Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 2615: Arrived, the place of cold and silence

The martial artist, starting from the extreme realm, can control a trace of martial arts power.

In the celestial realm, control one; in the holy realm, ten articles; in the holy king realm, 100 articles; in the holy emperor realm, thousands of articles.

The realm of the Holy Venerable, Ten Thousands, also known as the Holy Venerable Ten Thousand Ways.

However, from this path of cultivation, there is first vitality and then martial arts power.

The same is true for breakthroughs. First, when the original energy is stored up enough, and the breakthrough is about to happen, only then did he descend into the martial arts of heaven and earth and absorb one complete martial arts.

After the entire martial art is absorbed and stored in the small world, the martial artist can exert the effects of various martial art powers.

For example, the fusion of martial arts power and one's own vitality produces amazing martial arts.

For example, the power of martial art resonates with the martial art of heaven and earth, producing various amazing martial art effects.

This is the normal warrior method.

When it comes to the title of Liuheng, the opposite is true.

Obviously his realm is not enough, and his own control of the elemental power or demon element is not enough, but he can mobilize even greater power of the martial art of heaven and earth to achieve quite astonishing power.

If you have to say the difference between the two.

That is the human martial artist, a huge elemental power, and with the huge martial arts power, an extremely huge combat power has erupted.

The title of Liuheng is ten times the greater martial arts power, and with a few demon elements, it has erupted to the extreme.

This is the title of Senluo, or the purpose of that token.

Today, Xiao Yi's own control of karma is the same.

That Sen Luo token is useless to him, because he is not a monster at all and cannot use Yuan Li.

But today's karmic fire ability is different, because this is the ability that the fire control beast has already controlled.

He could use this to mobilize the karma fire martial arts power of the Law of the Demon Territory, and burst out the real power belonging to the karma fire title.

Of course, the premise is that he first resolves the current confrontational power in his body.

Therefore, he must go to the place of cold and silence.

"Liuheng Demon Lord can dominate the Demon Realm, and even control the laws of heaven and earth with one word. I think I understand the reason." Xiao Yi secretly said.

"Huh." Breathing out lightly, Xiao Yi stabilised his breath while laying a few more seals in his body to prevent accidents.

Of course, in fact he still has a problem at the moment.

This trouble is also in his body, but even the mad lion demon venerable does not know it.

It is the seal of the seal of interest.

In Xiao Yi's inward vision, the seal of the Sealed Breath that existed in the small world, the sword seal itself was very stable, and he had mastered the Six Frightening Demon Swords sufficiently.

However, at the same time, the sword print itself is very unstable.

The two are not contradictory.

The sword seal itself is very strong; however, the consequences caused by it made Xiao Yi secretly bitter at the moment.

On the sword print, a trace of inexplicable power was attacking his Dao Heart.

"Six Frightening Demon Swords, the black demon can confine the sky." Xiao Yi frowned secretly.

"But who is the one who seals the sky?"

"It's a demon!"

Xiao Yi thought secretly.

Six Swords of Frightening Demon, there are six swords, and each has its own seal.

Although the strength of the sword seal is inexplicable, Xiao Yi recognizes it.

This is obviously magic power.

It is very similar to his magic path state, almost exactly the same, but there are some differences.

Shura warding off fire is for demons; Shura refining medicine is undead.

The magic way is also different.

The Seal of Breath Sword Seal, what really works is not the kendo, but the demon path, the demon demon.

The Six Swords of Frightening Demons, as the name suggests, use the extremely subtle and profound swordsmanship to alarm demons and use the power of this seal to achieve the unexpected effect of ghosts and gods.

Six swords have one demon in each system; one sword strikes one demon; when six swords come out, all six demon are shocked, and they have the power to seal the sky.

It is not so much the power of the six swords, but the power of the six demons.

The power of the Six Demons is shown vividly with the help of kendo mystery.

The Sealed Breath Sword Seal borrows the power of the Sealed Breath Demon.

It stands to reason that there will be no surprises, including the use of six surprise swords in the past, no problem.

But this time, what was sealed by the Seal of Breath Sword was the leftover power of Xingluo Mie Shenzhu; this power could even pose a threat to the level of the main hall master. Naturally, it was completely beyond Xiao Yi's current level. The shackles of the sealed breath sword seal.

The Seal of Breath Sword Seal is indeed very strong, sealing more than half of the cold power in it.

But now, the power of breath demon that was shocked was beyond the point that his Dao Heart could easily control.

In other words, besides the troubles of his physical condition, Daoxin is also suffering from troubles.

Xiao Yi squinted, "Frightening the devil, the power of the gods and ghosts is possible, but there are too many alarms, but it is like playing with fire, and the consequences are unpredictable."

Once his Dao Heart is damaged, the consequences may be more serious than he expected.

But on the contrary, if one's own Dao Heart can withstand this attack by the power of Demon Dao, it will definitely be able to take it to the next level.

"Drink." Xiao Yi whispered suddenly.

Boom...Around the cave, a more gloomy atmosphere than the ghosts and monsters haunted the cave.

Liu Gui Yao's expression was shocked, and he looked at Xiao Yi together, and his expression turned into horror.

In their eyes, behind Xiao Yi, there seemed to be a hideous phantom like a demon, with a grinning grin, and exuding an extremely ancient atmosphere, like an ancient **** and demon.

This **** and demon suddenly opened his eyes.

"Hiss." Liu Gui Yao took a breath.

The gaze alone made them cold and shivering unconsciously.

"Get off." Xiao Yi shouted violently.

The sound fell, the breath disappeared, and the phantom disappeared.

In the situation just now, the attack of the inner demons is hard to resist, and the signs of backlash are showing.

"Six Frightening Demon Swords are really terrifying." Xiao Yi squinted.

"Go." Xiao Yi stood up abruptly.

The ghost frowned and said, "Master, didn't you mean to rest for an hour?"

"No more." Xiao Yi shook his head indifferently, "There are a lot of trouble, so I can solve it quickly, and then I will prepare it again."

"No matter how troublesome it is, one after the other, even if my methods are monstrous, it will not be too powerful."

"This time, before leaving the Demon Territory, I have to solve all these troubles at once." Xiao Yi's eyes were cold, and his figure moved, flying out of the cave first.

A group of people set off again.


After half an hour.

Xiao Yi glanced under his eyes and frowned slightly.

Guiyi reported, "Lord, below is the sphere of influence of the Black Meng Kingdom."

"To be precise, there is no dark place."

Xiao Yi nodded, "Ignore it for the time being, and enter in my current state. If there is an accident, I may not be able to deal with it."

"I'll talk about it when I come back from the land of cold silence."

Whoosh whoosh...

A group of people crossed the white fog forest.


An hour later.

Huh... Around, the cold wind howled, icy cold.

"This is the place of the cold world?" Xiao Yi frowned.

Here, it is basically a world of ice and snow.

On the surface, it is no different from the endless snow mountain in the Ice Palace.

It's just that there is a sense of sorrow in the cold here.

The ghost nodded, "Advancing all the way, and at the end is the land of cold silence, the land of my ghost and monster clan."

As the ghost spoke, an inexplicable grin crossed the corner of his mouth.

"There, the Lord will surprise you."

"Is the Lord ready?"


Third more.

Update today, over.

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