Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 2554: War, fifty thousand elite


The 50,000 elite of the Dongfang family have exhausted their weapons.

Dongfang stepped out one step further, showing his momentum.

"Ending." Dongfang Zhi yelled coldly, riding on the Lei Yan beast and raising his sword.

"Formation? A joke." Xiao Yi squinted.

"Yi Ming." Xiao Yi said with a voice, "Incoming from the side, the formation will be broken."

"If there is no formation method, there are only 50,000 iron guards, but 50,000 ants with enough numbers."

"Yes, Palace Master." Xia Yiming replied.

"Do you need to keep your life?" Xia Yiming asked again.

Xiao Yi shook his head and said, "You don't need to keep your hands, he wants to kill us, let's fight back."

"Yi Ming obeyed." Xia Yiming nodded, his eyes cold, and he scanned the 50,000 Dongfang elites around him.

No need to keep hands, no need to keep their lives, that would kill them all.

Xia Yiming thought to himself.


Xia Yiming's sharp sword had already been unsheathed, and the sound of the sword was even worse.

"Yi Ming said that he will use the sword in his hand to defend the palace lord."

Whoosh... Xia Yiming's figure disappeared instantly.

"Master, we..." Liu Gui Yao said solemnly.

"You keep it, you don't have to shoot." Xiao Yi interrupted.

"Yes." Liu Gui Yao nodded, "We stay beside the Lord and protect the Lord."

"If they dare to attack the Lord, we will kill."

Xiao Yi nodded and said nothing.

Xia Yiming was enough to deal with these fifty thousand elite.

He knows exactly how strong Xia Yiming's strength has exploded.

As for the six ghosts and monsters, after all, they have special identities, and if they are allowed to act together, the meaning of the matter will become even worse.

Xiao Yi sat down cross-legged, and the golden flame in his body burned rapidly.

In the palm, a pill of pill is quickly absorbed.

far away.


Xia Yiming's figure has been submerged among fifty thousand elites.

"Bastard." Dongfang yelled coldly, "Kill me Xia Yiming on the spot."

The war broke out in an instant.

Dongfang looked at Xiao Yi coldly, "Hall Master Xiao Yi thought that after breaking the army, Xia Yiming could challenge my Dongfang family's 50,000 elite?"

"Hmph, now you know, this is why my Dongfang family doesn't trust you."

Xiao Yi kept silent, but sneered.

Dongfang Zhi yelled directly, "Catch the thief first, capture the king, and kill this little thief Xiao Yi first."

With a finger of the white sword, several elites filed out.

Even if Xia Yiming had broken into the army, the formation was a little messy, but the few elites were still neatly aligned, not at all chaotic.

The five major legions of the Dongfang family, but under the legions, there are subdivided teams.

Ten people make one team, and one hundred people make one team.

The elite of the Dongfang family's formation is that ten people can form a formation, a hundred people can form a big formation, and each team can change countless powerful combinations.

Hundreds of elites came directly to Xiao Yi with the momentum of encirclement.

On Xiao Yi's side, the same battle started instantly.

However, the battle broke out quickly and ended quickly.

In the hands of the six ghosts and monsters, the black jade claws had already condensed.

A black wind roared, hundreds of elites seemed to be in the darkness, and when the black wind dissipated, there were only corpses everywhere.

The so-called elite, in front of Hei Ji Claw, is simply vulnerable.

The so-called combined attack also seemed extremely fragile.

The faces of the six ghosts and demons were bloodthirsty and hideous.

They only guarded Xiao Yi and protected Xiao Yi.

The battle broke out suddenly, and it was life and death for each other.

In the eyes of Dongfang Family Tiewei, this Palace Master Xiao Yi was already betraying the Central Region, and was already a killer who was enemies of Dongfang Family.

For Xia Yiming and Liu Gui Yao, it was purer; Xia Yiming only listened to Xiao Yi's orders, and Liu Gui Yao was just the lord who guarded them.

Fifty thousand elites are indeed remarkable, but it is impossible to say how Xiao Yi can be in a short period of time.

Originally, the Dongfang family's large formation was almost impeccable. Although there were flaws, it was definitely not something that could be found on the battlefield.

It is a pity that they are facing Xiao Yi, the successor of the Palace of Heavenly Mystery.

Under Xiao Yi's voice, even if Xia Yiming was in the army, it was extremely easy to break through the formation.

The same is true here for Six Ghosts.

If these elites from the East are allowed to use the power of a large formation, the strength is of course amazing, with dozens of people, the explosive strength can reach the level of 90,000 Dao.

The six ghosts and demons could not stop them.

But without the blessing of the formation, the six ghosts kill them like cutting vegetables.

The six ghosts and demon stood beside Xiao Yi, also listening to Xiao Yi's voice transmission.

The battle started.

All around, the streamer kept flowing and the momentum burst out.

Xiao Yi ignored it, still sitting cross-legged and scanning.

He is so injured now that he has no combat power at all.

All he had to do was to wait one more time to regain some combat power.

No more, just a little bit.

Even if his body only recovers a little, and his vitality recovers a small part, he can burst out with monstrous combat power.

Therefore, Xia Yiming only needs to fight hard, so this is not difficult for Xia Yiming.

The six ghosts guarded him, and it didn't take long, just a while.

Within the body, the Jin Yan Holy Fire continued to burn rapidly.

The pill is continuously absorbed.

Thanks to his preparation beforehand, he refined a lot of pills.

It's a pity that these pills were not used to deal with monsters, but instead used at this time.

Xiao Yi's eyes gradually became cold.

He had known for a long time that this battle was inevitable, so he would say the word, ‘death’.

From the moment he struck Dongfang Mian and several leaders, the fifty thousand iron guards of the Dongfang family would not give up, and the lightest was to capture him.

Not to mention that Dongfang Zhi added fuel to it.

Fighting will definitely break out.

If you want to kill him, then be prepared to be killed by him, nothing more.


In the distance, there was a sudden explosion.

In the Eastern Iron Guard, a violent momentum erupted.

That was the formation of the elite Iron Guards again.

"Humph." Dongfang Jue snorted coldly, "Hall Master Xiao Yi, do you think our Dongfang family is really unprepared?"

"In the array?" Xiao Yi squinted.

In the distance, Xia Yiming's momentum was instantly suppressed.

The Dongfangjia Iron Guard with the blessing of the formation is different from the Dongfangjia Iron Guard without the blessing of the formation.

"Hmph, it's just a joke, I screamed and broke him." Xiao Yi shouted violently.

"Yes." Xia Yiming listened to the sound transmission in his ears, and the sword in his hand pierced out, and a Dongfang iron guard in front of him sealed his throat with a sword.

Jian Ying swept strangely and coldly.

During several breaths, dozens of Dongfangjia Iron Guards were splashed to death.

The great formation that had been formed once again dissipated instantly.

"Extreme commander." Dongfang Zhi sneered, "I said it a long time ago. It is the business to kill this Xiao Yi little thief first."

"He is the successor to the Palace of Heavenly Secrets, and he is very good at formation."

"Okay." Dongfang Jue nodded, "You will mobilize the teams for the time being, and the old man will take this kid's life himself."


Dongfang Jue exploded with momentum and glanced behind him, "Every commander will follow me and kill Xiao Yi first with the momentum of thunder."

Dongfang Jue, as well as several leaders, and several elite teams behind him, instantly shot and took Xiao Yi directly.

Xiao Yi frowned.


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