Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 2534: Tomorrow, go to Zulong Forbidden Land

Xiao Yi accepted the token.

On the head-end seat, Liuheng Demon Lord nodded with satisfaction, "This time, the sacrifice of people to the day has come to a successful conclusion."

"In addition, I am very satisfied with this festival."

"The Lord is Shengming." All the strong monsters around, got up and bowed to salute.

The ten demon gods also stood up, but did not make a salute, only slightly nodded.

Liuheng Demon Lord looked at Zichen Demon Sovereign, "Lao Zichen Demon Sovereign will deal with many matters after the end of the human sacrifice day."

Zi Chen Yaozun nodded.


The figure of Liuheng Yaojun disappeared from the seat out of thin air.

When he appeared again, he was already in front of Xiao Yi.

Xiao Yi was startled, but his eyes did not change.

Demon Lord Liuheng smiled affectionately, "Let's go, little guy, let me heal your wounds, oh no, you are now a powerhouse in the demon domain recognized by me."

"Heal? Hmm..." Xiao Yi turned his head, glanced at the huge cage behind him, and then shook his head.


"I can heal by myself."

"What?" Liuheng Demon Lord said amused, "Are you still afraid that your slaves will not be taken away?"

Xiao Yi nodded, "That's hard to say, some old guys have thick skins and are often shameless."

While talking, Xiao Yi glanced at the Zichen Demon Venerable, Qingyue Demon Venerable, and Galo Demon Venerable in the distance.

Liuheng Demon Lord heard this and shook his head and chuckled, "You kid."

Liuheng Demon Lord, although he was a middle-aged man, he was a beautiful man, but he wanted to know that he was also an old monster who had lived for millions of years.

Whoosh... At this moment, a figure flickered.

It is the mad lion demon statue.

"You don't need to pay attention to this kid." Mad Lion Demon Lord smiled, "You have precious time, so don't mess with this kid to avoid wasting time."

"Although this kid is seriously injured, he is a Celestial Master himself, he has scores himself, and the old man will help him here."

"Yeah." Demon Lord Liuheng nodded and looked at Xiao Yi again, "You and Old Demon Lord already know your agreement."

"You won the first place on the Human Sacrifice Day, and you will have the opportunity to enter the forbidden area of ​​the Ancestral Dragon to practice, but you have to give the Black Lion this opportunity.

"To be honest." Liuheng Demon chuckles, "The little fellow Black Lion is actually not qualified."

"The Forbidden Land of Ancestral Dragon is such a place of opportunity. It is a waste for him to enter, and the harvest may not be as good as the ordinary treasure."

"However, since you are the Sun Luo Demon King now, you cannot speak and believe."

Liuheng Demon Lord said sternly, "You are the youngest owner of the title of Senluo Demon King in our Demon Race, and this Lord will give you an exception."

"The quota of Zulong Forbidden Land will be added to you."

Xiao Yi hasn't answered yet, but the mad lion demon sovereign's expression changed first, "Monarch, you..."

"I have decided." Liuheng Demon Lord said with a serious face, "I said, I really hope that Li this kid will also become one of the hopes of our Demon Realm."

Mad Lion Demon Lord stared at Xiao Yi, "Smelly boy, have you thanked the Demon Lord soon?"

The quota of the Ancestral Dragon Forbidden Land was decided after the Liuheng Demon Lord negotiated with the Ten Demon Lords and gave them the first reward in the sacrifice day.

Now that Liuheng Demon Lord makes an exception to give another one, I am afraid that the pressure from other demon Lords will be extremely great.

"I..." Xiao Yi just wanted to say something, his chest was up and down, his throat was sweet, and a mouthful of blood overflowed.

He actually wanted to refuse.

"Okay, stop talking." Liuheng Demon said in a deep voice, "Heal the wound first."

"Zulong forbidden land and his party, don't let me down."

After all, Liuheng Demon Lord turned and left.

In place, Xiao Yi quickly sat down cross-legged.

Before he could take out the heavenly materials from the Qiankun Ring, the Mad Lion Demon Venerable had already taken out a flask.

"Is the lion king pulp again?" Xiao Yi glanced.

Although this thing is a holy medicine for healing, it is too powerful.

The Qiongzhi Lingye in the Yaozu is all violent.

With this injury now, Xiao Yi really took care to drink this thing by himself because he wanted to suffer.

The Mad Lion Demon Sovereign chuckled lightly and shook the flask, and said, "A full three million years old, drink it or not?"

"This..." Xiao Yi hesitated, "My current injury..."

"Oh." The Mad Lion Demon Lord's face condensed, "Twisted, like a woman."

"Little Lion, push his mouth away."

"Yes, Supreme." The wild lion demon master caught Xiao Yi and pinched Xiao Yi's mouth open.

The mad lion demon respected holding a hip flask and poured it in.

The lion king fruit is already rare, and it is extremely rare for 100,000 years.

Millions of years, I’m afraid it’s really like that for millions of years.

Now, the precious fruit juice made from the 300-year-old lion king fruit is poured into Xiao Yi's mouth like ordinary yellow wine in the hands of the wild lion demon lord.

The fruit juice entered his abdomen, and Xiao Yi's injuries quickly recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The wounds pierced through the chest, the hideous claw marks on the arms and back, as well as the depressions made by the palm prints, quickly recovered.

But at the same time, Xiao Yi's body was in a mess.

Lion King Fruit Jelly is extremely powerful, let alone three million years old.

In Xiao Yi's body, his heart burned like fire.

At the same time, the violent medicinal power continued to rush wildly among his limbs.

That feeling was like a thousand needles constantly piercing his fragile meridians, and ten thousand ants biting in his flesh and bones.

After the half pot of Lion King fruit pulp was poured, the Mad Lion Demon King stopped.

At this time, Xiao Yi's injuries were almost unaffected.

But his face under the mask was twitching.

"Well, the injury has recovered." The Mad Lion Demon Venerable nodded in satisfaction.

The mad lion demon master also withdrew his hand, "I understand, you have to use strong to get away from this kid."

The expression on Xiao Yi's mask was ugly, "You two bastards..."

Now he is in a mess.

The amazing medicinal power of three million years was more terrifying than he thought.

This medicinal power, when he can't use Yuan Power to resolve it, I'm afraid it will last for a few hours at least.

It was thanks to his own physical strength that was amazing, able to endure and digest it slowly.

To put it more simply, he needs to endure this kind of painful and painful torture for a whole whole number of hours.

In fact, although his injury is serious, he has a way to heal himself.

Now, this kind of ‘violent’ method of recuperation is fast, but he has to suffer for a long time, but it’s not worth the gain.

He Xiao Yi is not a masochist.

"Okay." Mad Lion Demon Lord ignored Xiao Yi's cannibalistic gaze, "If you kid love to stay here, stay here, I'm too lazy to care about you."

"However, this group of human slaves will leave tomorrow and be sent to the Ancestral Dragon Forbidden Land for a sacrifice, and your kid must follow tomorrow."

"It's a great opportunity to enter the forbidden area of ​​Ancestral Dragon this time. Don't have any trouble."

"I know." Xiao Yi answered casually.

Mad Lion Demon Lord and Mad Lion Demon Lord turned and left.

On the spot, Xiao Yi sat cross-legged, his eyes unchanged, but the complexion under the mask was a bit complicated.

This ancestral dragon forbidden land, will he go?

No, Xiao Yi shook his head secretly.

His ability to cross the sea this time does not mean that he can always go so smoothly.

He has no intention of going to this forbidden area of ​​Ancestral Dragon, tomorrow he should find a chance to run away with a crowd of Human Race Tianjiao.


Second more.

Update today, over.

Yes, there are only two changes today.

The next update is to leave the demon domain, so let's update it in the chapter of tomorrow.

Four more tomorrow.

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