Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 2546: Burn silence, devour the soul

High in the sky.

Two streamers chased quickly.

One is purple, and lightning flashes.

To be honest, it was a blizzard, mixed with thunder and lightning.

The other way is bloody.

Between the flapping wings, blood surging, like blood piercing the sky, behind, a sea of ​​blood follows.

Wherever he went, the surrounding area was filled with blood.


Between the chasing of the two streamers, there was a shaking roar from time to time.

And the interval is extremely short.

In just a few short breaths, the roar sounded three times.

Every time, the **** streamer catches up with the purple thunder and snow.

Every time, the monstrous sea of ​​blood that covered the sky and the sun seemed to swallow that small stream of faint thunder and snow.

But every time, thunder, wind and snow can be dodged, jumping far away.

The battle between streamer chasing seemed a bit thrilling.

"Puff." Xiao Yi spouted out blood.

The blood tumbling in the body is already hard to suppress.

He had no doubt that even if he only took another palm, he would be seriously injured in an instant.

But at this moment, in the distance, a cyan streamer came across the void.

See it more seriously, in the air, you can only see the streamer, and no foreign objects.

It really seems to be just a stream of light.

No, obviously not.

If you look more closely, these streamers are overflowing from space, not outside of space.

The Qingyue Demon Venerable at this moment simply straddled the void.

It's just that his aura and speed are too terrifying, even the second level of space within the normal space is unbearable, so the streamer overflows from the space to the normal space.

Seen from a distance, it just flies like a cyan streamer.

Such a terrifying strength is obviously stronger than Galo Demon Venerable.


Jia Luo Yaozun's palm blasted again.

At the same time, Qingyue Demon Sovereign arrived in an instant, and also blasted out with a palm.

The two palms were at the same time, and they banged heavily on the purple electric sword.

"Puff." Xiao Yi's pupils shrank, and he couldn't even do other defense methods, and he sprayed the sky with a mouthful of blood.

The figure, like a kite with a broken wire, was blown up and down.

Just one palm of the Demon Venerable Galo could severely wound him, not to mention the palm of the Demon Venerable Qingyue now, and both palms were at the same level.

"Old Demon Sovereign Qingyue." Yaozun Jialuo glanced at the cyan streamer beside him and smiled triumphantly.

The Demon Venerable Qingyue nodded, "What is the reason why the demon Venerable Dao Jialu shattered the Qingyue Feather and called me? He was chasing this strange demon, oh no, Palace Master Xiao Yi was right.

Qingyue Demon Sovereign looked at Xiao Yi who was flying in the distance, looked at the handsome face that had already taken off the mask, felt the breath of the human warrior, and sneered.

In fact, when the Demon Venerable Qingyue came from a distance, it was a start to watch the Demon Venerable Jia Luo chase Xiao Yi.

But this Old Demon Venerable him is an ordinary person, he understood it instantly, so when he arrived, he already blasted out with all his strength in the palm of Galo Demon Venerable.

"Demon Venerable Jialuo you forced the Hallmaster Xiao Yi to reveal his identity?" Qingyue Demon Venerable asked.

"It's Master Gu Xu, and I'll explain it to the old demon venerable later." Jia Luo Yaozun replied anxiously.

"Now, it's the business to kill this ant first."

While talking, the Demon Zun Jialuo spread out his palms.

Qingyue Demon Venerable looked at a tiny bloodshot on his palm, his face instantly changed.

"Injured by this kid?"

Jia Luo Yaozun nodded, "Moreover, it's his own real strength, he hasn't borrowed the six-pole boxing gloves."

"Can't stay." Qingyue Yaozun's eyes were cold, his killing intent was awe-inspiring.

Jialuo Yaozun said, "Do you need to go back and report to Old Demon Zun Zichen?"

"After all, at the speed of Old Demon Venerable Qingyue, there are dozens of breaths of time back and forth."

"If you come together with Old Demon Venerable Zi Chen later, this hateful Palace Master Xiao Yi will definitely die, and there will be no escape."

"No need." Qingyue Demon Sovereign sneered. "A mere ant needs the deity to run back and forth specially. It is unnecessary?"


Xiao Yi held his chest with one hand, and the blood in his mouth couldn't stop vomiting out.

Demon Realm and his party are almost the most injured time in his history.

The last time he was near death and seriously injured was yesterday, when he was besieged by multiple demon masters on the Day of Human Sacrifice.

Finally, the injury recovered. It was only a day, and he was seriously injured again, and the severity of the serious injury was more serious.

Such frequent serious injuries, it was even his Xiao Yi's strong physical body that could not be overcome.

Xiao Yi couldn't take care of the serious injuries on his body, and turned into a blizzard to escape quickly and far away again.

At this moment, if you hit another palm, I'm afraid you will have to confess half your life.

"Can't take it anymore." Xiao Yi gritted his teeth secretly.

However, the speed of Jialuo Yaozun was obviously much faster than him.

Therefore, even if he always fights for injuries and takes advantage of his strength to escape far away, but within a few breaths of time, the Demon Lord Jialuo will catch up again.

What's more, there is now a stronger Qingyue Demon Venerable.

If this continues, he will undoubtedly die.

But on the other side of the Terran Tianjiao team, counting the time, they should not have left the demon territory.

"Damn it, fight it." Xiao Yi had a cruel heart.

At this time, two streamers behind him pursued quickly.

In the **** streamer, the **** wings kept trembling, it was a ferocious bird and beast.

In the cyan streamer, a blue moon bird also **** its wings, with a noble and majestic breath, but with a murderous intent.

The two demon masters, with grinning faces, looked at Xiao Yi who fled in embarrassment, Ruuo looked at a prey struggling to survive.

The two pairs of eyes are equally sharp, equally cold, and equally full of murderous intent.

Bang... bang... bang... bang...

Just at this time, in the air, a series of flame dragons appeared out of thin air.

Wandering dragon, or purple destruction; or golden violent; or cyan fierce; or white weird...

Six colors fill the world.

Hundreds of huge flame dragons appeared in a flash, straddling the sky.

"I can't help myself." The two monsters sneered disdainfully, chasing them quickly.

In the distance, Xiao Yi sneered, "Two birdmen, roast you."

"Fen Ji."

With a thought in Xiao Yi's mind, hundreds of violent flame dragons in the sky ran away in an instant, their power increased sharply, and they instantly turned into a sea of ​​fire.

The two monsters who hadn't put these hundreds of flame dragons in their eyes changed slightly at the same time.

The increased power at that instant, the sea of ​​flames that suddenly erupted, even they felt the intense heat in it.


Two figures rushed out of the fire.

Body, unscathed.

But between the wings, one or two of the dense feathers appeared a little black.

Of course, that's all.

"Boy, you're looking for death." The two demon lords were slightly embarrassed, and at the same time they became more furious.

With the speed at which they surpassed Xiao Yi, the distance between the two was already rapidly closing.

The chase among streamers is always in a flash.

With just a few breaths, the two demon veterans have caught up with Xiao Yi, both palms, and blasted towards Xiao Yi's back at the same time.

Xiao Yi suddenly turned around and shot out with a sword.

But the moment he took the sword, a thought passed in his mind.

"The ice storm eats the soul."

Boom...A storm of ice and snow made of soul power burst out instantly.

The two demon lords, eating an ice storm at such a close range and eating a soul eater, was actually frozen in an instant.

Xiao Yi's Purple Lightning Sword was cut at the same time.

Boom... With a roar, the sword fell, and Xiao Yi's feet stared, and once again fled away in an instant.

He knew that even so, there was still nothing to do with these two demon masters.

Sure enough, the two people who were frozen in their bodies trembled, and the ice disappeared instantly.

And the twenty-four ice slash slashed on them, except to make them painful, no effect.

What Xiao Yi wanted was to take advantage of the recoil of this distance and the speed of his two animal feet to explode, once again fleeing, and pulling a longer distance.


Fourth more. (Make up)

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