Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 2379: A misunderstanding


There was an explosion in the air.

It was the explosion of extreme killing intent and shocking momentum.

Of course, this explosion is actually silent.

But any strong person present could hear clearly in his ears.

This is the killing intent of the strong, the aura of the strong gathering.

The real powerhouse has the intent to kill invisible.

It's hard to imagine how monstrous killing intent already exists in this little study.

The cold stare of this strong man was afraid that it was enough to make anyone in the world tremble.

On Xia Yiming's forehead, a drop of cold sweat oozes quietly.

In the Eastern family, facing the murderous gaze of the Eastern Patriarch, the Eastern Thunder, and the powerful leaders of the Eastern family, who can keep calm in this world?

Even if he was arrogant as Xia Yiming, he couldn't help but feel nervous at the moment.

His tension not only comes from the terrible pressure around him.

More from the worry in his heart.

That worried look gathered on Xiao Yi's back.

Xia Yiming's eyes narrowed, with a decisive look.

In any case, even if he dies, he must protect his Palace Master Xiao Yi to leave this place safely.


There was a heavy stepping in the already heavy air.

In today's situation, it is so easy to step out and stir the momentum of the surroundings, and the whole audience is only the Eastern Patriarch.

But at this moment, the face of the Eastern Patriarch was equally ugly, staring at Xiao Yi coldly.

"Little friend Xiao Yi, I just want to ask you one sentence."

"What Zhi'er said is true?"

"You have already told Xia Yiming to deal with my son Qilin?"

Repeated questioning, invisibly aggravated the gloomy atmosphere around him, and the almost immediate killing intent.

Xiao Yi stared at this ice without fear, a sneer crossed the corner of his mouth, nodded without hesitation, and spit out a word, "Yes."

"What?" There was an uproar around, and the killing intent suddenly soared to the extreme.

The Eastern Patriarch's face was cold.

On the other side, Dongfang Zhi sneered.

Dongfang Dance's expression changed, "Hallmaster Xiao Yi, don't talk nonsense."

"I believe that Palace Master Xiao Yi is definitely not such a despicable person, and now it is just an angry word under extreme anger."

"I also invite my father to Mingjian." Dongfang Wu arched his hands and looked at the Dongfang Patriarch.

"Wu'er." Dongfang Zhi said dissatisfied, "This little thief Xiao Yi is now going to deal with the big brother, are you still helping him?"

Dongfang Dance said seriously, "Wu'er just believes in her own eyes and believes that she will not see the wrong person."

Dongfang Zhi ignored Dongfang Wu and only sneered, "Everyone heard it really and clearly, this little thief Xiao Yi himself admitted, so what else is there to say."

"It's not so much that he is honest, it's better to say that he is a treacherous trick that cannot be refuted.

"You lead elders, quickly take down these two thieves."


There was a sudden roar in the air.

The killing intent that had been suppressed to the extreme, burst out.

The roar this time was a real sound, resounding throughout the study.

Surrounded by a group of strong Easterners, they were already angry and their figures had moved.

But... the figure that was at the point where all the killing intents gathered and the cold gaze was staring at, still remained unchanged, still firmly blocking Xia Yiming's body.


It was also a sound of footsteps, not much power and power, but calm and heavy.

Xiao Yi only took one step, and the figures around him who were about to move instantly freeze.

The killing intent that had already erupted to the extreme in an instant was suddenly suppressed.

It is not how strong Xiao Yi's strength is.

This did not belong to Xiao Yi's momentum, but belonged to a superior person's absolute momentum suppression, absolutely condescending look down.

"I just ask, does Dongfang Zhi mean what your Dongfang family means?" Xiao Yi took a step and asked coldly.

"Go to war?" Xiao Yi sneered, "Which power do you want to fight with in the East?"

"Ancient Eight Palaces? Ghosts City? Ice Palace? Or Ice Storm Sword Pavilion?"

"Or..." Xiao Yi narrowed his eyes, "All."

The cold, domineering words came crashing down.

Surrounded by a group of powerful leaders, their bodies shuddered suddenly.

"Go to war?" Xiao Yi took a few steps forward, looking directly at Dongfang Mian, with cold eyes, "Only you are qualified to say these two words in front of me?"

Staring at these sharp sword-like eyes, Dongfang Mian felt a sting in his eyes.

It's not that there are some monstrous means in this gaze, but just these eyes, few people in this world dare to face the collision.

"Take me?" Xiao Yi looked at Dongfang Jue suddenly, "I heard that you Dongfang Jue acted vigorously."

"Come, don't froze, hurry up."

Although Dongfang Jue was full of anger, he still swallowed unconsciously without saying a word.

Xiao Yi's gaze was finally fixed on the Eastern Patriarch, "The Eastern Patriarch asked me just now, Xia Yiming's shot, whether it is my preference and whether I want to deal with the Eastern Kylin."

"My answer is already given."

"Even if I say yes, what can you do with me? You..."

Xiao Yi glanced around and drank coldly, "What can I do?"

All around, there was silence for a moment.

Xiao Yi looked at the Eastern Patriarch again, "Xia Yiming's sword attack on the Eastern Kylin declared war?"

"Oriental Kylin took the lead against the main hall master, does it mean that the Dongfang family is going to fight my eight halls?"

Xiao Yi's cold drink had already turned into an angry drink.

The cold and angry voice, like a cold question, instantly made the faces of everyone around him change.

"Little friend Xiao Yi, don't be angry." The Dongfang Patriarch took the lead to put down his posture and arched his hands.

The anger and cold color on his face disappeared in an instant.

Yes, even if Xiao Yi answered ‘yes’, his Dongfang family could do nothing.

So Xiao Yi, what reason is there to deal with Oriental Kylin?

Moreover, the previous event was indeed the first move by Oriental Kylin.

On the contrary, when he saw that his son suffered the sword that would kill him, he was the first to get angry.

"Hallmaster Xiao Yi calms down." Dongfang Mian and Dongfang Jue also quickly put down their posture and arched their hands.

"I was waiting on the impulse."

Dongfang Jinglei arched his hands at the same time, "Hall Master Xiao Yi, my eldest brother is now anxious to raise his eyebrows for the fact that all the arrogances were attacked and taken away on Demon Sacrifice Day, so he was impulsive just now."

"It's not really offended."

"One sentence is impulsive, one sentence is not intentional, and it counts?" Xiao Yi still had a cold face.

"Yiming, tell me where it hurts." Xiao Yi looked back at Xia Yiming.

Xia Yiming arched his hands and said, "Palace Master bothers, there is nothing wrong with the sound."

"It's just being bitten back by the sword qi a little, it's not an injury."

Xiao Yi nodded, "Well, then under my impulse, I accidentally hurt someone from his Dongfang family."

"I can't be too much. The people from the Dongfang family will suffer any injuries you get."

"Little friend Xiao Yi." Dongfang Patriarch's expression changed.

"Hallmaster Xiao Yi." The leaders of Dongfang Jue and Dongfang Mian said repeatedly, "It's a misunderstanding, but I hope to calm down my anger."

"Quite your anger?" Xiao Yi sneered, "I can only take a sword, if I can't stop it, it depends on your Dongfang family's own ability."


A purple thunder and thunder sounded.

Zidian appeared in his hands out of thin air.

On the side, Dongfang Baijiao suddenly said, "Hallmaster Xiao Yi, Dongfang Family and Xiuluo Palace are inter-generational ties, and they have always had a deep relationship with the Eight Palaces."

"Please don't hurt each other because of these little things."

"The main hall masters have a deep friendship with the old patrons of my oriental family and the current patrons. If you want to come to Xiao Yi, the main hall masters will also look at the face of the main hall masters, and calm things down."

Xiao Yi glanced at Dongfang Baijiao and squinted his eyes.

"It's just a misunderstanding." The Dongfang Patriarch waved his hand again and again and laughed, "The Dongfang Family is at war with the Eight Palaces? That's just a joke."

"Well, now the matter of the captured Tianjiao is the most important thing, how to save people is now something to think about."


Second more.

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