mouthful of blood, and they were bombarded for a hundred meters.

"Joining hands?" The figure of the burly young man appeared out of thin air, his fists were stained with blood.

"Two wastes plus two wastes are just four wastes. What can I do?"

"So strong." Baili Hengyun steadied his figure, his face changed drastically.

"No, it's amazing killing intent." Qing Lin squinted.

The surroundings, I don't know when to start, suddenly become bloody.

The strong smell of blood is pungent and makes people shiver unconsciously.

All four of them knew that this amazing killing intent came from the burly young man in front of him.

Once this killing intent soars to the extreme, everyone in this **** color will probably die at the hands of this burly young man in an instant.


In the air, a sword sound came swiftly.

It was a dark light.

The black streamer flashed past, instantly dispelling the astonishing blood around him.

A cold and proud black sword pointed directly at the burly young man; a cold and proud figure stood firmly in front of Qinglin.

"Brother Mo You." Qing Lin smiled with joy.

With nearly a hundred arrogances around him, he also breathed a sigh of relief, "Mo You is here, great."

Ahead, the burly young man who had always had a contemptuous face changed his face for the first time.

"Forget Worry Sword Mo You? I know you. About two years ago, I broke into my demon domain alone and defeated many young and powerful people in my demon domain."

"You have some ability, I recognize you as an opponent."

Mo You's face was cold, the sword in his hand was even colder, "I also know you, the Mangxing clan, the ancient alien beast race, and the blood of the monster beast royal family."

"If I guessed correctly, you are the contemporary young patriarch of the Mangxing clan, Tu Gang."

"Some eyesight..." The burly young man sneered, but his words were interrupted.

"Just now, did you want to kill my junior?" Mo You's eyes were cold, and the Forget Worry Sword in his hand was already surging black, and it came out instantly.


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