Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 2463: Fall, Tianyuan crack

Xiao Yi suddenly shrank his pupils, and the killing intent suddenly appeared in his eyes.

But the moment the killing intent emerged, it disappeared instantly.

This old man can appear in the ancient lion holy land, how can he be a general generation.

At the same time, at the moment when the old man's eyes suddenly became cold, Xiao Yi already felt that the feeling the old man gave him was by no means inferior to any general hall master.

In other words, this old man is definitely a demon venerable.

And combined with what the old man said, then the old man's identity is ready to come out.

One of the ten great monsters in the demon domain, Jialuo monster.

The killing intent flashed in Xiao Yi's eyes, and his heart trembled inexplicably, but he still resisted the panic instantly, leaving only lightness and indifference in his eyes.

"I don't know what you are talking about."

"Also, this is the holy land of the wild lion clan. Your Excellency rushes in, so you are not afraid..."

"Hahahaha." Jia Luo Yaozun laughed loudly, "Okay, very good, you deserve to be the famous Palace Master Xiao Yi."

"So courageous and courageous, under the coldness of the old man, he can instantly suppress my panic."

"Even, I can still wink, continue to pretend, and even react to the old man with the wild lion clan."

Jia Luo Yaozun said, but his steps moved.

He is located in front of Xiao Yi, that is to say, there is a more terrifying range of pressure, even Xiao Yi can't take a step, let alone walk so far.

But he, like a stroll in a leisurely courtyard, walks at will.

A demon clan powerhouse at the demon-sovereign level, the strength is absolutely powerful.

Jialuo Yaozun, walking step by step, neither hurried nor slow, neither light nor heavy.

However, his gaze never moved away from Xiao Yi, and he stared at Xiao Yi.

"The name of Hall Master Xiao Yi, the old man has long heard of."

"I have heard that the lord Xiao Yi is brilliant, brilliant, courageous and courageous."

"There has never been a dangerous place that Palace Master Xiao Yi dared not break, and there has never been a trouble that Palace Master Xiao Yi could not solve."

"It's just that the old man never thought of the identity of the Hall Master Xiao Yi, the master of the eight halls, the first person of the young generation in the middle domain, he was really bold and dared to sneak into our demon domain alone."

Xiao Yiqiang panicked and said in a deep voice, "Your Excellency, I think you have admitted the wrong person."

"Acknowledge the wrong person?" Jia Luo Yaozun walked step by step and shook his head.

"The so-called panic never chooses the way, there will be mistakes in panic, Palace Master Xiao Yi, this seems to be the case now."

"You said you are a strange demon? The aura you exude is indeed the aura of a strange demon, but these auras are obviously not the aura of the demon race of our demon domain."

"In other words, even if you are really a strange demon, you are not a strange demon growing up in the demon domain."

"The Hallmaster Xiao Yi has such a terrible name. You grew up in the middle area. It's impossible not to know his name. Now, you don't know who the old man is talking about?"

"Haha." Jia Luo Yaozun sneered, "Hall Master Xiao Yi, this time, you are the one who showed your feet."

Xiao Yi was shocked.

Yaozun, can you tell where the breath comes from?

With such meticulous thoughts, sure enough, none of the Ten Demon Venerables would be a general generation.

In front of this Jialuo Demon Venerable, it seemed impossible to fool around.

But at the same time, fighting against the Demon Lord Jialuo was just an act of dying faster.

In the face of a strong man at this level, Xiao Yi's combat power is probably not much stronger than an ordinary person.

"Your Excellency." Xiao Yi's eyes suddenly cold, "I don't know why you have to be aggressive. I don't understand what you say."

"But if you want to deal with me and make trouble for me, you might as well speak up."

"If you want to fight, I will accompany you."

"Humph." Galo Demon Venerable snorted softly, "Okay, this demon Venerable doesn't accept it as you wish."

"Anyway, take off your strange mask and see your true face, and everything will come to light. You don't have to listen to your nonsense."

"You..." Xiao Yi's eyes were cold, "Your Excellency is forcibly watching other people's secrets and pain points, don't you think it's wrong?"

"Listen to your excellency, Demon Venerable? You are one of the demon Venerable, but you can be so shameless?"

"Huh." Galo Demon Lord already snorted coldly, "This Lord has no time to talk to you non-stop."

"You can try to resist, and I don't mind killing you on the spot."

Jia Luo Yaozun's old but powerful palm stretched out and took the mask on Xiao Yi's face.

Xiao Yi subconsciously wanted to avoid, but found that his body couldn't move, as if frozen in place.

This is the strength of Yaozun.

One look and one breath can make a warrior of Xiao Yi's level without any resistance.

"Damn it, break it for me." Xiao Yi shouted coldly.

On the fist, the six-pole glove suddenly condensed, and a violent air current suddenly broke out in the fist.

The power of the Six Extreme Explosive Current also couldn't help these strange restraints on him.

But the explosive power from his fist instantly shattered the ground on Xiao Yi's side, and the recoil of the airflow bounced back.

Xiao Yi's unmovable body was smashed several meters away under this recoil force.

The moment his body reopened, the restraints on his body disappeared instantly, and Xiao Yi's immobile figure also regained his freedom.

Just now...

Xiao Yi squinted. He seemed to be forcibly imprisoned where he was, silent, even he had never noticed the slightest clue.

And being ejected from that position, there is no more power to imprison him.

Xiao Yi's figure flashed, and quickly backed away.

In the distance, Bai Xing stood up suddenly, then shouted coldly, "Hey, old man, what are you talking nonsense."

"Asshole thing, what do you want to do to Li brother?"

The distance of only twenty miles is nothing to the powerhouse at the level of White Star.

Although he could not move forward, he could see and hear everything that happened there and what he said.

"Brother Li is the legendary first arrogant Xiao Yi of the human race?" Bai Xing thought to himself.

The next second, he shook his head suddenly.

"No, it's impossible, Brother Li treats me very well, how could he be a despicable and cunning human." Bai Xing's face became cold, and he looked straight at Demon Venerable Jia Luo from a distance.

"Old stuff, I warn you not to mess around..."


Boom... a loud noise.

Jia Luo Yaozun ignored the white star at all.

And the moment after Xiao Yi retreated, Jialuo Demon Venerable also chased him up, with only one punch, and instantly it seemed like the sky broke and the earth broke, a little bit of prestige had directly shattered the space, and even the second layer of space was also shattered.

"It's terrible combat power." Xiao Yi's heart was terrified, and his steps retreated, but at the same time he was stagnant.

The moment he backed away, the Demon Lord Galo caught up with him, so instead, the Demon Lord Galo was behind him.

When he backed up, he moved forward more and more, and if he continued to back down, the pressure behind him would get heavier.

If he keeps retreating, I am afraid that Jia Luo Demon Venerable will not be required to take action, the terrible pressure alone will crush him to death.

"Haha." Jialuo Yaozun smiled coldly, "Hall Master Xiao Yi has unpredictable methods in the rumors and is invincible."

"Now, how is it like a useless little bug? Oh no, it's a slippery autumn loach."

Xiao Yi was secretly anxious. Given the absolute power gap, any means and cards would only be a joke.

He came to the Demon Realm, and the last thing he didn't want to meet was the powerhouse at the level of Demon Venerable.

By the way, he encountered it at the moment.

"What? There is no way to go back?" Jia Luo Yaozun sneered.

Xiao Yi's figure had once again stopped within twenty miles, and there was no way to go back.

"Damn it." Xiao Yi cursed inwardly. He really didn't want to understand where his flaws were exposed. How could the Jialuo Demon Venerable suddenly come to this ancient lion holy land to look for him.

Moreover, looking at the tone of the Jialuo Yaozun, it is obvious that he is very sure of his identity and that he is Xiao Yi.

At this time, Xiao Yi could not tolerate more thoughts, and the killing intent burst into the eyes of Jia Luo Yao Zun.

"Xiao Yi, hateful human beings, what this deity hates most in this life is you human ants."

"Captured the deity's grandson and injured him so much that he was almost killed? This deity will return it to you, Hall Master Xiao Yi, thousands of times today."

Xiao Yi's heart burst. When did he hurt Diro badly?


At this time, the blood color surging in the hands of Demon Lord Jialuo, the strange blood glow was cold and gloomy.

"Not good." Xiao Yi was horrified, and the surging **** breath alone made him tremble all over, I am afraid that only a little is enough to seriously hurt him.

"Go to hell, despicable humans." Galo Yaozun blasted out a punch.

Boom...A torrent of blood rushed past, and everything passed by was turned into annihilation.

Xiao Yi only had time to borrow the recoil of the six-pole boxing gloves and the instantaneous burst of his own physical strength, and he moved sideways to hide.

However, how fast is the attack at the Demon Sovereign level?

Even if Xiao Yi had tried his best to avoid it, how could he avoid it completely?

Half of Xiao Yi's body was completely submerged in the impact of the **** torrent.

The **** torrent flashed by.

When the blood dissipated, a road to annihilation had been blasted along the way.

The ground seemed to have been scraped off.

A straight path to nothingness, born out of thin air.

Those terrible pressures, the horrible pressure that was originally 20 miles away in Xiao Yi's eyes, are like barriers and barriers, and they are like the distance between Tianyuan and it is impossible to cross.

At this moment, under the full punch of Jia Luo Yaozun, it was all broken.

That overwhelming pressure was so vulnerable in front of Demon Lord Jialuo.

Ten miles away, nothing is flat.

"Gu." Xiao Yi swallowed. He had no doubt that if he was hit by this punch just now, he would definitely turn into powder in an instant.

"Huh?" Jia Luo Yaozun stared at Xiao Yi with narrowed eyes.

Xiao Yi at this moment is actually unscathed?

To be more serious, his arm has already changed, becoming hideous and glowing red.

Just now he was on the half of the **** torrent, if it hadn't been protected by this beast's hand, he was afraid that half of his body would be gone now.

Of course, it is also fortunate that this beast hand is so strong.

"Humph." Xiao Yi snorted coldly, then retreated sharply.

Jialuo Yaozun sneered and ran after him.

"Now, you really have nowhere to go." Jia Luo Yaozun sneered.

Xiao Yi's figure had already retreated to the huge crack in the polar region of Tianyuan, and then took a step back, and behind him was a bottomless abyss, and he would definitely die.

"Perhaps, you can choose to jump down on your own." Galo Yaozun laughed playfully, and his tone was full of jokes.

Perhaps, in his opinion, it would be a better choice for the Lord of the Eight Palaces to suffer more torture before he died.

"Heh." Xiao Yi grinned with a sneer, "That's as you wish."


As soon as Xiao Yi retreated, his figure fell.

"You..." Jia Luo Yaozun's pupils shrank and frowned.


Third more.

Update today, over.

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