Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 2388: More valuable

The water is cold, still whispering.

"At that time, the Eastern Patriarch was scrupulous about the identity of Venerable Luo and did not refuse."

"Therefore, the Eastern Patriarch gave two conditions."

"One, let Mo You join the family, and join the Dongfang family as a son-in-law."

"Second, Mo You must defeat the Eastern Qilin, the number one evildoer in the Eastern family."

"And the result is obvious." Shui Ninghan shook his head and smiled.

"With Mo You's arrogance, how can I change my surname into a family name."

"So he only drew his sword proudly at that time, and only said to challenge the Oriental Kylin, so there is no need to talk about marriage."

Ling Hong smiled playfully, "Dongfang Qilin is a ruthless person, and Mo You is afraid he can't please."

"Not bad." Shui Ninghan nodded, "Although Wangyou Sword is strong, it is still no match for the unicorn of the Dongfang family."

"Although Venerable Luo is powerful, Mo You still didn't get him any real skills."

"The Oriental Kylin is especially protective of shortcomings. Mo You defeated Dongfang Zhi in public, and almost didn't kill Mo You in a rage."

"Mo You is in his hand, and he is seriously injured even after three moves."

Ling Hong frowned, "Then what's going on with Dongfang Zhi?"

"What do you mean?" Shui Ning sneered suddenly, "How arrogant, how arrogant, and how vigorous was Mo You at that time?"

"It's no less than direct humiliation to be banned by the Eastern Patriarch in public."

"After three defeats, he was severely injured and expelled from the Dongfang family. How humiliating is this for an arrogant evildoer?"

"But in the end, this Mo You really deserves to be a peerless sword repairman. He just didn't have mental damage, he was sluggish, and he became more and more courageous with the frustration, and even reached the point where he could be comparable to me a few years later.

"It's just." Shui Ninghan shrugged, "From Dongfang Zhi's point of view, this is her fault."

"It's not so much that Mo You took her down, it's better to say that because of her, Fang made the man she loved suffer humiliation."

"If it weren't for her, her father would not humiliate Mo You like this."

"If it weren't for her, her brother Dongfang Qilin would not completely crush Mo You and seriously wound him, making this Tianjiao like a clown joke."

"So, you understand now." Shui Ninghan shook his head and smiled.

"Dongfang Zhi's love to Mo You is not only ordinary love, nor is it just ordinary guilt and self-blame."

"In addition, it was because of the relationship between the master of the Asura Palace that the Eastern Patriarch categorically denied this marriage; and Xiao Yi became famous in the Central Region, but he was a martial artist in the Asura Hall and Fengsha Hall."

"Envy and hatred came into being a long time ago."

"And more than a year ago, Mo You, who was supposed to be the direct disciple of Luo Zun, took over the Black Demon Temple and Heiyun Learning and teaching in the next day. It was a certainty, but suddenly a black robe Xiaoxun appeared and was directly by Luo Zun. The author declared Zhongyu to be his successor."

"Envy and hatred are two of them."

"Next, Xiao Xun in the black robe turned out to be Xiao Yi."

"In other words, all of this belongs to Xiao Yi."

"In the end, Xiao Xun, Yi Xiao, and Xiao Yi, the three identities, are actually the same person."

"Heh." Shui Ninghan's smile turned into playfulness, "When jealousy and hatred exist, adding an explosion is the ultimate."

"When everything becomes unpleasant, everything you see in your eyes is distorted and there is darkness."

"I had prejudices in my heart, and coupled with this infinite suspicion, everything suddenly became a matter of course and a matter of course."

"When something is labeled as absolute, coupled with endless anger and twisted mind, then...there is no more black and white, only pure darkness."

"And guilt and self-blame, as well as love, have pushed these darkness to the peak, repeating and intensifying."

"It's complicated." Ling Hong smiled bitterly.

Shui Ninghan chuckles, "Human nature is inherently complicated."

"Oh, yes." Shui Ninghan looked directly at Ling Hong abruptly, "You just said that if you give you Dongfang Zhi's family background, you will do better than her."

"I want to ask, do you really have such confidence?"

"The inheritance and martial arts resources I give you are by no means inferior to her."

"I once gave you the background, although it is not as good as Dongfang Zhi's White Wave Army, but Dongfang Zhi is against the monsters, and the task I have given you is only Xiao Xun."

"The black robe Xiao Xun at that time was not full of wings. The combat power available in your hand far exceeds that of him, but what answer did you bring to me?"

The night wind roared, and it was cold, but at this moment, the temperature suddenly dropped, and it was as cold as frost.

Ling Hong shuddered unconsciously, with a look of fear on his face. He never dared to forget how terrifying the beautiful and always smiling woman in front of him was.

"Water... Girl water calms down." Ling Hong knelt on one knee, shaking.

At the same time, he knew that the water girl knew almost everything, from ancient secrets to secrets of major forces.

As for the water girl, no matter what she said, she was always calm and smiled.

But at this moment, he suddenly reacted. In Miss Water's conversation today, almost ninety percent was smiling, but she rarely sneered and increased her tone slightly.

It stands to reason that these past events of Mo You and Dongfang Zhi can't make it into the eyes of the water girl, let alone make her face fluctuate.

Of course, Ling Hong did not dare to speculate.

"This should be your last chance." Shui Ninghan smiled, "You should know the end of the poison robe, besides..."

The dense night is like a curtain covering the sky, covering everything and about to swallow everything.

In the air, the words of the two disappeared with the night wind.

Although the night wind was cold, but Ling Hong's forehead was covered with cold sweat.

"Girl Shui is forgiving." Ling Hong suddenly looked anxious, "My senior brother Yuan Ruoli...he treated me very well... and asked Girl Shui to forgive him..."

Shui Ninghan's eyes became cold, "Those who follow me prosper, those who oppose me die."

"Also, you are running out of time now, Dongfang Zhi needs your help."

"Um...what?" Ling Hong was puzzled.

"Stupid." Shui Ninghan frowned.

"I said, this extreme hatred is enough to make people fall into the abyss, and beyond all disasters."

"Even... it's crazy."

"And she is about to go crazy."

"It's just." Shui Ning looked at the distant sky suddenly, "She is like you now, stupid and unknowing, thinking she is smarter than others, but she doesn't know that she is facing a terrible opponent. "

"Go and help her." Shui Ninghan withdrew his gaze, looked at Ling Hong, his hand flashed.

It was a sharp arrow, dark throughout, and exuding the ultimate black and cold light.

"Is this?" Ling Hong asked in shock, the scary aura on the arrow, just a little bit, was enough to make him shiver.

"You don't need to know." Shu Ning said in a cold voice, "Show this arrow to your senior brother. He will consider whether he is willing to surrender. I only hope that he will not make a wrong decision."

"In addition, this arrow is enough to kill Xia Yiming."

"Xia Yiming?" Ling Hong's expression changed. "That abnormal, rumored to be a terrifying powerhouse that the owner of the Supreme Tower could not capture himself."

"Indeed." Shui Ninghan nodded, "It's just that it's one thing that you can't catch it, and the difference in strength is another."

"Sword Wuxu sent Xia Yiming, except for a few old guys, almost no one can survive under his sword. Such a terrible evildoer, his life is very valuable."

"However, this arrow is his nemesis, enough to take his life."

"Ling Hong will live up to the life of Girl Shui this time..." Ling Honggang was about to respond.

"No." Shui Ninghan interrupted, "This arrow is not used to kill him."

"Um...that is?..." Ling Hong asked.

Shui Ninghan smiled slightly, "A person's life is more valuable than his life."


Fourth more. (burst)

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