Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 2412: Lord of Red Training

It was another day later.

Somewhere in the demon domain.

Xiao Yi took out the task scroll and nodded, "After the strength has been improved, the speed of rushing on the road has been greatly increased, and the speed of completing the task has also increased."

"Swept several principalities in one day."

In fact, if Xiao Yiruo flew at full speed, it would take less than a day or two to traverse the entire fifty kingdoms and three hundred principalities of the Demon Region.

But now he is only relying on physical strength to drive his way, and naturally he can't compare with his strength.

Moreover, it is just rushing to the road and investigating, and completing the task of the demon hunter.

In addition, the so-called sweeping refers to tasks within these scopes, not sweeping the Principality of Slaughter all the way.

If he really swept the Slaughter Principality all the way, and simply slaughtered for no reason, I am afraid that Xiao Yi will be besieged by the powerhouse of the Demon Realm soon.

"The speed has to be faster." Xiao Yi muttered to himself.

"Out of this range, it is no longer within the scope of the Shenmu Kingdom and several principalities attached to it."


Three days later.

Outside the Blazing Principality.

A huge battlefield, with countless corpses.

The pungent smell of blood permeated thousands of miles.

The dark red blood surging into a river, flowing non-stop.

On the battlefield, the only figure in the prince's uniform and six figures in white robes stepped coldly on the blood-soaked ground.

In the distance, several figures flew quickly.

"Lord Li." Several figures, all elders, wearing armor, flames lingering when flying.

"This time in the battle with the Principality of Blackwater, thanks to the help of Lord Li and the demon hunters under his command, our Principality of Blazing Flames can win a complete victory."

"You don't need to be polite." Xiao Yi said coldly, "We are demon hunters, and I will come if you can afford it, nothing more."

"Oh, hehe." The old man laughed repeatedly, "Yes, yes, it's a lesson from the adults."

"Don't talk nonsense." Xiao Yi said coldly, "I'll rush away, and just pay me a reward."

"Uh, this..." The old man hesitated embarrassedly.

"Why, your Principality of Blazing Flames want to fall back on the bill?" Xiao Yi's eyes were cold.

The old man hurriedly knelt down, "Let the adults calm down, but the young ones dare not."

"It's just that Grand Duke Blazing didn't expect to be able to end the battle so soon from the adults, so he was not ready."

"I thought I would have to fight hard for days at least..."

"Just look down on me like this?" Xiao Yi coldly shouted arrogantly and discontentedly.

"No, no... I don't dare." The old man looked terrified, "Let the adults calm down, and the young ones will rush back to the Principality immediately and be ready to be delivered immediately."

Xiao Yi said coldly, "The remuneration states that half of the treasure of Grand Duke Blazing's treasure house is one point less, one minute away, don't blame me for being polite."

"Also, I only wait for you one hour."

"Yes, yes, wait a minute from the adults." The old man quickly leaped up and disappeared into the distance in an instant.

The full-speed flight at the Holy Venerable Realm level is fast enough.

A principality is not too big.

As long as the old man hurried back to the palace, he would start preparing immediately, and he didn't even need an hour to come back.

"Master." The ghost said, "This blazing Principality can't play tricks, right?"

"They dare not." Xiao Yi smiled.

An hour later.

The old man returned in a hurry, offering more than a dozen Universe Rings with both hands.

Xiao Yi glanced at it and accepted them one by one, "Okay, the account has been settled and the transaction is over."

"Yes, yes, as long as the adults are satisfied." The old man's face was sweaty.

The slaughter of the royal family of Man Yao Gong shocked dozens of principalities around him a few days ago.

Nowadays, everyone knows that this mysterious Li-sama has no good temper, and slaughters the entire royal family at will.

But thanks to this lord, he is a master who doesn't provoke me, and he is very honest. As long as the price is affordable, both parties can talk easily in the task relationship.

"Oh right." The old man continued, "Grand Duke Liyan wants to invite Li-sama to join our Blazing Principality as an offering. What are the conditions, let Li-sama you open."

"Not interested." Xiao Yi shook his head.

The old man took out a token, handed it to Xiao Yi tremblingly, and said, "Grand Duke Blazing said, if you don't want it, we won't force it."

"This is the title of Demon King granted you by the Principality."

"This is the title of the demon king of the principality level, and all three hundred principalities recognize that you will always be a friend of our Blazing Principality."

"But where it is useful to us, as long as we speak with the adults, our Blazing Principality will do our best."

"Yeah." Xiao Yi answered casually and accepted the token.

This title of Demon King is just a kind of honor status. It is not very useful, but it is a little helpful anyway.

The monster race is extremely martial, and also has a strong sense of honor.

Xiao Yi turned around to leave.

Suddenly, swish...wish...wish...wish...wish...

In the distance, a group of figures came quickly.

In an instant, dozens of figures fell in front of Xiao Yi.

Xiao Yi frowned slightly, "What, something?"

Those were dozens of old men, all of them showing kindness.

"Lord Li, the next one is the offerings of the Clouded Leopard Principality. On the order of the Clouded Leopard Duke, I would like to invite the lord Li to the Clouded Leopard Palace."

"Lord Li, enshrine in the Principality of Bailian, by the order of Duke Bailian..."

"Lord Li, enshrined in the Principality of Fantasy Cloud, by the order of the Duke of Fantasy Cloud..."

"Lord Li, enshrine in the Principality of Firefox..."

One by one the old man spoke again and again.

Xiao Yi's face twitched, and he glanced at the worship of the Blazing Principality.

The old man's pupils shrank, and the cold sweat broke out for a moment, "Like...Like adults, this has nothing to do with the little ones, it's not the little ones who leaked your business."

"The battle between our Blazing Principality and the Blackwater Principality has long attracted the attention of the surrounding Principalities. Therefore, Lord Li, your presence here today was seen by their spies."

"It really has nothing to do with the little ones. The little ones don't dare to chew their tongues." The old man was almost crying.

The face under Xiao Yi's mask was strange. It seemed that after several days of frantic fighting, he swept all the way and gave birth to many wicked names.

"I know it has nothing to do with you." Xiao Yi withdrew his cold eyes.

The elders around him should be worshipped by a dozen principalities nearby.

If nothing happened, the news that he had ended this war in a short period of time also spread to these principalities in the first place.

"Lord Li, worship in the Principality of Xia Juechen, Duke Juechen said, as long as the lord Li is willing to enter the place of worship, the conditions can follow the adult."

The old man around him looked anxious and said hurriedly, "Like your lord, our Duke Clouded Leopard unconditionally handed you the title of Clouded Leopard Demon King, and you are in harmony with the fair..."

"Lord Li, our Principality of Firefox is full of beautiful women. Duke Firefox has already prepared three thousand fox beauties. I only wait for you..."


One by one, there is an endless stream of worship.

Within this demon domain, the demon clan's respect for force and the strong far exceeds that of the middle domain.

"Stop." Xiao Yi yelled coldly, stopping these mixed words.

"Haha." At this moment, an old man walked out slowly and said with a chuckle, "Leave the little friend, we are invited by the Lord of Scarlet Training."

This old man has not spoken before.

Nowadays, he only understates when he speaks, even calling him "li little friend".

The reason is very simple, he does not belong to the principality, he is worshipped by the kingdom.

Kingdom, one of the fifty behemoths in the Great Demon Realm.

"The Lord of Red Training?" Everyone around him was suddenly shocked.

"The Lord of Chi Lian?" Xiao Yi was also slightly surprised.

The Chilian Kingdom is one of the fifty kingdoms, but at the same time, it is also one of the ten kingdoms of the Demon Region.

In contrast, although the Xiaolei Kingdom is also one of the fifty kingdoms, it is far inferior to the Chilian Kingdom. This is the real behemoth.


Seventh more. (burst)

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