Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 2559: What the hell

"You sacrificed all your vitality, all your lifespan?"

Xiao Yi's face changed drastically.

The black snow in the sky just now was so vast and magnificent.

How much life should it cost to sacrifice such a huge black snow?

"Asshole." Xiao Yi clenched his fist, his expression ugly.

Xiao Yi knew very well that the word Shouyuan is easy to consume, but it is almost as difficult to regain it.

"I just let you fight, buy me some time, what are you desperate for?"

Xiao Yi yelled in a cold voice, but the light flashed rapidly in his hand, and the heavens and earth treasures full of huge vitality poured out frantically.

Regardless of wasting the power inside, Xiao Yi's palm burst into flames, burning out the vitality inside at the fastest speed, spilling around.

However, no matter how cherished these heaven, material and earth treasures, how high the ranks, and how powerful they are, they can never stop Xia Yiming's vitality passing speed.

Seeing Xiao Yi's almost crazy movements, Xia Yiming smiled knowingly.

"The palace lord doesn't have to waste these treasures, it's useless, and Yiming doesn't regret it."

Xia Yiming's face was actually a little plain.

Either he thinks it is worth it, or... he knows that there is no way, he can only wait helplessly for his vitality to drain away.

"The **** of the Dongfang family, so aggressive, intending to murder the palace lord, they deserve to die."

"They want to force the Palace Master to death, and kill them all with one sound."

"The patriarch said that you can die with one song, and the palace lord must not miss it."

"The command of the patriarch cannot be violated with one sound; to follow the palace lord is also to swear with a sword and guard to the death."

"That sword, the palace lord should have let me cut it, anyway, it doesn't make a difference if it doesn't."

"No, there is a difference." Xiao Yi squinted.

The strength exploded, only drained of vitality.

If that sword breaks out completely, it is exhausted.

Today, only drained, spilled out, but not consumed yet.

"I don't allow your life, so no one can take it." Xiao Yi's eyes were cold, and he quickly shot out a piece of spirit stone in his hand.

The One Yuan Wuji Array has the ability to change fate against the sky and has all the possibilities.

"This sword is just a series of dots." Xiao Yi's spirit stone slammed into the surroundings of the black sword at the same time.

Xia Yiming said that this is a fierce sword.

But for a long time, Xiao Yi never felt that this sword had any special features, or a half evil and coldness.

He didn't realize it until now that the black energy completely emerged.

Xiao Yi didn't know what was going on.

But he could clearly see that the falling black snow was being absorbed by this fierce sword.

The black energy vortex surging around, its source of power is also this fierce sword.

"The big deal will chop you." Xiao Yi's eyes were cold, and he grasped the black sword.

To trap the vitality with the One Yuan Wuji Array, and then smash this fierce sword, it should be possible to recover these undissipated vitality forces.


"Huh?" Xiao Yi frowned.

The surrounding black snow suddenly stopped falling.

The black spirit on the sword suddenly kept introverted.

The vitality that was constantly passing through Xia Yiming's body began to stop.

It can be clearly seen that Xia Yiming, who was originally extremely weak, gradually returned to normal.

Originally fell to the ground weakly, at this moment, he slowly sat up, and looked at his body in doubt.

"What's the matter?" Xiao Yi looked at Xia Yiming, equally puzzled.

"Um... I don't know." Xia Yiming showed no signs of weakness anymore, his face full of doubts, "Something is different."

"What's the difference?" Xiao Yi asked.

Xia Yiming wondered, "In the past, the black snow was sacrificed, and the vitality lapsed as much as the sacrifice."

"Now, it won't pass anymore."

"That sword is no longer absorbed..." Xia Yiming looked at the fierce sword in Xiao Yi's hand, "It seems that that sword is afraid of me, no, it is afraid of you, the palace lord."

"Me?" Xiao Yi blinked.


Xiao Yi's arm shook, and his sword screamed constantly.

The sky was full of black snow, and suddenly rushed to Xia Yiming.

The black air swiftly dissipated, and the black snow turned into gleaming white snow.

"Vitality and Shouyuan are all back." Xia Yiming's face was startled, "No, not all of it, all that was consumed in previous battles are gone; all that was not consumed is back."

"How much did it consume?" Xiao Yi asked anxiously.

"Less than one-third." Xia Yiming replied in surprise.

"One third? It's okay." Xiao Yi nodded when he heard the words, and he was also relieved.

The vitality of a saintly realm martial artist is extremely large, and the lifespan can easily exceed tens of thousands of years.

It took one third, which seemed like a lot, but as long as Xia Yiming's cultivation base broke through in the future, these Xu Shouyuan consumption would be nothing.

"Give me a break." Xiao Yi's arm shook again, and the fierce sword in his hand instantly dissipated the black energy.

Including the 100,000-square-meter black vortex around him, it disappeared instantly.

Around, everything returned to normal.

"What a ghost." Xiao Yi frowned as he looked at the sword in his hand.

"Forget it." Xiao Yi breathed a sigh of relief, and the sword in his hand dropped out.

Qiang...a ray of purple light came quickly.

Xiao Yi shook the purple power and smiled, "I still have my purple power in hand."

"Now, it's up to you." Xiao Yi looked straight at the people in the Dongfang Family in front of him.

Qiang... Xia Yiming held the sword again, eyes cold as frost.

"You rest and leave it to me next." Xiao Yi glanced at Xia Yiming.

Xia Yiming said solemnly, "How much power has the palace master restored now?"

"Not much." Xiao Yi said solemnly, "but killing them all is enough."

"No, run away." In the distance, Dongfang Jue's face changed drastically, and he shouted.

Before, even if they retreated quickly, they were still surrounded by the black air vortex and could not escape at all.

Now that the black air is gone, they can naturally escape.

"Want to run?" Xiao Yi grinned, "I said, if you want to kill me, then be prepared to be killed by me."


Xiao Yi stepped out abruptly.

Holding a sword in one hand, he was cold.

"Not good." In the distance, Dongfang Zhi's expression also changed drastically, "Quickly capture the Qinglin villain."

Dongfang Zhi has never been a fool.

The previous calculations, as well as the current plan, all proved that she was actually very shrewd.

If Qinglin was captured, Xiao Yi wouldn't dare to mess around.

However, in front of Xiao Yi, these thoughts are just a joke.


Xiao Yi's figure moved instantly.

The icy wind and snow came across the sky instantly, and it was the first to wrap around Qinglin, Ran Qi and others.

The purple sword, with thunder and amazing sword intent, went straight to the Dongfang family.

Qiang...At the same time, a sword aura suddenly arrived from a distance.

The sword aura was extremely fierce and fierce, and at the same time it hit Xiao Yi's sword with precision.

Xiao Yi's sword power, which was like a broken bamboo, collapsed in an instant, and was shaken back ten steps.

A figure stood firmly in front of Dongfang Jue's group.

The only person who can appear at this time and can retreat Xiao Yi...the Eastern Patriarch.

"Dongfang Patriarch?" Xiao Yi squinted, "What a coincidence."

"Little friend Xiao Yi misunderstood." Dongfang Patriarch said solemnly, "It was just after seeing the sudden fall of black snow outside the edge of the Demon Territory, with a terrifying aura, then came."

"Father." Dongfang Zhi's expression was overjoyed, "You can be regarded as coming."

"This little thief Xiao Yi and Xia Yiming have colluded with the demon clan, with bad intentions."

"After being discovered by us, we wanted to kill people and kill the elite of our Dongfang family."

"Fortunately you arrived, otherwise you will be defeated by this Xiao Yi thief..."

Boom...a loud sound.

Dongfang Zhi spit out blood and was directly blown away.

"Father..." Dongfang Zhi's face was full of disbelief.

Dongfang Patriarch's face was cold, "Is it really my father who is deaf and blind? I am good at adjusting 50,000 elites. I don't know if I was used as a gun, asshole."

Xiao Yi squinted his eyes, but he never put away the purple electricity in his hand.

"The Eastern Patriarch..."

"Little friend Xiao Yi, don't worry." Dongfang Patriarch took the lead in a deep voice, "I will give you an account of this matter."

"Come here." The Dongfang Patriarch yelled coldly, "Push this shameless girl into the prison. No one is allowed to let it go without my order."

"Father, you..." Dongfang Zhi's face was pale, and at the same time he was angry.

"Asshole, dare you say more?" The Dongfang Patriarch looked angry, "But are you going to kill you on the spot for your father?"

"Patriarch calm down." Dongfang Jue waited for the group of people and hurriedly bowed.


Third more.

Update today, over.

The update last night was updated yesterday morning, so it was not updated last night.

And tonight’s update is also posted early, so everyone doesn’t have to stay up late tonight.

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