Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 2617: Ghost Demon Clan Temple

"Lord... Lord... Lord..."

At this moment, Xiao Yi was suddenly dizzy, weak and inexplicable.

Echoes came from my ears, which made my ears hurt.

"Hiss." Xiao Yi took a breath, and his body shook for a moment, returning to normal.

"Master... Master... Master..."

In my ears, there are still echoes.

Xiao Yibai gave the six ghosts a glance, "I heard it, don't bark."

Xiao Yi scanned the surroundings and shook his head slightly, "The place of cold and silence is actually so strange."

At this moment, his whole body strength was actually suppressed in an instant.

Yes, it was almost the moment he stepped into this dark area, the huge vitality in the small world inside his body was instantly suppressed.

That kind of suppression is even more like a sudden full force of vitality, and vitality does not exist.

This situation where the huge vitality of his body suddenly disappeared, Fang made him extremely weak at that moment.

Of course, after all, his physical strength was amazing, so he only reacted in a flash, and he was no stranger.

And the sound transmissions coming from my ears came from the voices of six ghosts.

The voices of the six ghosts and demons were not very loud, but they echoed in the darkness.

"As expected to be the master." The ghost looked at Xiao Yi and said in surprise, "How could he react so quickly, and his body adapted instantly."

An inexplicable disappointment flashed past the ghost's glance.

Xiao Yi glanced at Guiyi and said, "Tell me, what's going on here."

Xiao Yi frowned, a little uncomfortable.

But the six ghosts and monsters are unobstructed, even without any influence.

"Go to the Lord..." Gui Er just wanted to answer.

"I'll come." The ghost took the lead, "Here is the land of cold silence, the clan of our ghost and monster clan."

"It's very quiet here, there is no sound, not even the sound of the wind, there is only endless cold here, like a ghost domain."

"Our voices are a little louder, and they will always be echoing."

Guier scratched his head and said, "We used to speak very quietly."

"It was only after I followed the Lord that I became more normal. No, I came back to the clan for a while and didn't react."

In the past, the six ghosts and demons spoke with a quiet voice, which made people uncomfortable and even harsh.

Later, Xiao Yi got tired of listening and asked them to speak more normally.

No, the six ghosts and demons now speak no different from normal people.

And back here in the land of cold silence, even if you speak normally, your voice will be infinitely amplified.

"Let's go, and say while walking." Xiao Yi deliberately lowered his voice.

For one thing, in this dark and gloomy environment, there were constant echoes, terrible and inexplicable.

Secondly, this kind of constant echo will make people uncomfortable.

Liu Gui Yao suddenly adapted to it, speaking in a dark voice.

Xiao Yi walked all the way, frowning more and more. Apart from the darkness, it was extremely desolate.

This feeling is very strange.

Obviously, not far away is visible to the naked eye, and there is a vast expanse of white snow.

Here, the opposite is true.

Black and white change instantly.

In this cold and silent land, it seems that even light cannot penetrate, or that there is no light.

For a long while.

"Icy cold, gloomy, heavy snow, and extremely desolate." Xiao Yi frowned, "This is the first time I have seen such a harsh environment."

As Guiyi said at the beginning, the place of cold silence is almost the worst and cruelest place in the world.

Here, year-round blizzards, sometimes white days lasting for hundreds of days, sometimes night falls for more than half a year; during the day, there is no night, and it is impossible to even appear under the violent sunlight even in the dark.

When it is dark, the night is full of the whole world, and even the strongest sunlight can't penetrate in, and can't bring half light to this black and cold world.

Here, no grass grows, no plants can grow there, even the toughest treasures of heaven and earth; no creatures or humans can stay there for a long time, even if the strength is high enough.

Here, there is only endless desolation, and there is no breath of vitality. It seems that all living things are out of place when they step into it.

"Except for the ghost and monster clan, I am afraid that no other monster clan can live here." Xiao Yi said solemnly.

"Yes." The ghost nodded, "So the land of cold silence is the clan land of our ghost and monster clan."

"The rules of heaven and earth here are also extremely chaotic."

"Any human martial artist or demon clan powerhouse stepping into this place will be completely suppressed by the power and demon in an instant."

"Just like the Lord just now."

"And our ghosts and monsters, because they were born here and have reproduced here for generations, so we are used to the environment here, so there is no impact."

"Or..." Guiyi stared at Xiao Yi.

Xiao Yi squinted his eyes, "In other words, the laws of heaven and earth in this cold and silent land are invalid for you ghosts and monsters."

Xiao Yi felt it slightly, "To be precise, it should be a fit."

"Yes, the Lord really has insights." The ghost nodded.

As he moved forward, Xiao Yi frowned even more tightly.

"The suppression has become more obvious, and even my physical strength is being restricted." Xiao Yi frowned.

Here, almost everything does not exist.

No matter how great the Yuan Power or the Demon Yuan.

Now, Xiao Yi can clearly feel that his physical strength is constantly fading.

Xiao Yi frowned and moved on.

"Although it is desolate here, it is your family land anyway. Is it possible that there is not even a little house or something?"

The surrounding area is empty, making people seem to be in a desolate and desolate land, where no grass grows, although the earth is covered by thick snow, it is difficult to conceal the dry and cracked atmosphere.

"Uh, this." The ghost curled his lips. "Almost nothing."

"The Land of Cold Silence is too big. Although it is only the end of the Land of Cold Silence, its breadth is by no means less than the scope of a huge kingdom plus several principalities."

"At the peak of our ghost and monster clan, there were only a few hundred people."

"So we are all used to wandering in this dark night, wherever we love to live, if we are strong, we can open up a small space."

"But the contrast is within the space, we prefer to be in this kind of darkness."

The ghost frowned and said, "The Lord came up to the land of cold and quiet for the sake of the ghost and the fruit, don't you go and get it first?"

"Not in a hurry." Xiao Yi shook his head. "It's rare to come to the place of cold and silence. I would like to see the situation here."

At this time, Gui Er said, "The Lord wants to visit our clan land?"

"If it is the only building, there is only the clan shrine."

Gui San Dao, "After passing the clan shrine, there is the Holy Land behind, and the Gui Dao Guo is within the Holy Land."

"The Lord is just right to get it after the tour."

"You bastards." The ghost drank coldly for a moment.

"Is the clan temple a place that outsiders can enter casually?"

Gui Er took it for granted, "Big Brother, now the entire ghost and monster clan, there are only six of us left."

"The clan temple has long been abandoned."

"Besides, the Lord is not an outsider."

The ghost smiled and said, "It is rare that the Lord will come up to our hometown. We should do our best to be a landlord."


Second more.

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