Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 2365: Disgraceful

"Huh, it's impossible."

Dongfang Zhi just showed a look of shock, and in an instant he sneered again.

"Let's not say whether his past rumors are true or false. Even if they are true, they rely on the best artifacts in their hands."

"Now, this little thief has lost his sword, and his strength has been greatly reduced."

Mo You shook his head, "You look down on my Junior Brother Xiao Yi too much."

"How deep is the confidence in his eyes, outsiders will never know."

Mo You paused and thought for a while, "I remember, since Junior Brother Xiao Yi came to Dongfang's house, every time he makes a shot, he has never really moved."

"I haven't seen him draw his sword, I haven't seen him use any boost, and I haven't seen him use any kind of kendo accidental means."

"His several battles were based on the sword energy of the ice road, and the ice and snow condensed the sword."

"Compared with his past horrifying record, the combat power shown these days seems to have weakened."

Mo You smiled, "If I'm not wrong, Junior Brother Xiao Yi must have greatly increased his cultivation level in a short period of time these days."

"And it's the kind of jumping more than twice in a row."

"That's why he only needs to practice swords now and stabilize his cultivation."

Dongfang Zhi smiled contemptuously, "If he is really capable, why bother?"

"You don't understand." Mo You shook his head, "You should know that the real Tianjiao evildoers will have their own cards."

"It's not easy to use. Once you use it, your combat power will increase."

"But you can know why after these hole cards are used, after the increase, the military must be backlashed?"

"I don't know." Dongfang Zhi shook his head and said proudly, "Since I was young, the younger generation can beat me. There are not many people. You can count on one."

"And if it is a powerful monster, or those old guys dare to bully me, then a strong family member will deal with it for me."

Mo You shook his head and said seriously, "That's because those powers don't belong to him, they are completely beyond the category that he can perfectly control."

"Warrior is like a container, full of power."

"If these forces completely exceed the range that this container can withstand, then the container is damaged or even collapsed."

"Therefore, the power beyond the scope of one's own control will be defeated by the martial artist."

Mo You's face condensed suddenly, "It's okay to say that the external force or the increase outside the realm."

"But if it comes from the detachment and loss of control based on the warrior's own cultivation, it will be more serious, and it will be no less than a disaster for the warrior."

Mo You paused, "Calculating the time, it was only a little more than a month from when Junior Brother Xiao Yi reappeared in Zhongyu to come to Dongfang's house."

"It has only been a few days since he left the Ice Palace."

"If I'm not wrong, Junior Brother Xiao Yi definitely got the chance in the Ice Palace; and with his character, he will never be sloppy, so he immediately rushed to Dongfang's home after leaving the Ice Palace."

"In other words, his cultivation base has skyrocketed by more than two levels to the present, but in a few days, it's no wonder he needs to practice swords."

"I see his current sword qi fierceness and cold aura. If you guessed it correctly, he must have cultivated the ice storm scripture. It is rumored that the ice palace is the most difficult and strongest kendo technique."

"And now he has a sudden increase in aura, and he is completely compatible with his own ice attribute swordsmanship. It must be the legendary Ice Venerable Saint Rune Art."

"It's no wonder that you are as strong as Junior Brother Xiao Yi, so you have to spend time in this training."

Dongfang Zhi shook his head, "You, you, you will only make excuses for others."

"If this little thief is as powerful as you said, it takes so long to stabilize the cultivation base?"

"Not soon." Mo You said seriously, "To be precise, it's not that Junior Brother Xiao Yi is slow."

"But every time a crisis finds him too fast."

"It is a terrifying speed to stabilize the dual cultivation base in the Holy Venerable Realm in a few days."

"If you are strong enough, you will see clearly enough."

"See what?" Dongfang Zhi asked.

Mo You said solemnly, "Look at Junior Brother Xiao Yi's breath and sword."

"Almost every second, the sword that his ice and snow had made became stronger, firmer, and stronger."

"Almost every breath, his control of the ice storm sword aura is increasing."

"In short, the strength brought by his own cultivation base is constantly improving almost every second."

"Do you know what this means? If you put it in a secular way, Junior Brother Xiao Yi is a terrifying martial arts genius."

"The enemy's sword doesn't give him pressure; it's hard work under the same level."

"In every sword confrontation, Junior Brother Xiao Yi can gain something and realize something. Fighting thousands of swords in a second is a thousand times of perception and practice."

After that, Mo You looked at Dongfang Zhi suddenly, and said seriously, "From now on, don't have trouble with Junior Brother Xiao Yi."

"He just doesn't want to care about you, but he is not really afraid of you."

"Aren't you afraid?" Dongfang Zhi smiled coldly, "A person, if you are upright and have no ghosts in your heart, you don't have to be afraid of anything."

"He is afraid because his identity as the master of the Eight Palaces is not glorious enough."

"The iron rules of the Eight Halls themselves cannot be gathered on one person as the master of the Eight Halls, but his little thief, Xiao Yi, has just touched this iron rule."

"The eight old guys have to help him open one eye and close another, and help him plot wrongdoing."

"You ask everyone in the world, who recognizes him as this? That's a joke."

Mo You took a deep breath, listening to Dongfang Zhi's words, a little helpless, but still said, "I once heard Master say four words."

"The road is not in dispute."

"The more terrible martial arts evildoers are, the more they don't fight, and the calmer their minds. It seems indisputable, but in fact it belongs to their absolute confidence.

"No one can fight with him, no one dares to fight with him, and no one can fight with him."

"The more indisputable, the more sure to possess terrifying and astonishing martial arts, and the greater the growth rate."

"That kind of absolutely terrifying confidence, even I have never had it, and I can't understand it."

"What do you mean?" Dongfang Zhi frowned, "Venerable Luo's words must have profound meaning."

"I don't know." Mo You shook his head, "If you don't fight in your heart, then this sky can't hinder it."

"Dadao does not dispute these four words, I am afraid that Master himself will not be able to give a perfect interpretation."

"Junior Brother Xiao Yi, certainly can't give the answer; but I believe that Junior Brother Xiao Yi has his own unique understanding and is practicing for it."

"Although I didn't spend much time with Junior Brother Xiao Yi, during the period when he was growing up in Heiyun, I have never seen him have any demons or a halt in his martial arts."

"His cultivation base and strength may not be as good as many predecessors; but his state of mind may be that many predecessors are not."

Mo You said solemnly, "I can't explain more specifically."

"Either it is due to his character, or he has his own attachments, or he doesn't want Jianxin to be dusted. I don't know why."

"I just know that Junior Brother Xiao Yi really just doesn't care about you."

"You don't want to target him again."

"Furthermore, the Dongfang Zhi I used to know is a person who distinguishes black and white very clearly, and even black and white are tit-for-tat."

"It's definitely not the Dongfang Zhi who is black and white today."

"I..." Dongfang Zhi's tone was stagnant.


Second more.

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