Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 2499: Green Moon Demon Lord

"Feng Sanyu, Zheng Jue, Di Feng."

Xiao Yi said to himself.

These three people, apart from being stiff, the pressure of the other two people instantly burst the space around him.

Just suppressing this momentum is probably no less than a full blow at the same level.

This kind of aura was something Xiao Yi had never felt before in other ordinary monsters Tianjiao.

The black lion counts as one.

This is the terrible place of the blood of the ten ancient monster races.

The ten monster races are not only ancient and powerful, but each has its own characteristics and strengths.

The Demon Sovereign will only be born among the Ten Great Demon Races of the ancient times, for this reason.

The monster beasts of the ten major monster races in ancient times, from the moment they uttered their words, they carried this kind of imperial coercion and extraordinary talents.

Therefore, the Tianjiao and the strong of the Ten Great Demon Races are also the strongest and most difficult to deal with in the Demon Realm.

However, although Feng Sanyu and Di Feng were the young masters of the Qingyue Kingdom and the Jialuo Kingdom, they were not the strongest talents among them.

Take this Di Feng for example, although he is the son of the Jialuo Demon Lord and the young master of the Jialuo Kingdom; however, he is obviously not the strongest arrogant of the Jialuo clan, but Diro.

Feng Sanyu is the same.

The kingdom belongs to the kingdom, and the tribe belongs to the tribe.

There are fifty kingdoms in the demon domain, but there are only ten of the ancient demon clan.

The son of the demon master, or the strongest arrogant in the kingdom, but by no means the strongest arrogant in the clan.

The strongest Tianjiao of the Ten Great Monster Races in ancient times must be the first person in the younger generation in the family.

There is a clear difference between the two.

Perhaps more simply, the Demon Region may not have the Fifty Kingdoms, but it will never be without the Ten Demon Races.

Like the supreme giant elephant family, there is a kingdom of black fierce under its command, but there is no kingdom of giant elephants.

Among the Fifty Kingdoms, there is no kingdom named after the "Colossus".

Meng Binghe, the son of the Black Fierce Demon Lord, the first arrogant of the Black Fierce Kingdom, but by no means the first arrogant of the giant elephant family.

In short, the children of these demon masters are all outstanding in the clan, or famous on the demon dragon list, but they are by no means the top ten monsters on the demon dragon list.

The monsters in the top ten of the monster dragon list are almost never seen at the beginning of the dragon, and they hardly appear at any event, and they will not easily show up.

They will only continue to grow at a terrifying speed under the full cultivation of the ten great monsters.

Now, these three people are not in Xiao Yi's eyes.

At this time, Feng Sanyu said coldly, "Yi Yaoli, I know you are better than Black Lion."

"However, it is almost impossible for you to win against the three of us now."

"Knowingly, I left by myself, so I don't have to look for it and be boring."

Xiao Yi took a step forward, eyes domineering, "No one dares to **** what I'm looking at, and no one can **** it."

"This group of prey is mine."

The voice fell for a moment, and Xiao Yi shot instantly.


Zong Jue took the lead, and the figure suddenly transformed into the body.


Xiao Yi made a heavy punch, as if hitting the extremely hard metal and iron.

Looking up, there is a giant beast in front of him.

The behemoth is more than a thousand feet long.

"What a hard body, centipede?" Xiao Yi frowned slightly.

The behemoth, covered in red, with a thousand feet and a hundred hands, is as sharp as a magic weapon, with a barb on the first pair of power feet under its head, exuding a cold light.

"Red Centipede?" Xiao Yi muttered to himself.

Centipede-like monsters, the red ones are extremely rare, if you see them, they must be the strongest kind.


Suddenly, with a cry, a blue shadow rushed up into the sky.

Feng Sanyu also showed his body.

"Blue Moon Bird?" Xiao Yi's eyes were slightly surprised.

Boom... High in the sky, the blue moon bird's wings shook, and three cyan flames descended quickly.

Xiao Yi narrowed his eyes, and his fists burst out with all his strength.

The huge centipede in front of him was blown away with a punch.

Whoosh... Xiao Yi's figure flashed, and instantly appeared high in the sky.

"Fast speed." Feng Sanyu's pupils shrank.

Xiao Yi scored the kick.

Boom... high in the sky, there was a huge roar.

The huge blue moon bird was struck by lightning.

Although the bloodlines of these two monster beasts are powerful, they are only two Saint Venerable Stage Four Stage Late Stages, and they can't stand Xiao Yi's full punch and kick.



Feng Sanyu and Zongjue spouted a mouthful of blood at the same time, his face pale.

"It's you." Xiao Yi looked at Di Feng.

"I'm less proud." Di Feng was startled, but he returned to normal in an instant, his face was cold and cold.

"Galuo Yin."

Demon Yuan on Di Feng soared to the extreme in an instant.

Above the fist, the black light kept surging, and the signes continued to condense and gather.

Xiao Yi's eyes were startled, he had seen this punch.

At the beginning, Jialuo Demon Venerable was under this punch and forced him into the Tianyuan Jedi.

This punch is definitely the extremely strong martial skill of the Jialuo clan, and it is also the strongest full blow of Di Feng today.

Di Feng belongs to the five levels of the Holy Venerable Realm, and Xiao Yi did not dare to be careless when using the martial arts of the Jialuo clan.


Xiao Yi's fist cracked.

The runes on Di Feng's fist immediately gathered to the extreme, and then attacked with all his strength.


The two fists struck each other for an instant, and there was a shocking roar.

With the two as the center, a hundred meters around has directly become a void of space collapse.

However, Xiao Yi was intact, and Di Feng was blown away with a punch, vomiting blood, and fainted directly.

Xiao Yi punched out again, stirring up the surrounding space continuously.

Behind him, Qing Lin rushed to him.

At this time, with the two as the center, there is already a closed debris space within a radius of tens of meters.

"Awesome." Qing Lin smiled in surprise, "I defeated the three guys in a few clicks."

Xiao Yi shook his head, "Absolute strength suppresses it, there is nothing to say."

Xiao Yi looked serious and asked, "What happened?"

Qing Lin's face was a moment, nodded, and said, "Everything goes well."

"Furthermore, as Junior Brother Xiao Yi had guessed before, the teleportation formation is not really random teleportation."

"To be precise, this entire Supreme Forest can be divided into two parts, inside and outside."

"We Human Race Tianjiao are directly transmitted to this part of the inner head, equivalent to the central part."

"And you and that group of monster clan evil animals are truly teleported to all directions outside at random."

Xiao Yi sneered, "Send you to the inner part of the forest center, just like bird food in a cage, and like a trapped beast."

"And the 800-odd Monster Race Tianjiao scattered in all directions, you can encircle and enter from all directions. That is the real hunting, and you can't escape."

Xiao Yi, the successor of the Palace of Heavenly Secrets, had already seen the mysteriousness of the formation from the meaning of the space as early as when he saw the teleportation formation activated, so he had a guess.

"In addition," Qing Lin continued, "Our Human Race Tianjiao was teleported to the inner area, but it was also divided due to strength."

"The weakest and the most injured are sent to the most central area."

"The stronger ones are the outer edges of the inner circle, such as me, Lei Ting, Ran Qi, Gu Feifei, as well as the geniuses of the top families such as the Feng Family and the Yan Family."

"In other words, we will be the first to encounter the hunting of Yaozu Tianjiao."

Xiao Yi still sneered, "Sure enough, among the arrogances of the human race, you who are stronger must be the first to be hunted down."

"Those who are weak, or have little strength, are thrown into the center of the forest. Although they will be hunted and killed later, they can't escape at such a long distance."

Qing Lin smiled, "Everything is in your calculations, Junior Brother Xiao Yi."

"After I parted with you, I walked inside, and soon I found a group of human talents."

"Among them, there are many hidden children who are all good alchemists, and although there are not really rare treasures in this ancient forest, there are many good healing flowers and plants, and the age is not low. ."

"Our people suppressed the injury and temporarily recovered a part of their strength."

"But." Qing Lin frowned, "As you can see, these over a hundred Human Race Tianjiaos are part of the inner part, so they are the weakest part."

"And the stronger group, Gu Feifan, Baili Hengyun, Su Cheng, and Qisha Lingyun group of guys, I am afraid that the situation outside is not good now."

Xiao Yi nodded, his eyes solemn, "Don't worry, I..."

Suddenly, a figure appeared out of nowhere in the debris space.

"Oh? Everything is in the calculations of Palace Master Xiao Yi?"

"What about the old man? But also in your calculations?"

The cold voice came into Xiao Yi and Qing Lin's ears.

A cyan bird and beast stared at them coldly.

"Qingyue Demon Lord?" Xiao Yi's pupils shrank.


Second more.

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