Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 2447: Night Silence

"Lord... Lord..."

The six ghosts and monsters felt the power of the sky-shattering waves, and they all showed shock.

"Leave me alone." Xiao Yi glanced at the six people, "Do what you should do now."

"Yes." When the six ghosts heard the words, they all glanced at Hei Ji Claw, and once again showed enthusiasm, immersed in the pile of books in front of him.

Xiao Yi retracted his gaze, looked at the power of the surrounding water, and nodded in satisfaction.

His punch was more than the battle power exploded when he held the purple electric sword.

"Disperse." Xiao Yi's fist shook, and the power of the surrounding water instantly dissipated.

Today, of the 12 treasures on the sixth floor, two have been taken out.

One is a six-pole boxing glove; one is this martial art.

The reason why this martial art can be taken out so easily is not due to other reasons, but that this martial art originally fits with the six-pole boxing glove.

Simply put, if you can get a six-pole boxing glove, you can easily get this martial art.

To break the restriction here, one needs to understand the power trajectory of success here.

Therefore, when he takes the six-pole boxing gloves, he has to go back to the first and second levels. After the comprehension is successful, he will go to the fourth floor and then again. In order to break the prohibition of this six-pole glove.

And this martial art called "Blasting Current", the trajectory in it, was originally the method of using the six-pole boxing gloves. Naturally, it can be taken out directly.

The six-pole boxing gloves are refined from the hands of the six-pole wild lion.

‘Six-Pole Burst’ is a monster martial art created by the Six-Pole Mad Lion.

"Six-pole mad lion." Xiao Yi frowned. He always felt that this name seemed to have been heard before, but he couldn't remember it for a while.

"Forget it." Xiao Yi didn't think much.

Burst, Xiao Yi had seen it before when he was playing against Black Lion.

As the son of the mad lion demon lord, the martial arts he uses are naturally extremely high-level and extremely powerful.

However, he can only condense eight currents.

The real six-pole explosive martial arts is here on the sixth floor of the Lion King Building.

Xiao Yi had already tried its power just now.

Xiao Yi's eyes scanned the other 10 treasures.

These 10 treasures, or secrets of martial arts and martial arts, or magic weapons, or some secret treasures of the monster race.

But for Xiao Yi, it was of no use.

He has obtained the six-pole boxing gloves and the six-pole burst, and it is already the strongest thing here.

"Calculating the time, there are only a few hours left in the day in the Lion King Building." Xiao Yi frowned and looked at the six ghosts not far away.

At this moment, the six ghosts and demons are worth reading more than a thousand books on exercises.

"Hurry up." Xiao Yi said, then his figure flashed, and he left.

Back on the first floor of the Lion King Building, Xiao Yi glanced and shook his head.

The demon clan's exercises are of no great use to him, he can't cultivate the demon essence at all, and it is useless to read it.

For him, the Yaozu exercises only have a reference effect among exercises, or the improvement of normal martial arts knowledge, and the rest are of no use.

And speaking of the improvement of martial arts knowledge, the piles of martial arts inheritance in his own body are not bad for these monster clan techniques.


With a flash, Xiao Yi came to the second floor of the Lion King Building.

With a big wave of his hand, books on martial arts secrets swept up.

Ignoring those secret books, Xiao Yi just rolled up a large pile of martial arts books, and then strayed away again.

Back on the sixth floor of the Lion King Building and put down a large pile of books, Xiao Yi also sat down cross-legged, turning over.

With the six-pole boxing gloves, he can use Yaoyuan.

But those demon clan secret methods augmented by him were of no use.

He can only use these demon elements to perform martial arts.

The demon power on the six-pole boxing glove can be converted into demon element of various attributes.

In other words, the monster martial arts he can perform are not only ‘six-pole explosive current’, but any other martial arts.

Or fire road, or wood road, etc.

Xiao Yi looked at it one by one, and after a while, he would finish reading, and then he threw a copy away, then picked up another one and read it carefully.

After half an hour.

The large pile of martial arts books in front of Xiao Yi had been read through hundreds of books, and they were thrown away at will.

On the side Guiyi finally found this unusual, and looked at Xiao Yi suspiciously, "Master, do you just flip through these martial arts books?"

Xiao Yi gave a ghostly glance, "Do you think I'm so boring?"

"No." The ghost shook his head.

"Then that... Lord, you have all enlightened?"

"Can't it?" Xiao Yi asked back.

"Really all enlightened?" Guiyi's eyes widened.

After all, the ghost crawled and rolled, holding a book of exercises in his hand, and came to Xiao Yi's side.

"Lord, do you understand here?" Guiyi pointed to a place on the exercise book and asked.

Xiao Yi glanced at him, "Black is extremely impermanent, the night is cold and cold, the shadow damages both bodies, there is no form, no white, and it returns to silence."


A gust of yin wind condensed in Xiao Yi's hand, and the night where the yin wind was blowing suddenly dropped.

In Xiao Yi's palm, a place of dark night and cold wind seemed to keep blowing.

"Understand?" Xiao Yi asked.

As soon as the ghost stared for a few times, his face suddenly appeared in a daze, "Understood, understood."

It was another half an hour later.

The ghost crawled again, holding the book in his hand, and pointed to a place on the book.

Xiao Yi glanced, "Ye Ji Sheng Jue?"

"Ghost One, I ask you, what is night and what is silence?"

The ghost was stunned for a moment, and replied, "Isn't night night? Isn't silence the silence?"

"Oh?" Xiao Yi sneered, "When I close my eyes in the daytime, isn't it all darkness? Am I in the night?"

"I sealed the six senses. I was ignorant and unconscious. I couldn't hear or see anything. Is that silent and silent?"

Upon hearing this, the ghost gave a wry smile, "Lord, I know you want to guide me."

"But now in a hurry, would you just give me the answer?"

"Not promising." Xiao Yi shook his head, and a demon element in his hand condensed out, transforming into Dao Guanghua.

When the ghost glanced, his face was stunned, and he buried his head in comprehension again.

Xiao Yi shook his head.

Ye Ji Sheng Jue is one of the two exercise books he took on the fourth floor.

In fact, he had heard of this exercise before, but it was the first time now.

About eight million years ago, it was probably in the ancient years that Xiao Yi could not imagine, a strong human race named Ye Jing stepped into the demon realm.

When he was deep in the cold realm of the Demon Realm, it was rumored that he had fought fiercely with the ancient snow lion clan for ten days.

Later, for some reason, he created this earth-shattering exercise.

But, for some unknown reason, this technique turned out to be a demon clan technique in the Lion King Tower.

From his perspective, Ye Ji Sheng Jue absolutely surpassed the peak level of the Holy Venerable Realm.

Although this is a sect practice, in comparison, it is only one level weaker than the level of the ‘six-pole explosive current’.

"It's still an hour before the sky." Xiao Yi frowned.

"You can speed up the time, if you don't understand, come and ask me immediately."


Second more.

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