Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 2578: Old Demon Lord Galo

All around, everything is frozen.

No matter the spiritual sense or the breath, they are all invincible to the extreme ice storm, cold and frozen.

In the distance ahead, Dongfang Zhi's face was startled first, and then his face was cold again, "Little Thief Xiao Yi, do you think this is over?"

Xiao Yi ignored it. With a move of his fingertips, the Purple Lightning Sword that had been shaken in the distance was about to leap back.


Suddenly, a powerful arm appeared out of thin air and grabbed the hilt.

No matter how the Purple Lightning Sword trembles, it can't get rid of it.

"Huh?" Xiao Yi frowned.

The arms are black all over, with a little bit of decay, hideous and inexplicable.

Looking along the arm, it was a rotten be precise, it was rotten spiritual sense.

"Ninety thousand levels, still at the level of the demon master." Xiao Yi's expression was slightly surprised.

He doesn't care about the general 90,000 Dao.

But for the ninety thousand Dao of the Demon Lord's level, he needs at least two bursts of ice patterns and a purple electric divine sword to kill them easily.

Now Zidian is not in hand, although it is not afraid, but it takes some effort to deal with it.

"In these three days, it seems that you have prepared a lot of effort." Xiao Yi squinted to look at Dongfang Zhi.

Although Dongfang Zhi was also the cultivation base of the Holy Venerable Realm, his strength was limited.

With her cultivation base, if she wanted to make such a big move, she had to control 90,000 levels, which was impossible in a short time.

Obviously, Dongfang Zhi had been preparing for three full days here, and a large array had been laid out around him.

Dongfang Zhi sneered, "Little thief Xiao Yi, since I knew you were cruel, how could I not be guarded?"

"From the moment you stepped into this area, it is destined that today is your death date."

Dongfang Zhi waved his hand.

Bang... bang... bang... bang...

The black air around, surging again.

A total of four rotten spiritual senses appeared out of thin air, all at the level of the demon master.

Dongfang Dance's expression has changed drastically, "They are the five deceased leaders of my Dongfang family."

"The elders of the five major legions of the previous generation." Dongfang Dance trembled.

Counting the spiritual consciousness holding the purple light now, there are exactly five.

"Sister, you..."

"It's strange, isn't it?" Dongfang Zhi sneered, "They were originally enshrined in the clan land."

"It's just that they are strong enough that even if they die, their spiritual consciousness will still last for a long time."

Xiao Yi squinted, "It's not that their spiritual consciousness is long-lasting, it's that they choose to transform into inheritance and exist in the family land, right?"

Xiao Yi knew very well that some strong men would leave behind their own inheritance before dying, and then carry them with spiritual consciousness.

These spiritual senses have no memories, no thoughts, but some fearless predecessors want to better pass on their abilities to future generations through this method.

However, even so, these spiritual consciousness will still slowly wear away as the years go by.

But this time will be much slower than ordinary spiritual consciousness.

A normal martial artist will die when he dies, and his body will disappear, spiritual sense, breath, etc., everything will dissipate the world.

Even if it is preserved in a special way, it will not be able to exert its previous strength.

Pure spiritual consciousness will not have combat power at all.

But... now these five spiritual senses clearly exudes an astonishing aura and possesses the power of combat during his lifetime.

"Baizhihua's ability is really weird." Xiao Yi was secretly shocked.

This is obviously Dongfang Zhi's martial soul power.

At this moment, he understood.

It is Dongfang Zhi's martial soul that really detains the soul.

Juhuo Lingling is the Wuhun effect.

It is the effect of the Styx Array that allows these spiritual senses to regain their strength and have combat power.

It's just that the Baizhi Flower Martial Soul, let the power of the Styx Array explode to the fullest.

To put it more simply, there is a perfect fit, even a match made in heaven, between the Baizhihua Wuhun and the Styx Formation.

These spiritual senses, after being detained by Dongfang Zhi, through the big formation, let them explode before birth.


Just at this time, a strand of white light emerged.

A white flower appeared out of thin air.

The flowers are white all over, white and flawless.

That is the Angelica dahurica flower.

Xiao Yi squinted.

Angelica dahurica flower, also called no shore flower.

He had heard of this kind of martial arts, and he knew it.

But as far as he knew, this kind of martial soul was definitely not an evil martial soul.

Angelica dahurica flower, white and pure, had its owners in ancient times, and became a generation of strong refining medicine.

The most famous is the ancestors of the human race who took the lead in rebelling against the demon race in the ancient times. One of them is the owner of the Baizhihua Wuhun and one of the founders of the Yaozun Hall.

Xiao Yi was curious about Baizhihua, but he was not too concerned.

However, this Styx formation is the most evil formation in the world. Who taught Dongfang Zhi this formation?

Xiao Yi's eyes narrowed tightly, and it seemed that everything had to wait until Dongfang Zhi was captured before he knew the answer.


Xiao Yi waved his big hand, and a wave of wind and snow gathered around Dongfang Dance.

"The dancer girl stays here, don't go out of the wind and snow."

"Yeah." Dongfang Wu nodded, "Hall Master Xiao Yi be careful."

far away.

Dongfang Zhi sneered, "Tell him to be careful? He is about to die."


Dongfang Zhi put his hands together, and the spirit of Bai Zhi Hua in front of him was exhausted.

Within the large array, a larger strand of black light continued to condense.

Heimang, condensed and formed at a very fast speed, and gradually you can see its full picture.

It was a huge figure, a human body, but with wings.

"The Jialuo family?" Xiao Yi frowned.

Just looking at the appearance, it is obviously the appearance of the Jialuo family.

Dongfang Dance seemed to think of something, and his expression changed drastically, "That's...not good, Palace Master Xiao Yi will stop my sister, that is the spiritual sense of Old Demon Venerable Jia Luo."

Old Demon Venerable Galo, it is rumored that many years ago, the old patriarch of the Eastern family, Dongfang Kuanglan, and this generation of patriarch, Dongfang Jinglong, jointly sacked and killed.

Therefore, the Jialuo clan hated the Eastern family.

This generation of Jialuo Yaozun also hates mankind.

Xiao Yi's face changed slightly, and he shot instantly.

The figure moved for a moment, the ice and snow condensed in his hand, and an ice and snow sword was held in his hand.


The four spiritual consciousnesses all embraced.

"Get off." Xiao Yi yelled coldly, with twenty-four ice slashes, one by one.

Xiao Yi went straight to the Styx array.

Within the big formation, the black mang had already taken shape.

The four spiritual consciousness hit again.


Four consecutive roars, four consecutive ice-breaking slashes.

The four spiritual senses flew again.

Boom... Click...

At this moment, a thunder came violently.

The Thunder came without warning, but seemed to be prepared early, and was extremely fast.

Thunder, like an angry beast, blasted Xiao Yi's back.

Above the Thunder Fury Beast, the momentum was violent, and it was obviously a killer blow.

In front, a smirk flashed from the corner of Dongfang Zhi's mouth.

In her opinion, Xiao Yi was anxious to prevent her from condensing the spiritual sense of Old Demon Venerable Galo. On the one hand, he had to deal with the four extremely powerful spiritual senses, and he must have been in a hurry.

Xiao Yi had no purple lightning in his hand, and with a sword condensed by wind and snow, he would definitely exhaust himself after splitting the four spiritual senses, and he was in a time when his successor was weak.

At this moment, how can he block the mortal blow coming from behind?

But Xiao Yi was surprised at first, and then sneered, "It's you who are waiting."


As soon as Xiao Yi stepped on his feet, he stabilized his figure and shot out with a backhand sword.

"Promise Breaking Ice Slash."


A sword blasted out, and 60 swords arrived at the same time.

The mortal blow of the Thunder Fury Beast was like a joke under this shocking sword.

The thunder and lightning shattered every inch, like shattered ice under the ice.

The angry beast collapsed suddenly, revealing a figure, which flew under the sword in an instant, spouting a mouthful of blood.

It is the Oriental Kylin.


Second more.

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