Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 2460: Twin monsters?

Mad Lion Palace, deep.

As the master of this palace, the demon master of this huge kingdom, the mad lion demon master possesses absolute majesty.

But now, in the depths of the palace, the mad lion demon master bowed, his face respectfully looking at an old man in front of him.

The old man, a burly figure, is probably a few heads higher than the average person.

A golden hair was thrown away behind his head.

It seems to be sloppy and uncut, but the whole person feels so domineering and violent.

The old man, just sit on the floor like this.

But even sitting, it is still as tall as a person.

On the side, the demon lord of the mad lion, and the cloud lion and Liu lion behind him, have always been respectful.

The old man glanced at the mad lion demon master, "Little Lion, what are you doing without sitting on your throne?"

The old man's voice was not at all old, but rather bold.

Behind the old man, there was a throne, which was obviously the throne of the mad lion demon lord.

The mad lion demon master gave a wry smile, "Ancestor, you are here, how dare I sit on the throne."

The mad lion demon lord can respectfully call the ‘old ancestor’ and the identity of the old man in front of him is obvious.

It is one of the ten demon lord of the demon clan, and is known as the strongest demon lord.

The old man, who is also the mad lion demon sovereign, blinked, "Little lion, where are so many rules? You used to be young, didn't you always sit on my knees and jump?"

"Why are you growing up now, but there are so many rules."

The mad lion demon lord gave a wry smile.

Behind him, Liu Shi Yunshi almost did not laugh.

To be able to call this demon domain's strongest demon lord, this most majestic lion demon lord in ordinary days uttered a "little lion", I am afraid, only the demon lord in front of him.

Of course, given the age of the mad lion demon lord, when he was a child, he probably didn't know how long it was.

"Forget it, it's up to you." The Mad Lion Demon Lord retracted his gaze, looked at the air in front of him, pointed and said, "Is this the little guy who snatched the six-pole boxing gloves?"

"That strange monster, Li?"

In front of the mad lion demon lord, in the air, pictures continued to flow.

The picture inside is not the current Xiao Yi, but the picture of his whereabouts in the demon realm these days.

"Exactly." The mad lion demon master nodded.

"Huh?" Mad Lion Demon Venerable frowned, "Why do you wear a mask? Also, why is this small body so thin?"

"This looks fragile."

"Um." The mad lion demon master smiled bitterly, not knowing how to answer.

"Have you checked the origin?" Mad Lion Demon Venerable asked again.

Although the demon lord of the mad lion looks rough and heroic, as the demon lord of the mad lion clan, he is obviously not an ordinary person, and he is also cautious.

The mad lion demon lord nodded and said, "This strange demon is extremely mysterious, as if it appeared out of thin air."

"The earliest traces were revealed thirteen days ago, and in the next few days, he rose almost at a crazy speed."

"So far, no one knows what he looks like."

"But all his traces in the past thirteen days have been traced back by Liushi Wudao."

"From his appearance to the present, everything is reproduced in no detail, without any omission during the period."

"Sure?" Mad Lion Demon Lord looked at Liu Shi.

Liu Shi nodded and arched his hands, "Given the supreme, since the thirteen days and nights when he appeared, every hour, every moment, every minute, every second, I look back, and there is no omission."

The mad lion demon master said earnestly, "Supreme, please rest assured, the two lions of Liuyun are the best at space, and they are more powerful than the 90,000 Dao."

"Although thirteen days have passed, the two of them can still trace the martial arts completely, and there are no omissions."

"Yeah." The mad lion demon nodded, and once again looked at the picture circulating in the air.

In the picture, it was the scene when Xiao Yi appeared in the Giant Demon City.

The picture is flowing at a faster speed.

Xiao Yi battled the Snow King Kong Ape, talked with the twelve barbarians, battled the six ghosts, and finally talked with the red-haired demon king. The scenes were all revealed, and every second was revealed.

The Mad Lion Demon Sovereign sniffed his nose and nodded, "Judging from this breath, it is indeed a strange monster."

"Moreover, it has been less than a few decades since the birth of spiritual wisdom."

"It hasn't been more than a few decades?" The wild lion demon lord was shocked when he heard this.

"How is this possible? The alien monsters are naturally raised, and they are inherently talented, but they are extremely difficult to produce spiritual intelligence, so it is also extremely difficult to transform them."

"No matter how powerful the monster is, it is impossible to transform in a hundred years, let alone to have such an amazing strength after transforming to enter the holy state."

"It's not impossible," said the mad lion demon. "If it's powerful enough and abnormal enough, won't it be enough?"

Backtracking in normal martial arts, only pictures.

Can Liuyun Two Lions go back to the martial arts, and even the breath also reappears?

In addition, these breaths actually belong to the fog demon, and although the fog demon has only been with Xiao Yi for a few years, it has lived on the side of the million mountains for decades.

Only when he met Xiao Yi, Fang was subdued by Xiao Yi.

The pictures in the air continue to flow.

The mad lion demon nodded lightly, "This kid doesn't seem to know anything, he doesn't know anything."

The screen gradually shifted from Xiao Yi's conversation with the Red-haired Demon King to Xiao Yi meeting Liu Lion and ignoring Liu Lion's warning.

"Intent to kill?" Mad Lion Demon Lord frowned.

"Liu Shi, that kid saw you before and his eyes were full of killing intent. He wants to kill you?"

"Demon Lord, yes." Liu Shi nodded.

"Heh, this kid, even our Mad Lion Kingdom doesn't know about it." The Mad Lion Demon Lord sneered.

"Tsk tusk, doesn't he know the terrible and despicable Six Ghosts and Demons, or does he really have that confidence?"

Liu Shi smiled bitterly, "In my opinion, that kid doesn't seem to know."

"In addition, he is extremely cautious as a strange demon in his initial form. As soon as I get close to him, he blows up his hair, like a fierce beast about to go mad."

The mad lion demon lord looked at the demon sovereign.

Mad Lion and Demon Lord only stared at the picture in the air without saying a word.

The screen continues until Xiao Yi kills the demon hunter and makes the six ghosts breathe in.

"Heh." Mad Lion Demon Venerable finally opened his mouth, "This kid is hot enough, blood splashes during the slaughter, he doesn't even blink his eyes, the strange demon is really fierce."

"It doesn't matter if he knows the horror of the ghost and monster clan, just looking at his performance, this kid seems to be arrogant and confident enough."

"It's not bad, but it's the old man's temper."

"The strong will never be afraid of others because of their growth and strength, and even take the lead in removing threats."

"The strong, only getting stronger and stronger, constantly surpass themselves."

The picture continues to flow, and gradually freezes somewhere.

"Huh? How did the martial arts backtracking here break?" Mad Lion Demon Venerable frowned.

"Uh, there..." Liu Shi replied, "Zhen Yaozun, the spatial trajectory of that range seems to have been destroyed in the fierce battle."

"Of course, it may have been deliberately vandalized."

These retrospective pictures were originally continuous, every minute of the same, but they were displayed in front of the mad lion demon venerable at a very fast speed.

Of course, with the strength of the Mad Lion Demon Venerable, even if every second thing that happened in a few days was compressed to a swift pass in just a few minutes, he could easily capture every picture without missing the slightest.

But now, the picture is obviously broken.

The picture there shows that Xiao Yi had to sacrifice the purple lightning sword when he was facing the giant tooth. The purple lightning flashed by and took the life of the giant tooth.

With caution, Xiao Yi also ruined the spatial trajectory there, eliminating the possibility of martial arts backtracking.

Mad Lion Demon Venerable frowned.

Liu Shi said respectfully, "To be supreme, there is no problem with every second of backtracking within 13 days, only this place has a short 10-second interruption."

Ten seconds, compared to thirteen days, is obviously not worth mentioning.

"Perhaps it was an accident." The Mad Lion Demon Venerable frowned and said, continuing to watch.

The screen quickly moved to the point where Xiao Yi confronted the Barbarian Demon Grand Duke, and slaughtered the entire Barbarian Demon Palace.

"Heh." The Mad Lion Demon Sovereign showed a little smile, "Just hit the door? This kid is arrogant enough, no, I should say that he has enough grudges."

In the picture, lightning and thunder flashed suddenly.

"Huh? Lei Fa?" The wild lion demon's eyes suddenly startled, "Thunder and mist twins? No wonder the talent is so terrible..."


Third more.

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It won’t be updated today, but within a few days.

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