Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 2382: Second in history

The Patriarch of the East stared at Xiao Yi earnestly.

"With my strength, as long as it is not for the Liuheng Demon Lord, or if I really have the luck to face the power of the demon clan at the supreme level."

"Under the absolute power gap, ordinary monsters can't find me."

"From the perspective of Xiaoyi's current meaning, and your past deeds, you seem to be able to completely cover up your breath."

One is to sneak in with absolute strength. Although there are risks, the risks are not too great.

One is to completely cover up his breath to sneak in.

The gap between the two is obvious.

"Then how do you get away from now?" Dongfang Patriarch asked worriedly.

"With my strength, as long as I find a group of captured Tianjiao, even if their deeds are exposed, there is a certain degree of certainty to force them out of the Supreme City."

"How about you?"

"Even if you can find everyone safely, how do you escape the demon realm with so many young Tianjiao?"

There are two keys to this matter, one is to sneak into the Demon Realm Supreme City, and the other is to take everyone to retreat.

The Patriarch of the East had to ask Xiao Yi carefully, especially on this second point, that was the real crisis.

Xiao Yi shook his head.

"Or, I will sneak out with everyone."

"Either, I can only type it out forcibly."

"Of course, I prefer the first one, and I have a certain degree of certainty."

"Otherwise, if it is forcibly played out, I am afraid that no human powerhouse can leave in the depths of the demon realm in a densely packed place such as beast powerhouses, under siege."

Dongfang Patriarch frowned, "Sneak out with everyone?"

"How can it be done?"

Xiao Yi smiled, "Secret."

"Anyway, I won't make a joke about my life."

The Eastern Patriarch frowned.

"If I sneak into the Demon Realm, there is indeed a risk. I may even have not been able to find the captured young talents before they have been discovered."

"Once the Yaozu is alarmed, things will be even more troublesome."

"On this point, Xiaoyi Xiaoyou is more confident than me."

"Let's do it." Dongfang Patriarch Shen Ning said, "I'm afraid I can't beat you, Xiao Yi."

"I also respect Xiaoyi Xiaoyou's choice."

"I can only remind you that so far, no one has been able to leave safely after going deep into the demon realm alone."

"Never?" Xiao Yi frowned slightly.

The Dongfang Patriarch nodded solemnly, "Never, even in the glorious period of the eight ancient palaces, there has never been such a thing."

"In the depths of the Demon Territory, the number of strong monsters gathered is quite a terrifying number."

"Because of this, in the ancient times, the ancestors of the Eight Halls had to force the demon race into the demon domain, and could not eliminate the evil forever."

"Thousands of years so far, there is only one exception."

"Who?" Xiao Yi asked.

The Eastern Patriarch said solemnly, "It is the current master of the Demon Hunting Palace."

"The only person who killed a dimly dim person in the Demon Realm who could leave safely."

"This is something that even the other chief hall masters have never done."

"Including the Master Palace Master Shura, who is known as the strongest single player."

"Including the legendary Lord Luo from the mainland, and even the holy monarch of Holy Moon Sect with the highest level of human martial arts today."

"Why?" Xiao Yi frowned and asked.

In his impression and comparison, the strength of these people should be among the best.

"I don't know either." Dongfang Patriarch shook his head, "but that's the truth."

"No one dares to go deep into the demon realm alone."

"The degree of danger is far more terrifying than you think."

"Even if it is me, I have to hold the heart of death and make another determination of the Dongfang Patriarch to dare to step in; and even so, I still dare not say that I have enough confidence to save people."

Dongfang Wu frowned, "Didn't my father say before that if he joins hands with his second uncle, he can compete against Liuheng Demon Lord?"

The Dongfang Patriarch nodded, "It is true that I can contend. Together with Jinglei, I am strong enough to be proud of the Central Territory, but this premise is not counted as the supreme monsters in the Demon Territory."

"Monster Supreme?" Xiao Yi frowned and asked, "how many are there."

"Unknown number." Dongfang Patriarch replied in a deep voice, "There are ten on the bright side."

"But you want to know that there are only more terrifying old monsters hiding in the dark."

Xiao Yi squinted his eyes, "A Liuheng Demon King, plus the Ten Supremes, and the unknown more terrifying danger..."

The Dongfang Patriarch nodded and stared at Xiao Yi, "So I hope you even consider that now you can change your mind."

"If I go, even if I really fail, there will be a certain degree of escape."

"And you will never have a chance."

"Heh." Xiao Yi smiled, "It's so decided."

"Perhaps I will be the second person in history to be alone in the Demon Realm and escape safely."

"Crazy enough." The Eastern Patriarch narrowed his eyes.

"That's it, let's say goodbye." Xiao Yi arched his hands.

The Dongfang Patriarch abruptly got up from the table and arched his hands. "If Xiao Yi can safely save people and return, I count that Dongfang Family owes you a favor."

"Eastern Frightened Dragon, thanks here."

"You are polite." Xiao Yi walked away without looking back.

"Among those guys, there are only people I want to save. Otherwise, I won't be too lazy to wade in this muddy water."

When the voice fell, Xiao Yi had already left.


Outside the study, Xia Yiming waited for it.

"Palace Master." Xia Yiming bowed.

Xiao Yi nodded, "Let's go."

Back to the courtyard residence, Xia Yiming suddenly stopped.

"What?" Xiao Yi asked in confusion.

Xia Yiming bent down heavily with a look of ashamed expression, "This time, Yiming was useless and almost caused a catastrophe, putting the palace owner in a crisis situation."

"If it weren't for the palace owner's own abilities and noble status, Yiming would have killed the palace owner today."

Xiao Yi stopped and looked at Xia Yiming seriously, "Yiming, don't be confused, and don't shake your heart."

"This time, you are not wrong."

"You only need to do what you think is right."

"If it's because of me, for some other reason, that affects my firm sword heart, Xia Yiming like this is definitely not the Xia Yiming I know.

"The Xia Yiming I know is a person who dares to act, and who knows it in his heart will never go ahead."

"And such Xia Yiming is very good." Xiao Yi smiled seriously.

"Palace Master..." Xia Yiming's tone was stagnant.

Xia Yiming was silent for a while, but still shook his head, "In any case, Yiming is useless after all."

"Yi Ming used to be very proud of himself, and when he consciously used his sword, no one could beat him."

"As I know today, I can't even beat the Oriental Kylin, let alone presumptuous in front of those strong Easterners."

Xiao Yi shook his head and smiled, "Do you know the cultivation base of the Eastern Kylin?"

"The seven-fold cultivation base of the Saint Venerable Realm, the strength is even stronger, it's strange if you can beat him."


Second more.

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