Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 2557: Ghostly Black Snow

"Offensive to the palace lord, speaks rudely, and the army encircles and suppresses."

"Each of these is a capital crime."

"You **** it."


Xia Yiming's sword, the black energy surging away completely, above the sword, like a nether cold abyss, the surging of black energy, like countless ghosts and ghosts roaring ferociously, wanting to break free.

As Xia Yiming said the other day, this sword is a fierce sword.

Xia Yiming's voice was cold and gloomy.

That kind of coldness is not pure coldness, but gloomy with countless ferocious, cruel and other negative auras.

In his eyes, the raging black energy represented that he was already crazy at the moment.


Above the sword, the black energy surged to the extreme.

The sky was full of black snow, suddenly freezing.

With this fixed frame, there are everything around, the world and everything.

Including space, including all the strong players present, including Dongfang Jue, Dongfang Zhi, and 50,000 elites.

Also includes six ghosts and monsters.

Whoosh... Xia Yiming's figure moved instantly.

Everything is still, but he moves.

Her body was wrapped in black air and trembled, like a demon walking out of hell.

That black sword, almost at a crazy speed, harvested the life of a creature present.

As the sword passed, no blood was seen, but even the corpse turned into a burst of black energy and dissipated, leaving no bones.

Within a few breaths, the big Dongfang elite died.

As each corpse fell and dissipated, the black energy of the sword in Xia Yiming's hand became more intense.

It can even be clearly seen that in the cold abyss formed by the black energy surging from the sword, there seems to be another ray of injustice, roaring ferociously, with a terrifying face.

In the audience, everything was static.

Only Xiao Yi did not.

He knew very well that it wasn't that all of this was frozen, but that Xia Yiming's speed was terribly fast at this moment.

Fast past the falling snow, fast past the surging space, fast past everything.

Only Xiao Yi's eyes kept up with this speed.

"How could it be possible that all the wronged souls under the sword were imprisoned by harvesting their lives?" Xiao Yi frowned.

Xiao Yi could see clearly.

At this moment, Xia Yiming's sword even slashed the two commanders of 90,000 Dao in a flash of thunder, and the bones of the two commanders were gone, including the physical body, the vitality of the body, the spiritual sense, etc. , Everything was absorbed by the fierce sword and became a ray of dead souls under the sword.

On the sword, the constantly roaring, grim-faced souls that were repeatedly grieving, two of them were the two leaders.

No, that may not be called a dead soul.

It's just a strand of black energy that is still half wise.


The surrounding is still and frozen, then dissipated.

The black snow landed intensively again.

At this moment, Dongfang Jue and the others just reacted, and there were already corpses all over the field, and then turned into black energy, and in a flash, there were no bones.

"This..." Dongfang Jue's expression changed drastically.

"Quickly deploy."


Fifty thousand elite, over ten thousand died in that instant, leaving only four thousand.

Forty thousand powerful people gathered, and the water was filled with light instantly, and large waves surrounded the surroundings.

In the raging waves, a huge flood dragon rose up through the waves.

This is the well-known big formation of the Dongfang family. The Waves and Flood Dragons are the strongest defensive formation that 40,000 elites can produce.

The dragon is nearly ten thousand feet tall, surrounded by water waves.

Xia Yiming holds a sword in one hand, like a **** killer.

Qiang... The sword fell.

The huge flood dragon was divided into pieces.

A whirlpool of black air permeated hundreds of thousands of feet.

The monstrous waves, all annihilated under this black vortex.

At this moment, including Xiao Yi, Liugui Yao, Wu Yao, and everyone from the Dongfang family, were all surrounded by this huge black air vortex.

At the center, only Xia Yiming walked with the sword.

"Monster." Dongfang Jue squinted his eyes.

Dongfang Zhi stared coldly, "I said it a long time ago. The little thief Xiao Yi must have colluded with the monster beast, and this Xia Yiming is basically guarding the outside, intending to cooperate inside and outside.

"Such a weird method must have been taught to Xia Yiming by the monster beast."

Dongfang Jue nodded, "Dongfang family, never fear you evil spirits, demons and ghosts."


Dongfang Jue stepped on, and his 90,000 cultivation base broke out to the extreme.

High in the sky, 90,000 complete martial arts echo each other.

Around, forty thousand Dongfang elites broke out one complete martial art in the body at the same time.


Don't have any fancy, the dark clouds cover the sun, and the sky is rolling in thunder.

A thunderous beast descended from the sky, far more powerful than the previous water wave dragon.

"Kirin." Dongfang Jue yelled violently, with blue veins looming on his face.

In the distance, Xiao Yi's face changed slightly, "One hundred thousand thunder, Qilin Tianzhen."

Dongfang Jue is definitely a powerhouse at the level of the top ten demon masters.

A large formation formed by 40,000 elites was used by him, and its explosive strength was comparable to that of the Demon Venerable, and even better than the ordinary Demon Venerable.

The thirty-three elites of the Dongfang Family can sit on the line of defense and hardly regret the demon domain.

Once upon a time, the 330,000 elite iron guards led by the old patriarch of the Dongfang family were almost a nightmare for the monster race.

"All the filth in the world will tremble in front of my Dongfang family." Dongfang Zhi sneered triumphantly.

"Little thief Xiao Yi, Xia Yiming, you are not sorry for your death."


In the sky, a huge unicorn angry beast descended from the sky, and the thunder ate Xia Yiming.

Thunder billowing, the breath is extremely violent, the whole world is like the end of the day.

The wind howled, under the thunder of the sky, Xia Yiming was unmoved, still looking like crazy, although the sword in his hand was black and violent, it was cold and proud.

That is the cold and proud of Jian Xiu.

That is the cold arrogance that belongs to the sword itself.

Nothing can conceal the brilliance of a sharp enough sword.


Xia Yiming's figure suddenly moved again.

The sky is full of black snow, winding straight.

Xia Yiming's speed was fast to the extreme, and his figure instantly came to the head of Qilin Angry Beast.

A sword slammed down.

Behind him, the sky was full of black snow.


When the sword collided with the unicorn angry beast, the air was piercing.

It was the raging and friction of two terrifying forces clashing against each other.

Just a few breaths, the sharp sword struck down.

Xia Yiming's figure, accompanied by the monstrous black snow, fell with a sword.

The huge unicorn angry beast, from top to bottom, splits the body with one sword.

Jianfeng, although cold and gloomy, is as powerful as a broken bamboo, with great power.

" could it be..." Dongfang Jue's expression changed drastically as he spouted a mouthful of blood.

That sword actually overwhelmed 40,000 elites to form a large array.

That sword was actually like a huge sword drawn from the netherworld, one sword crossed the sky, shattering everything.

The sword fell from the sky, and after splitting the billowing thunder, it landed above Dongfang Jue's head.

Perhaps, in just an instant, Dongfang Jue would be divided by a sword.

Just at this time.


A bruised, scarred, but powerful hand held Xia Yiming's wrist.

With this grip, the sword in Xia Yiming's hand, who had been so powerful, stopped.

That hand seemed to tremble.

"Xiao Yi?" Dongfang Jue looked at the fierce sword that was only a few minutes away from the top of his head, and swallowed his saliva unconsciously, and then looked at the swiftly damaged body in front of him. Frowned.

The scarred hand that held Xia Yiming's wrist was naturally Xiao Yi's hand.

"Get out of the way." Xia Yiming's voice was hoarse and cold.

"Let's stop here." Xiao Yi looked at Xia Yiming and spit out calmly.


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