Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 2496: A little complicated


In the air, there was a sneer, and a figure flashed past.

A Yaozu Tianjiao, just divided the body.

In addition to the corpse of this demon race Tianjiao, there is also a severely wounded human race Tianjiao ahead.

"Dream fluttering?" Xiao Yi glanced, and said inwardly.

Xiao Yi didn't say the words "Meng Piao Piao".

Although there is no demon-sovereign level in the Supreme Forest to spy on, but everything is still appropriate.

If it is not necessary, Xiao Yi will not say anything with flaws.

If you do, you must do it deliberately and have another purpose.

The arrogant in front of him is the young master of the Meng family among the hidden families, Meng Piao Piao, who gave him the nickname Meng Zi.

Xiao Yi also knew nothing about the man Meng Piao Piao, but had only heard the name.

In contrast to other hidden Tianjiao, Meng Piao Piao is always a lone ranger even if he walks among hidden forces, and he never brings half of the bodyguard and entourage.

But he is not like lone rangers like Xia Yiming, Thunder, and Seven Killing Lingyun, because these people will have some fame and deeds somehow; while the dreams are always mysterious.

In a certain way, this dream flutters in the hidden world, just like Xiao Yi's identity as Yi Xiao back then. There are ghosts and ghosts, and the dragon can't see the end.

And this dream flutters in the hidden world, and every time he shows up, he must be dressed in a Chinese dress, a turbulent son, gentle and elegant, and not surprised in life.

As far as Xiao Yi knows the record, this dream has never had a negative record, at best it is a flat record.

No one knows where his strength is, because no one has ever forced him into a desperate situation. According to rumors, every time a draw is drawn, the dream will drift away, and he will not fight again. There has never been a desperate battle. .

The only time he failed was when he was defeated by Mo You on the martial arts stage of the Dongfang Family on Demon Sacrifice Day.

But that time, the winner was divided within an instant, and the real desperate struggle did not appear either.

However, since Meng Piao Piao had also been taken into captivity, and now he was seriously injured, it proved that he had already suffered defeat, and he must have been defeated in the hands of the demon race Tianjiao on the previous demon sacrifice day.

However, Xiao Yi didn't know which player was defeated in the top ten of the Demon Dragon Ranking.

At this time, Xiao Yi looked at the dream fluttering.

Meng Piao Piao wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth and looked at Xiao Yi lightly.

He had already recognized Xiao Yi's identity, but he uttered an indifferent word, "I recognize you, strange monster, Li."

Xiao Yi smiled secretly, he already knew the meaning of dream fluttering from the eyes of fluttering dreams.

Smart people can exchange a lot of information with one eye.

"From now on, you are my slave." Xiao Yi sneered and picked up the dream fluttering.

Meng Piao Piao's warm and jade face twitched, but he did not resist.

"Follow me." Xiao Yi said coldly, "If you dare to escape, kill you."

Xiao Yi's eyes burst out with killing intent.

Meng Piao Piao nodded, and a surge of vitality on his body suppressed his injury.

The shackles and so on on the human Tianjiao's body have long been untied.

Although they were prey, they were released and put into the Supreme Forest.

However, they are already injured, so even if they are not sealed, their combat power is still not as good as before.

Of course, after all, they are the cultivation base of the Holy Venerable. Although they have no one of ten wounded and combat power, they are still very easy to walk freely.


A few minutes later.

Somewhere in the forest.

Sneer... There was another crisp sound.

A Yaozu Tianjiao, then died.

Before this Yaozu Tianjiao, there was a human Tianjiao who was seriously injured and dying. He fell in a pool of blood and was dying.

"You..." The Human Race Tianjiao, with blurred vision, looked at Xiao Yi weakly.

"Let me save people, is it feasible?" Meng Piao Piao looked at Xiao Yi.

Xiao Yi nodded indifferently.

After a long while, the Human Race Tianjiao stabilized his injury, dragging his seriously injured body to his feet.

"From now on, you are also my slave." Xiao Yi said indifferently, "Let's go."

He recognized this person, he had seen him on the Dongfang Family martial arts stage before, and he was the new young Patriarch of the Hidden Confucian Family.

Back then, the original Young Patriarch of the Kong family died early in his battle with Wu Ling'er.

The Confucian Tianjiao obviously recognized Xiao Yi.

Perhaps, he can avenge the Confucian family, a shame.

However, he knew even better that Xiao Yi ventured into the Demon Realm to save their group of princes from captivity.

Moreover, if Xiao Yi fails to rescue, he will only die.

"Humph." Kong Jia Tianjiao let out a cold snort, pretending to be sad and angry, and followed Xiao Yi.


After half an hour.

Xiao Yi's figure constantly flickered in the Supreme Forest.

He is an incomparably outstanding wind envoy, and his action trajectory in convicting other race Tianjiao and Yao race Tianjiao is also extremely easy.

In addition, nowadays, every Human Race Tianjiao is wounded on his body. With this little difference, he can easily trace the whereabouts of any Human Race Tianjiao here.

In just half an hour, there were more than a dozen "preys" captured by Xiao Yi behind him.


Xiao Yi's footsteps stopped abruptly.

Sneer... In the air, there was another cold voice.

Ahead, a monster Tianjiao divided the body, and a human Tianjiao survived.

Xiao Yi glanced, and squinted at the same time.

He also recognized this person, Yan Luo, the young owner of the Yan family, the top family in the hidden world.

"Slave, keep up." The same words came from Xiao Yi.

Yan Luo nodded, his eyes a little complicated.


Suddenly, several voices from a distance came quickly.

The head is a white light.

Xiao Yi looked at the attacking figure, did not move, only smiled.

"Bai Xing." Xiao Yi smiled.

"Brother Li." Bai Xing stopped and followed four injured Human Race Tianjiao behind him.

"Wow." Bai Xing looked at the dozens of people behind Xiao Yi, with shocked expressions, "As expected, Brother Li, he caught more than a dozen prey at once, all of which are points."

"I only caught four." Bai Xing scratched his head.

Xiao Yi glanced at the four human talents behind Bai Xing, then looked back at Bai Xing and asked, "Did you kill these slaves?"

Bai Xing waved his hand and smiled, "I have to exchange them for rewards later, I can't carry a bunch of dead bodies."

"Although I can throw corpses into the Qiankun Ring, I am not a pervert. What do I throw so many corpses in the Qiankun Ring?"

Xiao Yi frowned when he heard the words, and his face under the mask was slightly complicated.

Bai Xing looked at Xiao Yi frowning, thinking Xiao Yi was unhappy, and quickly said, "Don't be angry with my brother, I know you don't like trouble."

"But these prey are more valuable."

Xiao Yi chuckled and asked, "Oh?"

In fact, he is not angry, but slightly complicated.

If it is a demon hunter, who would think that there are too many monster corpses in his Universe Ring?

It was not that he didn't know the reason, but just prevaricated.

At this time, Bai Xing was still looking at Xiao Yi with a smile on his face, and explained to himself.

"Like my brother, you didn't listen to the previous rules carefully."

"These prey can be exchanged for points now, if they are alive, they can be exchanged again later."


Second more.

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