Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 2573: plead?

The four young masters of the hidden world, two of them died in Xiao Yi's hands.

Yan Zhuo, and Feng Ziqiu.

The other Han Li died on the Demon Sacrifice Day.

In the end, the Guteng was broken into pieces by the Demon Sacrifice Sun, and then taken captive to the Demon Realm.

Not only did Xiao Yi rescue everyone, he naturally saved him by the way.

It's just that Gu Teng's bones are already broken, if not for his cultivation, he would have died long ago.

In order to save him, Xiao Yi didn't spend less on medicine.

"That fellow is not dead," Xiao Yi asked.

"No." Qing Lin shook his head, "The injury has stabilized, and most of his bones have recovered."

"Maybe in a few months, it should be cured."

"After all, Junior Brother Xiao Yi is a good method, and the pill given is a perfect pill with extremely strong potency."

"It's fine if you haven't died." Xiao Yi nodded.

Ran Qi asked in confusion, "Why, are you dating this guy again?"

"In my impression, you can't be considered as staying away from strangers, but you won't give a good face to those who don't have much friendship."

Xiao Yi hasn't answered yet.

Qing Lin glared at Ran Qi, "You stupid."

"The ancient family is the longest rumored family among the hidden families, and it is also an ancient and mysterious family like the Meng family, with a rich family background."

"This Guteng spent so much medicine for Junior Brother Xiao Yi. If he dies, who can Junior Brother Xiao Yi find compensation?"

Ran Qi's face twitched.

"What's wrong?" Qing Lin said, "My Junior Brother Xiao Yi tried my best to save people in the Demon Realm."

"You can't work hard to save people, and you have to suffer yourself. Put all the pills on, right?"

"Don't say anything else, let's return the large amount of pills that Junior Brother Xiao Yi spent anyway."

"Heh." Xiao Yi smiled, "When Gu Teng wakes up, you remember to mention him and ask him to write an IOU."

"Okay, wrap me." Qing Lin promised, patting his chest.

"Let's go." Xiao Yi said lightly, turned and left.

He came, just to see what happened to these two.

"Eh eh eh, wait a minute." Qing Lin quickly said, "Junior Brother Xiao Yi, did you have any accidents that day?"

"Huh?" Xiao Yi was puzzled.

Qing Lin said, "On the day you made a noise in the Dongfang family."

Ran Qi said coldly, "Just before you made a fuss, the elders, deacons and others of the Dongfang family warned us all the princes who lived from the demon territory for the rest of their lives."

Xiao Yi's eyes were cold, "Did they do nothing?"

Ran Qi shook his head, "No, they don't have the guts."

"They dare not attack the successors of the major forces."

Qing Lin answered, "It's bullying and lure."

"We ignored them."

"But we guessed that things are definitely not good, we are afraid that they will target you, Junior Brother Xiao Yi."

"Especially these two days, I always feel that the atmosphere of Dongfang Home is not right."

"Why is something wrong?" Xiao Yi asked.

Qing Lin thought for a moment, "Just treat us all with cold eyes."

"There are also Dongfang family members who pass by here, especially when Junior Brother Xiao Yi your courtyard, they all avoid them far away, as if they had seen a plague god."

"Heh." Xiao Yi smiled, "it couldn't be more normal."

"Okay, it's fine."

After that, Xiao Yi turned and left.

After leaving the residence of Qinglin and Ran Qi, Xiao Yi paused.

In front, a figure seemed to be waiting.

"Junior Brother Xiao Yi."

The figure is Mo You.

At this moment, Mo You's expression was extremely complicated.

Xiao Yi left without saying a word.

Mo You was also silent.

It wasn't until Xiao Yi passed him that he frowned and shouted again, "Junior Brother Xiao Yi."

Xiao Yi didn't stop, just walked.

"Hall Master Xiao Yi." Mo You gritted his teeth.

Xiao Yi stopped and glanced at him, "What's the matter?"

"Are you in serious trouble?" Mo You asked concerned, "I heard that when you left the demon domain, you were seriously injured and dying."

"In the first two days, I also fought with the Eastern Patriarch despite his injuries."

"I'm interested, it's okay." Xiao Yi shook his head, "Anything else?"

Mo You was silent for a while, shook his head, "Nothing."

Xiao Yi chuckled, "I thought you would intercede for Dongfang Zhi."

When the voice fell, Xiao Yi shook his head and walked straight away.

"Junior Brother Xiao Yi." Mo You shouted again, "Can you spare her life?"

"I was in retreat that day, otherwise, I would never let her mess around."

"I can abolish her cultivation base and let her rest in peace, but I only ask for her life."

Xiao Yi did not answer, but the figure had already walked away.

Mo You looked at the drifting back, and fell silent again.

I don't know when, this back is so strange to him.

I don't know when, he and him are like strangers, and even the two have no intersection, as if they have become people in different worlds.

But he did not blame Xiao Yi.

Because from the beginning, he was the one who made this choice.

"Junior Brother Xiao Yi." Mo You was stunned, unable to speak to himself.


It didn't take long.

In the courtyard of the mansion, a beautiful shadow is also waiting.

"Dance girl?" Xiao Yi frowned.

Qianying is an oriental dance.


Dongfang Wu knelt on her knees suddenly, some of which caught people off guard.

But at the same time, it seems reasonable.

Xiao Yi was stunned for a moment, then was silent, without saying a word.

He didn't even say, ‘what the dancer does, get up quickly’.

He just watched, simply watched.

Because he knows the purpose of Oriental Dance.

Xiao Yi can be silent.

But Dongfang Dance won't be stunned, "Wu'er begged Xiao Yi to let her sister make a living."

"Go back." Xiao Yi shook his head and walked straight away.

Dongfang Wu burst into tears, "Wu'er has never asked anyone, but if the lord Xiao Yi does not let her sister go, she will definitely die."

"For the past two days, my father, my second uncle, and the leaders have been quarreling endlessly."

"More than half of the leaders and elders supported the second uncle and handed over the sister, waiting for the eight palaces to be sent."

"Wu'er knows that with the disposition of the Lord Xiao Yi, her sister will undoubtedly die."

"Heh." Xiao Yi smiled, "The dancing girl also knows that she is a cruel, murderous person."

"Naturally, this time I won't be soft."

Xiao Yi glanced at Dongfang Dance, "I know that the dancer is very capable and intelligent."

"I also know that dancers can speak like flowers and talk endlessly with persuasive words."

"But." Xiao Yi's tone was cold, "I said, this time, I won't sell anyone's face."

"Perhaps, I used to have a good temper, but that's only because sometimes some people are like ants to me, and it's not worth mentioning."

"But I will never be soft on those who stand in my way."

"I still have certain things to do, something more important than my personal creed and even my destiny, so I have never been soft on those who stand in the way."

"Today, the same."

When the voice fell, Xiao Yi left indifferently.


Time passed quietly.

Night fell in an instant.

"Stay till late at night is the deadline." Xiao Yi held his hands and looked at the night sky.

Swish...Beside, a figure appeared out of thin air.

That is Dongfang Yingyun.

Dongfang Yingyun looked at Xiao Yi coldly, his eyes full of resentment.

"What? Do you want to kill me?" Xiao Yiqing smiled coldly.

Dongfang Yingyun took a deep breath and said coldly, "Hall Master Xiao Yi, Patriarch would like to please."

"This time the shame, my Dongfang family took note of it."


Eighth more.

Update today, over.

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