Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 2361: I... my feet are numb

"Let's go."

Xiao Yi retracted his gaze and started to move.

"Hold on." Dongfang Zhi suddenly scolded, "Where are you going, Xiao Yi, little thief?"

"I didn't see that all three of us were injured? Just leave us like this, you are also worthy of being an Eight Temple Warrior?"

"It's no wonder everyone calls you a little thief, and you are so cold and vicious..."

Dongfang Zhi hadn't finished speaking, but Xiao Yi's icy gaze was stopped.

"I told you to leave you?" Xiao Yi stared at Dongfang Zhi coldly.

Dongfang Zhi's body trembled.

This was the first time she was stared coldly by these eyes.

She didn't know how to describe that feeling, but at a glance, the coldness in her eyes was enough to make her feel terrified.

However, Dongfang Zhi is Dongfang Zhi after all.

"What? You want to bluff this girl? You can only use these tricks..."

"Miss Dongfang." Xiao Yi interrupted coldly.

"When I first saw it in the Eighteenth Mansion, you gave me the feeling that I was a strong person who is either black or white. Although you are always domineering, you know what is black and what is white, and know how to distinguish between the two characters. "

"Now, how can you talk endlessly, like that kind of long tongue woman?"

"I am very puzzled. You are interested in where you are going. There are so many rumors. Of course, I don't know where you heard it."

Dongfang Dance glanced at Dongfang Zhi, and said softly, "Absolute prejudice and stubborn arrogance can make people black and white."

"I...I..." Dongfang Zhi pretended to be tough, squeaked, and immediately said coldly, "Is that a rumor? Those are all the deeds of your Xiao Yi thief who flaunted his might..."

Xiao Yi interrupted again in a cold voice, "I have never cared about those so-called reputations, so I never paid attention to your verbal abuse, or even unreasonable tit-for-tat."

"Although I don't regard Mo You as a friend, I know that he is not the kind of villain who talks a lot, or even slander."

"As for his younger sister, I'm pretty sure she can talk nonsense, but I don't think her clumsy words can make you, the second lady of the dignified Dongfang family, so indiscriminate."

"She's like you, her mouth full of savage and arrogant; but one thing, you are smarter than her. You are the deputy commander of the White Wave Army, one of the five legions. It is our duty to eliminate the evil in the world."

"In short, although you are either black or white, strong, pungent, and arrogant, your ability lies here."

"The reason?"

Xiao Yi squinted, "What's the reason? Who can let you, the second lady of the Dongfang family, be so unreasonably targeted in black and white?"

"" Dongfang Zhi heard that arrogant and violent sound, her face was cold and angry.

But when I listened, I was shocked again and squeaked again.

"I don't care what your reason is." Xiao Yi said coldly.

"I'm not interested in keeping you chattering and chattering."

"I ignored you before and didn't make it plain because I didn't care."

"But you listened to me clearly, everything has a limit."

"If one day, your babblings really become substantive harm, then the consequences will no longer be here to talk to you."

Xiao Yi looked directly at Dongfang Zhi, "I made it clear to you today, but I don't want to one day, my sword hangs on your head, let alone the day when I completely confuse Dongfang family."

Dongfang Zhi squinted his eyes and sneered, "The mouth is great, but I don't know what you are talking about."

Dongfang Dance looked at Dongfang Zhi earnestly and said, "When stubbornness becomes paranoid and prejudice becomes out of control, black and white will become a matter of course."

"Distorted, of course, will grow into desperate madness."

"And Palace Master Xiao Yi, the least afraid of is madness."

"Hall Master Xiao Yi means that he doesn't care about all kinds of abuse and targeting by his sister, but it's only about words; if it exceeds the words, he will be at his own risk."

"Hall Master Xiao Yi can see that my sister is about to go overboard, so I plan to put it out for you now."

"Sister, the lord Xiao Yi should be a friend of our Dongfang family."

"Wu'er." Dongfang Zhi said unhappily, "What do you always do for this little thief?"

"I wasted a few words, it's time to go." Xiao Yi said.

"Yeah." Dongfang Wu nodded, but suddenly frowned, took a breath, "hiss".

"Wu'er, what's wrong with you?" Dongfang Zhi's face was startled.

"My hand..." Dongfang Wu frowned.

Xiao Yi glanced, "Dancing girl is not a martial artist. Just now, her hands are supporting the Thunder Seal. Even if the demon power of that monster beast is blocked, there is only a small aftermath, which is definitely not something your flesh and blood body can bear."

"Both hands are subjected to tremendous force. Although it is only a minor injury, severe pain is inevitable. Do not exert any force or move in a short time."

"Now in a hurry, let me carry you on my back."

"Okay." Dongfang Wu nodded, "Thanks to the Lord Xiao Yi."

Aside, Huo Linlang pursed her mouth and asked softly, "What about me?"

Xiao Yi frowned, "You can't move either?"

Dongfang Zhi said displeased, "Huo Linlang, you are a martial artist, and my sister is just an ordinary person. Are you as weak as she is? Of course..."

Dongfang Dance shook his head, "I don't care, Xiao Yi Hall Master will carry sister Lin Lang."

Huo Linlang squeaked, " feet are numb."

Xiao Yi frowned, "I didn't mean it was okay..."

Xiao Yi just saw that these people had injuries, but none of them were serious injuries.

But the physical weakness caused by exhaustion of vitality is real.

Normal martial artist, there is no such huge energy that he can squander freely like Xiao Yi.

Not to mention that what these people just faced was an attack far beyond their own level, and it was normal for them to cause a little backlash due to excessive loss of vitality.

If these people had taken the pill when Xiao Yi asked before, they should have recovered part of their vitality now.

It’s a waste of time to take it now and wait.

"Forget it, in a hurry." Xiao Yi picked Huo Linlang on his back, "go."

"Yeah." Huo Linlang smiled, sweet dessert.

Xiao Yi jumped out of the cave first.

Dongfang Wu glanced at the backs of the two of them leaving, a trace of disappointment flashed across their faces, but still returned to normal in an instant, looking at Dongfang Zhi.

"Sister, sister, she..."

"Don't worry." Dongfang Zhi interrupted, "Wu'er, you are an ordinary person, of course I am here to carry Dongfangzi."

"Later, I will take you to fly in the air."

After all, Dongfang Zhi took Dongfangzi on his back, grabbed Dongfang Wu's hand, and jumped out of the cave.

"Look, this little thief Xiao Yi is so unkind."

"However, I don't know what Xiao Yi's little thief feels like. He is carrying Wu'er's words on his back. I am worried."

"Wu'er, now I know that my sister loves you? It seems that you still speak to outsiders."

Dongfang Wu shook his head, and remained silent.


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