Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 2580: Nine Qu Styx

This short-term confrontation is at the same level of combat power.

However, Oriental Kylin failed in just ten moves.

The Eastern Kylin has a powerful enough martial spirit, this point, Xiao Yi is not as good as him.

But on the contrary, Xiao Yi never relied too much on his martial soul.

Even if the Bingluan Sword was strong enough, it would be horrible every time it was used, so Xiao Yi would not use this martial soul if it was unnecessary.

Not to mention the Fire Control Beast.

But this is also the case. When the martial soul that others are proud of cannot be used as a basis for defeating Xiao Yi, then this opponent will be vulnerable to Xiao Yi.

When others can only reach Xiao Yi's height by relying on the power of Martial Soul, Xiao Yi's combat power can easily crush his opponent.

Xiao Yi's sword is now on the throat of the Oriental Kylin.

Dongfang Qilin looked angry, and obviously had no plans to stop.

"It's the best choice for you two now." Xiao Yi said coldly.

"If you still don't give up, stop blaming me for being ruthless under the sword."

"Brother." In the distance, Dongfang Dance exclaimed anxiously, "Stop it."

"Impossible." Dongfang Qilin's face was cold.

"Do you think we are defeated?"

Boom... Just at this moment, an invisible force bombarded.

Xiao Yi only felt that the spiritual consciousness trembled, which was not a major problem, but it was stagnant.

This stagnant moment was enough for the Oriental Kylin to grasp the sword abruptly, crush it heavily, and then the unicorn claw took Xiao Yi's throat straight.

Xiao Yi returned to normal in an instant, holding a sword to block.

But he was rushed to block, so he was shaken back several steps.

"This is a dignified battle?" Xiao Yi looked directly at Dongfang Qilin coldly, disdainfully.

Dongfang Qilin sneered, "If you want to take my sister, that is the one I will kill for Dongfang Qilin."

"The battle of life and death, you can't blame me."

"Take your life."

The oriental unicorn came straight from Xiao Yi.

"I can't help myself." Xiao Yi waved a sharp sword in his hand.


Suddenly, the wind blew around me.

The evil spiritual sense that was originally frozen, and the four leading spiritual senses, all turned into repeated black energy.

Within the large array of Styx, more and more astonishing black energy gushed out at this moment.

Dongfang Zhi spit out blood.

But at this moment, the aura of the black air far exceeded before.


The black air is already pitch black, like ink, rushing, like a long river of cold.

At the same time, wisps of extremely cold black air surrounded Xiao Yi's waist.

"This..." Xiao Yi's face was startled.

The weird degree of Bai Zhihua had already exceeded his original expectations.

In his perception, the level of the river of black energy surging around is already close to the current combat power of the Eastern Kylin.

At the same time, Xiao Yi felt cold all over his body, and his spiritual consciousness trembled inexplicably.

Dongfang Zhi emptied his hands, sneered triumphantly, "Nine Qu Styx, no shore and no life."

"Little Thief Xiao Yi, you are dead."

"Disperse it to me." Xiao Yi yelled coldly, trying to disperse the black air surging around him.

But Oriental Kylin will obviously not give him this opportunity.

A pair of unicorn beast hands, crazy attack.

Xiao Yi gritted his teeth and swung his sword to block.


Xiao Yi turned the wind and snow and planned to solve the Eastern Kylin first.

A pair of unicorn beast hands of Dongfang Qilin really went empty.

But when Xiao Yi condensed again, the surging black energy was like maggots attached to bones, and he instantly added himself again.

"What's going on?" Xiao Yi was surprised.

Without waiting for him to think about it, the Oriental Kylin has arrived in an instant.

A pair of unicorn beast hands contain amazing thunder, powerful.

Xiao Yi swung his sword to meet the enemy, but every time he wanted to gain the upper hand, his spiritual sense trembled suddenly and his sword was unstable.

"Damn it." Xiao Yi's face was instantly ugly.

The combination of these two brothers and sisters indeed far exceeded his expectations.

The current combat power of the Eastern Kylin is infinitely close to the level of the demon, and equal to him.

And Dongfang Zhi's combat power at the moment, although not as good as Dongfang Qilin, but only slightly worse.

As a price, Dongfang Zhi's face became paler and blood was overflowing from his mouth.

At the same time, to deal with two opponents whose combat power was equal to his own, he had to face these weird methods, and even Xiao Yi felt a bit difficult.

"Zidian, come back." Xiao Yi shook the Eastern Kirin back with a sword.

With a finger move, he was about to withdraw the Purple Lightning Divine Sword, but the black energy on his body suddenly surged, stopping his movement.

The Oriental Kylin has struck again in an instant.

"Damn it." Xiao Yi could only congeal the wind and snow sharp sword in his hand again and fought with it.

If such an endless battle is prolonged, it will waste time on the one hand, and will be quite troublesome on the other hand, and even accidents will occur.

He chose to end the fight as soon as possible.

Having prevented him from retrieving Zidian, then...

Xiao Yi once again smashed Dongfang Qilin with a sword, his figure flashed, and took Dongfang Zhi away.

Capture Dongfang Zhi first, so that Bai Zhihua's weird effects will not be added, and then the battle will end easily.

"Don't think about it." Dongfang Qilin apparently saw through Xiao Yi's mind and suddenly turned into a thunder.

Xiao Yi only took Dongfang Zhi and went straight away, but the figure could not get close in the future and was already stopped by Dongfang Qilin.

"It seems that you have to die." Xiao Yi's eyes were cold, and he slashed with a heavy sword.

The sword fell, and the sword shadow was heavy.

Oriental Kylin's pupils shrank, and his hands blocked the sword.


This time, the hand that was as powerful as a unicorn beast was also cut, blood flowing.

Black energy surged on Xiao Yi's body, gritted his teeth, and supported the trembling spiritual pain.

Dongfang Qilin held the sharp sword in both hands, "Want to take my sister? Then I will kill you first."

Oriental Kylin tried to forcibly crush the ice and snow sword.

However, the smashed ice of Promise is simply not what the Eastern Kylin can forcibly contend.

Xiao Yi held the sword in one hand, and his eyes were as cold as frost.

If he had to block his way, he didn't mind killing them all.

In front of him, Dongfang Zhi's mouth was full of blood, and he shouted fiercely, "Wu'er, are you going to watch your brother be killed by this little thief with his hands cut off?"

"I..." In the distance, Dongfang Wu looked at Dongfang Qilin's bleeding hands, and instantly his eyes were cold.

Click, click...

For a moment when Dongfang Wu's eyes were cold, the space around Xiao Yi instantly became frozen like a mirror.

"Huh?" Xiao Yi clearly felt that there was an inexplicable and powerful force in him. Although invisible, it was powerful and inexplicable.

This force not only freezes the space, but even tries to freeze him.

However, once he freezes the battle at this level, even if it only takes a little time, it is enough for the Eastern Kylin to take his life instantly.

"Dancing girl, you." Xiao Yi glanced at Dongfang Wu, his face pale.

Dongfang Wu's eyes were cold, "No one can hurt my brother, neither can you."

In the air, the force of freezing became more and more surging.

It was obviously impossible to stop Xiao Yi in a fixed position. Dongfang Dance didn't have this ability yet.

But Xiao Yi also felt that the sword he had fallen now seemed to be hindered by a monstrous force, and his surroundings were being continuously suppressed and restrained by this force.

"Damn it." Xiao Yi cursed secretly, his expression ugly.

"Break it for me."

Xiao Yi's vitality exploded, and the power of the three major ice patterns exploded violently.


The collision of the two forces instantly shattered the surrounding space like a mirror.

But at the same time, the broken space was instantly repaired, and the restraining force imposed on him became stronger.

"Hall Master Xiao Yi, stop." Dongfang Wu's eyes were cold.

Xiao Yi also had cold eyes, "You can't hold me down."

Dongfang Zhi sneered, "Wu'er, you see, this little thief wants to kill even you now."

"This guy is cruel and cruel, and he is a monster."


Fourth more. (burst)

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