Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 2548: The last moment


The cold wind blew past.

Outside the demon domain, there was a cold and solemn death at this moment.

50,000 elites from the East gathered here.

Ten thousand were drawn from each legion, for a total of fifty thousand, and 50,000 elites were not the same thing.

The cooperation and cooperation between the five major legions is absolutely not the same.

Fifty thousand elites, at this time, are gathering momentum and guarding outside the demon domain.

With just a command, it will instantly become a torrent of steel, like a bamboo, and not afraid of death.

Headed in front is a white-clothed woman riding a Thunder Beast, majestic and powerful.

On the left and right, are the two most famous leaders of the Eastern family, Eastern cotton and Eastern unique.

In terms of breath alone, these two people are by no means inferior to the level of the top ten demon masters.

At this time, the woman in white looked into the distance, squinting, her eyes full of coldness.

She knew very well that the Dongfang family had extremely strict military governance, and each one was an elite of the elite.

She only needs to give an order, and the whole army can burst out the strongest combat power in an instant.

But... just now.


A ray of sword light fell from the sky.

A cold and arrogant figure appeared before the army.

More precisely, it was three steps beyond Lei Yan beast.

A cold sharp sword pointed directly at the woman in white.

"Xia Yiming?" The white-clothed woman, Dongfang Zhi, frowned slightly.

Beside, Dongfang Mian frowned like Dongfangjia.

"You few." Xia Yiming squinted, "It seems that I forgot Xia Yiming's warning."


Sword intent sounded loudly and enveloped the audience.

The sharp sharp blade of the sword, like the white light of the cold forest, swept past the fifty thousand army.

"Five thousand elite?"

"Two chiefs plus ten ordinary chiefs."

"With this strength, Yiming is still confident that he can kill cleanly."

Yes, in addition to the two famous leaders of Dongfangjia and Dongfang Mian, there are ten other ordinary leaders, all at 90,000 levels.

However, Xia Yiming is still the cold and arrogant Xia Yiming, fearless.


Jianfeng pointed out that the Lei Yan beast under Dongfang Zhi was frightened and took a step back unconsciously.

"Asshole." Dongfang Zhi pressed the Lei Yan beast under her body, then looked at Xia Yiming coldly.

"Xia Yiming, you mean to be an enemy of my Dongfang family?"

"Are you planning to kill all the iron guards in my Dongfang family?"

Dongfang Zhi sneered.

Xia Yiming's face was cold and looked directly at Dongfang Zhi, "You can think so."

"It's still the same sentence, no one would want to step into the demon realm if the palace lord has not returned for a day."

"Xia Yiming." Dongfang Mian said solemnly, "what do you mean?"

"Do you think that our Dongfang family will be disadvantageous to Palace Master Xiao Yi? Let's talk about it..."

"Any possibility is possible." Xia Yiming said coldly.

"Open guns are easy to hide, but hidden arrows are hard to guard."

"The palace owner has already committed a dangerous situation and is struggling with each step. I will not allow any further possibility that may affect the palace owner's safety."

"Joke." Dongfang Zhi sneered disdainfully, "The little thief Xiao Yi is dead, you know this very well."

"Not bad." Dongfang Mian said solemnly, "Hall Master Xiao Yi has fallen. It's useless for you to stay here. You should go back to your Ice Palace and practice quickly. Why waste time here."

"You are the one who is laughing." Xia Yiming gave a cold voice.

"I don't believe that the palace lord is dead, let alone the so-called intelligence you heard from a fool."

"Only a fool would think that a mere demon realm could make the Palace Master fall."

"You are undoubtedly those fools."

"You are presumptuous." Dongfang Mian let out a cold voice.

Dongfang Zhi's eyes were cold, "Xia Yiming, this commander only warns you for the last time, so let him go immediately."

"Otherwise, the torrent of Dongfang Family will wash you into pieces."

"Anything that stops before the Dongfangjia Iron Guard will be an enemy."


In the air, Qiangming is even worse.

That terrifying sword intent became more and more intense.

There is no fear in Xia Yiming's eyes, but as cold as snow as before.

"Anything that intends to be detrimental to the palace lord is my Xia Yiming's enemy."

"Elites from the East, the same is true."

"Dongfang Zhi." Xia Yiming's gaze was fixed on Dongfang Zhi, "Take away your dangerous thoughts."

"My Xia Yiming is not a fool."

"The cold and evil I have seen is worse than you."

"I have seen the most vicious and cold in the world, and you are just a joke."

Jian Wuxu sent Xia Yiming, no one can do anything about Xia Yiming, never a fool.

He is like Xiao Yi, a lonely person, alone, experiencing alone, alone in countless evil places.

However, his deeds are all in the hidden world.

And Xiao Yi rose from the secular step by step.

In a certain way, he is only one step away from Xiao Yi, in fact.


Outside the demon realm, there was a moment of silence, and the atmosphere was extremely tense.

Within the demon domain, a group of Terran Tianjiao is still fleeing quickly, of course, although they are fleeing, there is no danger along the way.

All the dangers are further behind.

Three streamers, chasing and colliding endlessly.

Every time it collides, the world will lose its color and the mountains and rivers will be broken.

That kind of power, not to mention destroying the world, but it is also extremely violent, even tragic.

The wind and snow stream at the forefront was already embarrassed to the extreme, and a crack in the neck was terrifying.

It was a bloodstain that stretched from the bottom of the neck, almost across the entire upper body.

That was the scar left by Qingyue Demon Venerable.

Xiao Yi could take over his palm strength, but the sharp claws belonging to the Blue Moon Bird itself still cut his body easily.

If Xiao Yi hadn't reacted quickly, his throat had now been broken by claws.

Although it has escaped the key point, the price is this extremely hideous, shockingly huge scar, blood, and continuous flow.

This body was incredibly powerful, but now it's damaged.

This is like a devastated land, every piece of good meat.

Only those eyes were still clear and cold.


Between the streamer chasing, there was a fierce and dense sea of ​​fire and icy storm.

The combination of fire and ice has become the most violent and shocking sight in this short period of time; and the collision that has been repeatedly chased by the palm is also thrilling.

For Xiao Yi, these two short minutes were almost tortured again and again, and escaped to the limit again and again.

Fortunately, he was able to hold on and hold on.

He could already see the edge of the demon territory forest ahead.

"Finally here." Xiao Yi secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

At the same time, he had already seen a crowd of Human Race Tianjiao who was about to escape from the Demon Realm in front of him.

It only takes a dozen breathing rooms, and their group can completely leave this demon land.

Behind them, the flying speed of the two monsters was extremely fast, but at the same time, their expressions were also hard to see the extreme.

The eyes of the two looking at Xiao Yi's back were full of coldness and killing intent, but at the same time, they were also looking at a monster.

"Is this kid a monster? He still can't die after taking so many full attacks from us?" Jia Luo Yaozun was full of anger.

"He is already a candle in the wind, but he is bracing for it with one breath." Qingyue Yaozun gritted his teeth.

"With his injuries, even if he escapes, he is not disabled or abolished."

"But the deity does not allow him to escape from the demon realm alive."

In the eyes of Qingyue Demon Venerable, a ray of blue light suddenly condensed.

Between the sky and the earth, a round of blue moon quietly emerged.


First more.

Two more changes later, at least four o'clock, everyone, don't wait.

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