Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 2531: Wounded Demon Lord

What pressed down the hands of the Demon Lord Jialuo was the increase of the six-pole boxing gloves after the beast hand was condensed.

And what really pierced the throat of Demon Lord Jialuo was the ferocious claw on the hand of the other beast.

Xiao Yi's head was buried in the neck of Demon Lord Jialuo, sucking.

All the strong monsters around, their expressions changed drastically, "Crazy... Crazy... This strange monster is crazy."

"No...Isn't he a human warrior? How could it be possible to drink the blood of our monster race?"


Under the gaze of all the strong monsters, Xiao Yi's throat was constantly surging, swallowing, and taking a big mouthful of blood.

"Huh." After a long while, Xiao Yi raised his head, his mouth was already full of blood, and he let out a sigh of relief, as if he was full.

In the eyes, the craziness and blood contained in his eyes changed the eyes of people.

"Asshole... asshole." On the head-end seat, Galo Demon Venerable also didn't react for a while.

But seeing his demon master bitten through his throat in public, sucking out his blood and dying, he was still furious.

"The old man killed you..."

"Old birdman." Xiao Yi looked crazy, "I will kill you first."


Xiao Yi glared in his footsteps and jumped up instantly.

The explosion caused by a pair of animal feet is astonishing.

"If you are not convinced, then they will eat you together."

Xiao Yi screamed frantically, with golden light shining on the six-pole glove in his hand.

That was the power of the Six-Pole Golden Lion that he reunited after coming out of the Supreme Forest.

Not much, but a punch is enough.

"I don't know what I can do." Jia Luo Yaozun's face was cold, "The Jia Luo prison world..."

Jia Luo Yaozun has not finished speaking.

Hum... In the air, a white light condenses.

A white tough ivory appeared out of thin air.

The ivory blasted straight out.

Xiao Yi's fist pressed upward.

The ivory was directly given by the Black Fierce Demon Lord, and he has been useless.

Known as the strongest spear in the demon realm, how powerful is the tooth of the giant elephant family?

"Six-pole burst." Xiao Yi shouted violently.

On the six-pole boxing glove, six terrifying air currents condensed and exploded.

The bursting force of the air current is all added to the ivory.


A hole pierced the chest of the Demon Lord Jialuo.

The strongest spear, coupled with the six-pole bursting power blessed by the power of the six-pole golden lion, is enough to penetrate the body of the demon lord and cause a serious injury.

"Puff." Galo Demon Venerable spit out blood, his eyes filled with incredible color.

"How... how could it be..."

Everything happened in an instant, so fast that it was difficult for people to react.

No one had expected that Yi Yaoli would be so bold and daring, and suddenly attacked Yao Zun.

No one expected that the alien demon's move, which was like seeking his own way of death, actually seriously injured the demon.

In the first seat, the demon lords such as Liuheng Demon Lord and Mad Lion Demon Lord were originally immersed in the horror of Yi Yaoli's sudden transformation of his body, drinking demon blood.

At this moment, it also reacted instantly.

"Presumptuous." The Liuheng Demon Lord was the fastest, and instantly came to the side of Jia Luo Demon Lord with a flick of his finger.

That... just couldn't be simpler, just like moving a finger.

However, the flick of his fingers on Xiao Yi's body was like a hundred thousand thunderstorms, and it was more like a thousand towering mountains pressed down.

Xiao Yi's figure, even with the blessing of four beast hands and feet, and the increase of the six-pole glove, was still flicked by one finger.


Xiao Yi's figure fell on the competition stage and made a loud noise.

"Asshole." Zi Chen Yaozun stood up for the crime, "Dare to commit murder?"

Qingyue Demon Venerable's eyes were cold, "Dare to attack Demon Venerable? Take it to death."

Two turbulent weather conditions suddenly broke out.

Boom... At this moment, a breath of majesty and fierceness broke out at the same time.

"Bullying people should have a degree." Mad Lion Demon Zun's face was cold.

"Crazy lion." Zi Chen Yaozun's eyes were also cold, "Today, I'm afraid you can't keep this kid anymore."

Two torrents of weather breathed, and they pressed towards the mad lion demon lord.

Zichen Demon Venerable looked down and suddenly yelled, "Killing the demon lord, attacking the demon lord, and being crazy, losing his mind."

"Kill me this crazy strange monster on the spot."

"Yes." On the competition stage, the Demon Lord Zichen, the Demon Lord Qingyue, and the Demon Lord Howling Thunder answered.

Originally, they were horrified at Yi Yaoli's ability to suddenly kill the Demon Lord Jia Luo.

But now, Yi Yaoli was obviously seriously injured, so there was no fear.

Several demon masters joined hands and went straight to Xiao Yi.

Or cold and black air, or violent thunder, or sharp purple air, or blue moonlight, directly attack Xiao Yi.


At the same time, a pair of powerful fists appeared in front of Xiao Yi out of thin air.

Under the fist, Thunder, Ziqi, and Moonlight all collapsed.

A burly figure stood in front of Xiao Yi.

"Mad Lion Demon Lord?" All the demon Lords narrowed their eyes.

The Demon Lord Zichen and the Demon Lord Qingyue were the first to show their killing intent, "On the order of the supreme, kill this crazy monster, stop us and others, and die."

The two took the lead in joining hands.

As before, for Xiao Yi who dared to block the way, they flew again and again, and were seriously injured again and again.

However, they seemed to have forgotten that the one standing in front of them was the mad lion demon master, the first demon master in the demon domain.

Bang... bang...

Two explosions.

The Demon Lord Zichen and the Demon Lord Qingyue shot quickly, but their momentum dissipated faster.

The powerful fists of the mad lion demon master are full of explosive power.

With just one punch, the Demon Lord Zichen had already blossomed, and after a mouthful of blood was sprayed out, he was bombarded for hundreds of meters.

With the same punch, the Demon Lord Qingyue's chest was directly sunken. After being blasted to the ground, he fell to the ground and was seriously injured instantly.

The audience fell into silence for a moment.

Strong, the strength of this mad lion demon master is extremely strong, terribly strong.

The four characters of the first demon master are by no means casual.

Xiao Yi's feeling at the beginning was not wrong.

He was confident that he could slay any demon master with all his strength; but only the wild lion demon master, Xiao Yi was not sure, and even felt extremely heavy pressure.

His feeling is not wrong.

The first demon master is indeed terribly strong.

The demon Lord Zichen who was blown away gritted his teeth, "Mad Lion Demon Lord, do you dare to shield the murderer and violate the supreme order?"

"Anyone who provokes the most dignity and majesty will be punishable by the demon law."

The demon lord and the strong demon clan around him are already cold.

The mad lion demon master has a fierce face, and he glances around him coldly, "Like this kid, whoever refuses to accept it, get out."


The mad lion demon master stepped on its feet.

With a loud bang, the entire huge competition stage turned into powder.

The violent air flow spread, sweeping the audience.

At the head end.

"Looking for death." Zi Chen Yaozun's fist cracked for the first time.

On Qingyue Demon Venerable, Qingyue Hangong quickly gathered.

On the side, a group of demon venerations, including Qianjun Demon Venerable, Mang Star Demon Venerable, and Bai Po Demon Venerable, exploded in full momentum.

The situation broke out in an instant, as if out of control.


There was a sudden roar in the air.

That is the majestic roar of Tao that fills the world.

A golden light filled the world.

A golden lion overlooking the earth.

"Six-extreme golden lion?" Zi Chen Yaozun's expression changed, and he looked at the crazy lion and demon sovereign.

The face of the mad lion demon lord at this moment was already extremely cold, extremely angry.

"Six Extreme Golden Lion?" Liuheng Demon Lord also looked at the Mad Lion Demon Venerable, and said in surprise, "Old Demon Venerable, have you broken through?"

The mad lion demon lord did not answer, just glanced at the surrounding demon lord.

"The old man asks again, but think I am old and can't protect my family?"

The voice of majesty fills the world.

Namo is overbearing and makes no secret of it.


Second more.

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